Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2170 Wherever the eyes go, the sword energy points! (1 update)

"Is it you?! Ling...Ling Feng!"

Gongshu Liang, Guan Shanyue, Bu Jinglei, as well as the members of the Eastern Alliance and the Jinglei Alliance all looked at Ling Feng with expressions as if they had seen ghosts, and stared at Ling Feng in great astonishment.

This person who was supposed to be dead actually came back?


Nabu Jinglei clenched his fists tightly and stared at Ling Feng with gritted teeth. Thinking of the rumors about Ling Feng, he looked at Ling Feng carefully for a moment, and then he had the courage to say: "So what if you come back? I But I have heard that your cultivation has been sealed by the people of the Golden Demon Dragon Clan. Even if you come back, you will be nothing more than a useless person!"

As soon as these words came out, Gongshu Liang and Guan Shanyue all had their eyelids twitching.


Ling Feng fought a life-and-death battle with the young master of the golden dragon clan on the bloody ancient road. Although the young master of the golden dragon clan eventually died under Ling Feng's sword, Ling Feng was also deeply cursed.

He is nothing more than a useless person now!

Although there were some slight fluctuations in Yuan Power on Ling Feng's body, it was completely negligible in front of semi-saints like them.

"Am I a useless person? You can try it!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed in an instant.


There was a flash of cold light, like the Milky Way pouring down the ground, or like an antelope hanging its horns, leaving no trace behind.

The next moment, a flash of bright red appeared on Bu Jinglei's neck.

A chill instantly enveloped him, and Bu Jinglei quickly covered his neck, feeling that the slightest bit of chill had locked his entire body.

If it were just that much deeper, I'd probably be dead!

"how come?"

All that was left in everyone's mind was astonishment. How could he have such a fast sword even though he was already a cripple?



There were two more sword rays, and a blood mark also appeared on the necks of Guan Shanyue and Gong Shuliang.

Even though they were extremely vigilant, even though they had already stepped back seven feet to keep their distance, at the same moment, Ling Feng's sword grazed their necks.

The shadow of death shrouded instantly.

Ling Feng's eyes were full of teasing. If he had shown any murderous intention just now, there would probably be three more corpses in this forest of beasts now!

The three of them looked at the blood on each other's necks, and they were all scared to death.

Who said Ling Feng was abolished?

This swordsmanship is even more superb and unpredictable than half a year ago!

Of course, this actually goes beyond sword speed, but thoughts!

Ling Feng's sword was originally created with the power of creation. When he controls the sword, it seems to be sword energy, but in fact, it is his gaze.

Wherever the eyes go, that's where the sword energy points.

During this period of time, Ling Feng suffered from the lack of Yuan Power and was unable to use various powerful sword moves. Instead, he figured out a set of sword moves based on the Great Creation Technique.

This is truly creation within creation.

Of course, for the time being, it is only extremely fast and elusive. As for its power, it is still relatively limited.

However, just being fast is enough.

After all, a martial arts master once said: All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed!

Although this sentence has certain limitations, at this moment, Ling Feng's sword skills scared Gong Shuliang and these people to the point of being scared to death.

Three people, three swords!

Ling Feng just waved his hand lightly, and all three of them swam away from the edge of death!


A bone-deep fear!

The three of them felt that their legs were weak and their legs were trembling. The look in Ling Feng's eyes was more frightening than seeing a ghost.

"Get out of here!"

Ling Feng swung his sword, "What, do you want me to send you away?"

The next moment, Gongshu showed off several people, not even daring to say a harsh word, and they were all so frightened that they ran away.

Ling Feng also considered whether to give them some color, but with Ling Feng's mentality at this moment, he no longer bothered to settle accounts with these minions.

What he is looking for is Dongfang Chun!

It’s time to end this decisive battle that has been delayed for half a year.

The reason why he directly let Goong Shu Liang them go was to let them convey a message.

I, Ling Feng, am back!

At this time, everyone in the Lingyun League was dumbfounded, as if they were petrified, their brains were rigid, their thoughts were frozen, and they were unable to think.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Sheathing his sword, Ling Feng turned to look at Xiao Juanyun, Tie Yan and the others with a smile on his lips.

His voice woke everyone up, and everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a peerless monster.

"Meng...meng..." Xiao Juanyun was tongue-tied and couldn't even call him a name.

"What's cute?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and knocked on Xiao Juanyun's forehead, "You are so cute, your whole family is cute!"

This was similar to a joke, but it brought everyone back to reality. The next moment, Xiao Juanyun burst into tears and punched Ling Feng hard on the chest, "Leader, you are finally back!"

"Alliance leader!"

"Alliance leader!"

Every member of the Lingyun Alliance looked at Ling Feng with great excitement.

After more than half a year, their alliance leader is finally back!

Moreover, with the appearance of an extremely strong man, the king has returned!

" are finally back!"

Tie Yan took a deep breath and let it out again, trying to calm himself down a little, and said, because of the excitement, his body and his tone were trembling.

"Well, I'm back!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and glanced at Tie Yan. He saw everything that just happened.

This Tie Yan is indeed a man of iron bones!

No matter what the current situation of Lingyun Alliance is, as long as these key members are still there, there will be no worries about not being able to grow stronger.

I have absolute confidence in this.

"I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Your strength has improved a lot."

Ling Feng looked at the familiar faces in front of him. Most of them were the first batch of veterans who followed him. Although the Lingyun Alliance was severely suppressed, because of this, their strength also improved very quickly.

Especially Xiao Juanyun, this guy had just fainted and even displayed the prototype of the sword domain.

This step is the key to understanding the sword realm. With Xiao Juanyun's talent, he might not be able to reach this level within ten or eight years. However, under the pressure of strong opponents, in just half a year, he actually mastered the prototype of the sword domain.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Xiao Juanyun's shoulder, saying in a deep voice: "Brother Xiao, I have worked hard for you these days!"

He had been missing for more than half a year, and that guy Chu Chaonan was probably captured by Lord Mu Shen.

But when the three of them founded the Lingyun Alliance together, all the burden fell on Xiao Juanyun alone.

"As long as you come back, everything will be worth it!"

The light of hope rekindled in Xiao Juanyun's eyes. Ling Feng was back, and his efforts were not in vain.

"Let's find a place to adjust first."

Ling Feng looked at the team of twelve people. Most of them were injured to some extent. Based on their current situation, if they really fought with the Eastern Alliance just now, they would probably be wiped out.

"Okay, now that the alliance leader is back, everything should be done with the alliance leader's lead!"

Xiao Juanyun nodded heavily and said excitedly.

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