Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2166 I, Ling Feng, am back! (3 updates)

"Isn't it amazing? How did we get back?"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng, her beautiful eyes filled with shock and surprise.

"Haha, it's probably just luck. I discovered at the last moment that I still have a trump card. I'll be back soon!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and changed the subject: "How is it? How do you feel? Do you need to take a few more Qi and Blood Pills?"

"Tch, don't change the subject, tell me now!"

Obviously, Yu Junyao was very curious about why Ling Feng could take her back to the West Sword Region, but Ling Feng just laughed and tried to deal with it.

Yu Junyao asked several times, but when she saw that Ling Feng was unwilling to say anything, she stopped pressing.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and it is always good to come back alive.

About half a month later, outside Yueling City.

It's noon and the sun is high!

Thousands of beams of light are like sword light, penetrating the void, illuminating the earth, refracting dazzling light.

Bathed in the scorching sun and wearing indigo robes, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao walked side by side into this long-lost city.

The long-lost familiarity spread from the soles of his feet to his entire body, causing Ling Feng to shudder involuntarily.

"I'm back! I'm finally back!"

Ling Feng showed a hint of joy on his face and strode forward towards his Lingyun Villa.

Although he had only stayed in Miluo Continent for a few months, Ling Feng felt as if he was in another world.

As soon as he came back, Ling Feng immediately wanted to return to his Lingyun Villa. He knew that once he disappeared, the Lingyun Alliance would inevitably face suppression from several other major alliances. Therefore, he wanted to know what the current situation of the Lingyun Alliance was.

In Yueling City, there seemed to be fewer warriors coming and going. When Ling Feng arrived at Lingyun Villa, he found that there was only one burly man guarding the villa.

Except for this guy, there is no one else in the village.

"you you you……"

When the big member saw Ling Feng, he rubbed his eyes desperately, even doubting whether he had seen it wrong. His fingers pointing at Ling Feng trembled, unable to suppress the shock and excitement in his heart.

"Are you... Big Head?"

Ling Feng glanced at the big guy and immediately recalled that his name was Dong Liang. Because his head looked bigger, his friends around him called him Big Tou.

When the Lingyun League was founded, Dong Liang was also one of the first members to join, and he could be regarded as one of the elders of the Lingyun League.

"It's me! It's me!"

Hearing Ling Feng call out his nickname, Dong Liang showed a hint of ecstasy, "Leader, I didn't expect that you still remember me!"

Yu Junyao pouted her lips and snorted softly: "Just remember your alliance leader, didn't I, the elder, see it?"

"Elder Jade!"

Then Dong Liang glanced at Yu Junyao and scratched the back of his head shyly, "Well, wasn't it that I was so excited to see the leader of the alliance?"

As he said that, he looked at Ling Feng again and said in a deep voice: "Union Leader, I didn't expect you to really come back. Many people said you were dead, but I don't believe it. Alliance Leader, you are such a powerful person, how could you die?" ?”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. During his trip to Miluo Continent, he almost died several times.

"Since you are back, Alliance Leader, our Lingyun Alliance will be saved!"

Dong Liang's eyes were red. This big, steel-like man actually looked so excited that he was about to cry. Ling Feng could almost imagine that during this time, the members of the Lingyun Alliance would have a difficult time.

After all, when the Lingyun Alliance was at its peak, it had close to tens of thousands of members. How can it be like now, with so few people and only one member left as a gatekeeper?

Moreover, he is still a veteran like Datou.

"Thank you for your hard work during this time!"

Ling Feng reached out and patted Datou on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Where is Hall Master Xiao? Is he in the villa?"

Hall Master Xiao is naturally Xiao Juanyun. Ling Feng, the alliance leader, is only in name, but Xiao Juanyun is actually the leader of the Lingyun Alliance, and he does everything himself.

However, due to his limited strength, he would be unable to support himself without him.

"Hall Master Xiao went to take some elders to participate in the hunting competition. During this period of time, our Lingyun League members have been having a very difficult time. Most of the members have withdrawn from the Lingyun League. Even if there are still some who have not withdrawn, in fact, They are just in name, and they dare not come to Lingyun Village, nor participate in any activities of our alliance, nor even dare to participate in missions together, without the resources and funds of our Lingyun Alliance. It was difficult to maintain. Although Hall Master Xiao could subsidize it himself at the beginning, but later..."

"Hey, in short, there are not many people left in our Lingyun League now. Even Hall Master Xiao can only perform some low-level tasks, and even so, he often encounters suppression from other leagues!"

When Dong Liang talked about being angry, his veins popped out with hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I couldn't hold it back last time and got into a fight with those bastards. Later, Hall Master Xiao said that I was too impulsive, so he let me I'll stay at the Villa."

"Is that really the case..."

Ling Feng sighed softly. Without him, other alliances would become unscrupulous.

Moreover, the news that he had been sealed away by the corpse soul has spread out. Even if he is not dead, others will only regard him as a waste.

Maybe it will get worse.

However, now that he is back, it’s time to change everything!

"By the way, where is Elder Chu?"

Ling Feng thought for a while and asked about Chu Chaonan again.

"Elder Chu hasn't come back for a long time. If it weren't for Hall Master Xiao, our Lingyun Alliance would have been completely disbanded."

Dong Liang thought for a while and then said: "Oh, by the way, there is also Xiao Hen, the fourth young master of the Xiao family. He has helped us rescue several times. If it weren't for him, the people from the Eastern Alliance and the Thunder Alliance would probably More unscrupulous.”

"Brother Xiao Hen?"

The figure of Xiao Hen appeared in Ling Feng's mind. Although this guy looked cold and inhumane, he still seemed to remember that he was a member of the Ling Yun Alliance.

In fact, with his strength, even if he faces Dongfang Chun, he can probably win 50-50.

"Okay, now that I'm back, I will solve all this! Lingyun Alliance will not fall! I will tell everyone with the sword in my hand that I, Ling Feng, am back!"

Ling Feng patted Dong Liang's shoulder. Although Ling Feng had no intention of creating an alliance at the beginning, since there were still people who persisted, no matter what, he would fight to the end for these people who persisted.

After all, he is the leader of Lingyun Alliance!


Dong Liang's eyes flashed with great excitement, "I knew it, I knew you would definitely return as the king!"

"Tell me, Hall Master Xiao, where he is hunting, and I will go find him!"

Ling Feng stared at Dong Liang and asked in a deep voice.

"Western Suburbs, Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

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