Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2167 Hunting Competition! (1 update)

The Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts is located on the western outskirts of Yueling City. It is a very huge forest. Along this forest, heading west, it leads directly to the territory of the demon clan, the demon domain.

Although the overall strength of the Western Sword Territory far exceeds that of the Eastern Spirit Territory, they also have their own powerful enemies, the demon clan.

Although the two clans had established relative peace after hundreds of years of fighting, Ling Feng's killing of Young Master Jin Jiao had become a flashpoint between the two clans.

Although the situation seems to be relatively stable, there is no doubt that once the news of Ling Feng's return reaches the demon clan, he will probably face the wrath of the golden demon dragon clan.

Even the anger of the entire demon clan!

Of course, Ling Feng didn't think about that much at the moment, he just wanted to reunite with his former friends as soon as possible.

As the leader of the alliance, he has mysteriously disappeared for more than half a year, almost destroying the Lingyun Alliance. Now, it is time to fulfill his responsibilities as the leader of the alliance.

Walking out of the west of Yueling City, I found that many warriors gathered in the west of the city. No wonder the flow of people in the city seemed so much smaller. It turned out that most of the warriors had gone to the western suburbs.

The so-called hunting competition is actually a competition spontaneously organized by some chambers of commerce in Yueling City. If you hunt certain specific monsters within the specified time and obtain the demon elixir or a certain part of the materials, you can get a high bounty, and, Within the next six months, the major chambers of commerce that host the competition will establish cooperative relationships with teams that perform well in the hunting competition and purchase large amounts of demon pills and other materials provided by the other party.

Those who participate in the competition are usually hunting teams composed of casual cultivators, or some small forces.

In addition, students from the One Moon Heavenly Palace will occasionally participate in the alliance, and most of them are relatively weak alliances.

In comparison, Du Yue Tian Palace itself has a huge mission system, and the rewards obtained are also very generous. If it is not too weak to accept missions, there is no need to come to participate in hunting competitions and cooperate with those chambers of commerce.

In order to maintain the operation of the Lingyun League, Xiao Juanyun actually came to participate in a competition of this level. He undoubtedly had put down his pride as a warrior.

In any case, he is also a direct descendant of the nine major families, and the fact that he has achieved this step shows his feelings for Lingyun Alliance.

This is a force that he has put in countless efforts to create. So what if he gives up his dignity?

Compared with half a year ago, the entire Yueling City did not seem to have changed much. However, what people were discussing in the streets and alleys was no longer Ling Feng.

Only occasionally when someone mentions Ling Feng, people will just shake their heads. That person is already in the past tense.

Half a year is enough for many things to happen. Ling Feng, who was unparalleled in the limelight back then, has been forgotten in the corner of people's hearts. Some people even have no impression of him anymore.

Therefore, even though Ling Feng was walking among the crowd, he did not attract any attention. Some people looked at him curiously and felt vaguely familiar, that's all.

It was because Ling Feng was accompanied by a stunning beauty, Yu Junyao, that he aroused the envy of many people.

He strode towards the entrance of Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and passed several people head-on.

"that person……"

The warrior who was passing by Ling Feng stopped and turned to look at Ling Feng's back with a thoughtful expression.

"What? You kid, have you fallen in love with that beauty?"

The companion next to him fell on Yu Junyao's graceful figure and swallowed subconsciously.

Even the back view is so charming.

"You think everyone is just like you, a filthy bastard!" The warrior stared at Ling Feng's figure and said in a deep voice, "That person looks familiar."

"Why is it so strange that it looks familiar?" His partner smiled disapprovingly, still looking at Yu Junyao's back, thinking about it.

"Haha, I must have thought too much."

The warrior shook his head and smiled. There were so many disciples in the One Moon Palace, so it was normal for them to look familiar.

Taking a deep breath, the wild and primitive atmosphere of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest penetrated into his nose.

The figure flickered, turned into a stream of light, moved forward rapidly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wait for me!"

Yu Junyao frowned, bit her silver teeth, and muttered: "You bastard, your dantian is obviously sealed, why are you still so fast! It's unreasonable!"

Complaining was a complaint, but she activated her body skills and quickly followed her. The Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts was very big, and Ling Feng didn't know where the people from the Lingyun League were located. Fortunately, he was fast and could only rely on his extraordinary strength. With speed and eyesight, you can search quickly, and you can also find and ask. There are some methods, and you will always know.

Ever since the Donghuang Bell broke through a gap in the seal of "Sealing Souls", Ling Feng was finally able to force a ray of Yuan Power, and with this ray of Yuan Power, Ling Feng was able to do a lot of things.

At least, using the Naling Ring is no longer a problem.

The power of divine consciousness spreads. Although it is not as convenient as infinite vision, it can still avoid those annoying monsters to a large extent.

As he continued to advance, when he encountered a participating team, Ling Feng stopped and asked.

"Ling Yun Alliance? I don't know."

"I don't know where it is."

"Are you talking about the team led by Xiao Juanyun, the seventh young master of the Xiao family? I think we met them two days ago, but I don't know where they are now."

Basically the answer is I don’t know.

Sometimes, there would be some casual cultivators with ill intentions who found that Ling Feng's aura was very weak and there was a stunning beauty beside him, and they could not help but have evil thoughts.


Yu Junyao was a real Saint!

They could not sense Yu Junyao's cultivation, but seeing that she was a little girl, they automatically ignored Yu Junyao's threat, and then, their tragedy was doomed.

Yu Junyao's attack was no less severe than Ling Feng's. Those who dared to attack her were all crippled.

Only at this time did those people understand that this little girl was so strong.

With Yu Junyao's help, Ling Feng was also happy to relax.

After a while, Ling Feng met another hunting team. Looking at their badges, they seemed to be five-star heavenly level, and the captain of the team was a semi-saint!

The teams participating in the hunting competition would temporarily form a hunting team, divided into four stages: heaven, earth, and yellow, and each stage was divided into nine stars.

The Heaven-level five-star team is already a very outstanding team.

"What's up?"

The captain of this Heaven-level team saw Ling Feng and Yu Junyao approaching, and asked in a deep voice with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Ling Feng clasped his fists and saluted the captain, saying lightly: "My dear brother, I would like to ask, have you seen Lingyun League? It is the team led by Xiao Juanyun, the seventh young master of the Xiao family."

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