Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2171 Bonfire night talk! (2 updates)

The night in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest seemed eerie and cold, and the air was filled with a strong cold air, which made people shudder.

From time to time, there were bursts of sharp and shrill screams in the distance, making this terrible night even more eerie.

The explosion of "click, click, click" sounded, and the bonfire was burning brightly. From time to time, sparks flew and disappeared.

On a strong bonfire, a monster beast was roasted to a golden color, exuding a rich meaty aroma that made people salivate.

The red firelight reflected everyone's face, and more than a dozen members of the Lingyun Alliance were surrounding the bonfire.

Of course, there was also Yu Junyao who arrived later.

When they learned that Yu Junyao's strength had exceeded the holy level, everyone showed great excitement.

Lingyun Alliance finally has a saint-level powerhouse taking charge.

Of course, in addition to Yu Junyao, Zhuge Wan'er is also a saint-level powerhouse in the Lingyun League. (PS: Zhuge Waner was one of the human geniuses who came out of the Blood Road Secret Realm alive that day, so she also reached the Saint level. For details, see Chapter 2111 Qingyise, Saint level!)

However, this holy level is really a bit watery, especially when meeting Dongfang Chun, a monster and strong man.

Therefore, although Zhuge Wan'er has reached the Saint level, she has no power to fight against Dongfang Chun.

Moreover, Zhuge Wan'er doesn't have much sense of belonging to the Lingyun League. Although she will come forward to help a group of Lingyun League when she sees them, most of the time, she doesn't care about the affairs of the Eastern League.

After all, the reason why she joined the Lingyun League in the first place was just to compete with Ling Feng. Later, she thought that Ling Feng was dead, so naturally she didn't care much about the Lingyun League.

All in all, the current situation of the Lingyun Alliance is that it has been suppressed, with less than twenty members left, struggling to survive.

"Leader, where have you been for the past six months?"

Even though some time had passed, Xiao Juanyun's tone was still a little excited.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire, all looking at Ling Feng, obviously very curious about his adventures these days.

After all, everyone said that Ling Feng was sealed by the "Sealed Soul Soul", and even the supreme elders of the nine major families said that there was no cure for the "Sealed Soul Soul".

And Ling Feng not only came back alive, but also miraculously became stronger.

Of course, they had not seen Ling Feng in his peak state during the battle with the Golden Dragon Young Master.

Although Ling Feng is very strong now, he still doesn't have the strength to challenge the powerful Demon Saint head-on at that time.

You know, that level of Young Master Jin Jiao is already infinitely approaching the level of the fourth level of the Nine Transformation Realm!

And even Xuanyuan Longteng is only at the fourth level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

"Some adventures, it's a long story."

Ling Feng changed the subject and briefly told that he fell into a small world, and then returned to the West Sword Region with the help of the void passage.

Among the details, Ling Feng did not go into details about his personal grudges with the Kongming Divine Clan.

When his strength grows, he will take revenge sooner or later for this plot.

Not to mention the other members of the Kongming Divine Clan, Emperor Ming has been included in Ling Feng’s must-kill list!

"By the way, first tell me about this hunting competition."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Since you have participated in the competition, let's get first place! Without those people from the Eastern League standing in the way, I believe it won't be difficult."


Xiao Juanyun nodded and immediately took out an atlas, "This is the points atlas for the hunting competition. The materials for each monster correspond to points for belief. The points are also divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow. We originally caught He caught a demon beast in the heaven-level atlas, and it took a lot of effort to kill it, but the demon pill was snatched away by the people of the Eastern Alliance! "

After saying that, Xiao Juanyun turned to look at Ling Feng again and said bitterly: "So you just let those guys run away without getting the demon pill back. What a pity!"


Ling Feng blushed, showing a hint of embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about these details, now that I'm back, it's not easy to catch a monster!"

"Yes, there is also this girl!"

Yu Junyao also showed an excited expression and seemed to be quite interested in this game.

One of the key points of this kind of hunting competition is undoubtedly strength.

Secondly, you also need to be familiar with the habits of various monsters in order to find the target.

Third, it is a matter of strategy.

Predating each other is undoubtedly within the limits of the rules.

After all, the law of the jungle of the hunting team has never excluded the law of the jungle.

Next, with the two fierce men Ling Feng and Yu Junyao joining in, the hunting competition naturally ended successfully soon.

There is no doubt that the Lingyun League team deservedly won the first place, and its points were many times higher than the second place.

The ferocious monster that originally required the entire team to work together was defeated by Ling Feng with just one sword strike.

Is there any suspense in this game?

After winning the first place in the competition, Lingyun League finally obtained the qualifications to cooperate with major chambers of commerce.

The reason why Ling Feng chose to cooperate with major chambers of commerce was not because of lack of money, but because he could use the power of these chambers of commerce to search for the remaining materials for the Forbidden Breaking Pill.

After all, Miluo Continent is just a small world. Although Ling Feng has collected most of the materials, he still has the last five precious elixirs left and has not been able to collect them all.

I hope that with the help of the major chambers of commerce and the inventory of Du Yue Tian Palace, these last few elixirs can be solved.

"Hahaha, it's so exciting!"

After walking out of the hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Xiao Juanyun said with excitement: "I haven't had such a good time in a long time. Come on, I'll invite everyone to Wangjian Tower for a big meal!"

For more than half a year, Lingyun Alliance has been almost unable to move forward and cannot accomplish anything. But this time, it finally reached a cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, and it is a long-term cooperation.

This is undoubtedly a very important starting point for Lingyun League.

"The hall master is so generous!"

Everyone showed great excitement. Wangjian Tower is the largest and most luxurious restaurant in Yueling City, and the consumption is quite high.

Ordinary disciples are too busy practicing their own cultivation to dare to go to Wangjian Tower to spend money.

Not to mention, most of the disciples of the Lingyun Alliance are actually outer disciples with humble backgrounds, and they are even less likely to be as lavish as the disciples of the nine major families.

"It's rare that I'm happy today. We won't get home tonight unless we get drunk! If you want to thank us, let's thank our leader!"

"Hahaha, thank you, leader! Thank you, leader!"

The crowd burst out shouting, and the gloom on Xiao Juanyun's face was swept away.

And all of this is because Ling Feng is back!

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