Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2168 It’s time to fight back! (2 updates)

"Master Xiao?"

Before the captain could speak, a rather cute-looking girl in the team said, "I've seen him before! He even helped us once!"

"Where have you seen it?"

Ling Feng asked anxiously.

"In that direction! However, this happened yesterday!"

The girl pointed to a road to the rear left and said with a smile: "Are you Mr. Xiao's companion?"

"Well, thank you very much!"

Ling Feng nodded towards the girl, then quickly took steps towards the direction pointed by the girl, and galloped out.

"So fast..."

After Ling Feng and Yu Junyao left, the captain of the team narrowed his eyes. With his semi-saint level strength, he thought that he was far inferior to these two in terms of speed.

"Didn't you say that Lingyun Alliance is already facing disintegration? How could two such powerful figures appear at once?"

Another member had a look of confusion on his face.

"So the rumors are not credible. The Lingyun Alliance once almost shook the status of the Eastern Alliance, so how can it collapse immediately? At least with these two people here, their strength will probably not be any worse than the five major hall leaders of the Eastern Alliance. "

The team leader took a deep breath, with a look of worry on his face again, "But this time, both the Eastern League and the Thunder League sent elite teams at the same time. The purpose was to suppress the Lingyun League's team and give them the last chance to survive. It’s a pity to lose them all!”

"What's a pity? Captain?" the cute girl asked with her eyes blinking.

"It's a pity that Ling Feng, who was born back then, was suddenly abolished and his whereabouts are unknown. Although his life and death are unknown, everyone can basically guess that he must have died on the bloody ancient road. If Ling Feng If it were still there, the current Lingyun Alliance would probably be in the first echelon among the many alliances in the One Moon Palace."

"That Ling Feng was a legendary figure. He died too early!"

Deep in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, a team of twelve people was hiding in the canopy of a dense tree.

Among these twelve people, three were injured, and one of them even had his left arm cut off.

"Those damn bastards!"

One of them, a man with a rough face, was leaning on a branch, cursing, and there were many stains on his body, especially a bright red bloodstain on his chest, which was shocking.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize that this man is Tie Yan.

When Ling Feng first arrived in Yueling City, he participated in the Rookie Swordsman Ranking and even had a battle with Tie Yan, so he was not acquainted without fighting.

Later, Tie Yan was impressed by Ling Feng's power, so he joined the Lingyun Alliance.

Later, Ling Feng disappeared, and most of the disciples of the nine major families quietly withdrew from the Lingyun Alliance. On the contrary, Tie Yan, although he was a direct descendant of the nine major families, still did not leave the Lingyun Alliance and has stayed with it to this day.

Nowadays, Tie Yan has also become a veteran figure of the Lingyun League and was promoted to the leader of the hall.

However, the current Lingyun Alliance has no more than twenty members in total. It is completely meaningless to have a hall leader who is not a hall leader.

At this time, a thin man hiding at the top of the tree crown flashed and landed on the thickest branch below. He touched the ground with one foot, stared ahead and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, good news, Guan Shanyue After separation from Gongshu Liang, the time has come for us to sell!”

(PS: Looking back, Guan Shanyue and Gongshu Liang are both one of the five major hall masters of the Eastern League. Guan Shanyue ranks fifth and Gongshu Liang ranks third.)

"Finally separated!"

Tie Yan clenched his fists tightly and spit out anger in his eyes, "These bastards from the Eastern Alliance have been keeping an eye on us. The monsters we worked so hard to besiege, they are good. They come out every time to steal the monster pills. If this continues, we will definitely gain nothing in this hunting competition!”

Among the crowd, Xiao Juanyun's brows furrowed even more. He originally wanted to rely on the strength of several major chambers of commerce in Yueling City to tide over the difficulties temporarily, but as a result, the people from the Eastern Alliance actually went so far as to kill them all.

As long as they are not allowed to accept the missions in the mission hall, they will even hinder this hunting competition and will not give them any way to survive.

"It's time to fight back!"

Xiao Juanyun gritted his teeth and refused to show any shame to the people of the Eastern League. They really thought that the Lingyun League had lost even the last bit of dignity as a warrior.

Guan Shanyue is the weakest among the five major hall masters of the Eastern Alliance.

Now that he is alone, with the combined strength of all of them, they will definitely be able to capture Guan Shanyue.

There are still two days left before the hunting competition. No matter what, we can no longer remain passive like this. We must do something.

"According to the plan, Tie Yan, Aaron, and A Bao will confront Guan Shanyue head-on. You have the strongest defense and can withstand his attack head-on!"

"Others are supporting from the side and trying to capture Guan Shanyue in the shortest possible time. We don't have to hold back and greet death!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Juanyun's eyes. How could the people from the Eastern Alliance show mercy when they took action?

Among them, only a small part were injured by monsters, and more were injured by people from the Eastern Alliance.

In fact, some people were buried in the belly of monsters because of the interference of the Eastern Alliance.

Although they did not kill anyone openly, they did not regard the members of their Lingyun League as fellow disciples of the same sect.

Since the other party is unkind, why should they talk about friendship?


Everyone nodded heavily without any objection.

They have been suppressed in various ways by the people of the Eastern Alliance these days, and they have long been holding back their anger. Today, Guan Shanyue is alone, and they must take revenge.

According to their plan, Guan Shanyue will fall into their encirclement in almost half a quarter of an hour.

The waiting process is undoubtedly very long.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Everyone held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

Finally, Guan Shanyue appeared!

"It's now! Tie Yan, Aaron, and Abao, follow the plan!"

Following Xiao Juanyun's roar, three figures shot out in a whoosh, and then, sword energy and strong winds enveloped Naguan Mountain.


Tie Yan shouted violently, twitched a heavy sword from behind, and slashed down hard with one sword, suppressing Guan Shanyue from the front.

In the past half year or so, his strength has improved a lot, and it is no longer the same as when he fought Ling Feng more than half a year ago.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are really a bunch of idiots!"

Guan Shanyue waved his sword to block and deflected Tie Yan's sword, with a strange smile on his face, "You loser dogs have been around for so long, and now you've finally come out, right? I said, I will make you even a monster Dan can’t even be taken out!”

In one sentence, Xiao Juanyun and the others knew that they had been fooled!

Although Guan Shanyue was the most arrogant and arrogant among the five masters of the Eastern Alliance, he was accompanied by Gong Shuliang.

Gongshu Liang is calm and cunning. It is obvious that this is a tactic to lure the enemy!

However, now that he has been exposed, he can only bite the bullet and attack.

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