Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2173 I’ve got you covered! (1 update)

After another round of greetings, Xuanyuan Longteng also asked some questions about Ling Feng's experiences in the past six months.

Ling Feng told Xuanyuan Longteng the same story he had told Xiao Juanyun and the others before. Xuanyuan Longteng did not have any doubts and just smiled and said: "I didn't expect that your boy is really lucky to fall into the bloody ancient road. , can actually fall into the small world unexpectedly.”

After a pause, Xuanyuan Longteng continued: "I have heard some rumors about Miluo Continent, but I didn't expect them to be true."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. With Xuanyuan Longteng's status, he had heard some things that ordinary people didn't know, which was quite normal.


Suddenly, Xuanyuan Longteng frowned and said: "If the demon clan knows the news of your return and has not been completely sealed, I'm afraid..."

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid, the demon clan won't let you go easily!"

Ling Feng had already been mentally prepared for this.

After all, the young master of the golden dragon that he killed that day was a descendant of the golden dragon clan, and Ling Feng also knew a little bit about the status of the golden dragon clan.

In particular, he had vaguely heard that the leader of the Golden Monster Clan was known as the Great Sage of the Golden Dragon.

Only those who are at the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm or above are qualified to be called great saints!

In addition to his mortal enemy, the Long Family, which has the Dragon Sword Tianfu, he now has another Golden Dragon Great Sage.

Fortunately for the Long Family, they can suppress it with the help of Duyue Tiangong.

But, on the side of the Golden Dragon Great Sage...

I'm afraid that Duyue Tiangong will also have to consider whether to do this to Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng had no intention of keeping a low profile.

Just do what you have to do, and you have to face what you have to face. If you always feel that your strength is not strong enough and just keep a low profile, you will never have the chance to become powerful in your life.

Keep an unshakable heart, be sharp, neither arrogant nor arrogant nor arrogant nor inferior, and face all challenges and powerful enemies bravely.

Only by turning pressure into motivation can we continue to surpass and reach the top!

"Senior Xuanyuan, if it will bring trouble to Duyue Palace because of me, I can..."

Ling Feng glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng. Xuanyuan Longteng had always taken care of him a lot, and it was no longer a simple relationship of mutual use.

If they were just using each other, Ling Feng would never give up the shelter of the One Moon Palace easily, but now, he didn't want to hurt others.

"No need to say more!"

Xuanyuan Longteng looked deeply at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Ling Feng, I have given up on you once, and I will never give up on you a second time! Don't worry, as long as you stay in the Single Moon Palace for one day, I, Xuanyuan Longteng, will give up on you." I, Xuanyuan Longteng, will protect you for one day, no matter the demon clan!"

The sound was sonorous and powerful, as if it penetrated the heaven and the earth.

A warm current suddenly surged in Ling Feng's heart. He felt like a master and a father in Xuanyuan Longteng's body just like Yan Cangtian.

This is absolutely precious to a young man like Ling Feng who lacked parental care since childhood.

Leaving Xuanyuan Longteng's main hall, Ling Feng returned to Lingyun Manor directly.

Three months have passed long ago, and Ling Feng's right to live in Xuanjian Villa was automatically recovered. Now, Ling Feng can only live in Lingyun Villa.

As the leader of Lingyun Village, Ling Feng's return has undoubtedly given the remaining members a dose of reassurance.

After Ling Feng came back, Xiao Juanyun summoned all the remaining members and gathered in the villa.

There are now less than twenty people left in the huge villa.

Back then, the scale of Lingyun Alliance had once expanded to thousands of people. Now, it can be said to be extremely depressed.

After all, under the strong suppression of the Eastern Alliance, as a member of the Lingyun Alliance, he could not even accept sect missions, let alone obtain training resources.

If it weren't for the mine at home, who could survive?

Of course, there are others who are deeply impressed by Ling Feng's personal charm and have always believed that Ling Feng will come back, so they persist until today.

Just like the "big head" guarding the gate, Dong Liang.

"Leader, many members have learned about your return and want to return to Lingyun Alliance!"

Xiao Juanyun looked at Ling Feng with excitement. During the time when Ling Feng was invited by Xuanyuan Longteng, many people had come to Lingyun Manor to report. However, Ling Feng had not come back yet, so Xiao Juanyun temporarily Can't make up my mind yet.

"Why are you coming back?"

Tie Yan snorted softly and said with a dark face: "If you can abandon the Lingyun Alliance for the first time, there will be a second and third time. It's okay not to abandon these people!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said lightly: "Okay Tie Yan, your ideas are a bit extreme. It is true that they are not firm enough, but they are indeed excusable. Under the pressure of the Eastern Alliance, they It’s also so that I can continue to practice, so what’s wrong with that?”

"I can give them a chance, but no matter what position they held in Lingyun League before, they must start from scratch, and one month before rejoining Lingyun League, half of all mission rewards must be handed over as a reward for everyone here. What do you think?"

Although those warriors who abandoned Lingyun Alliance were excusable, these elders who have persisted until now are the ones truly worthy of reuse.

He can give others opportunities, but never forgets that rewards and punishments are clear.

"The leader is wise!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, their persistence was not in vain after all!

"By the way, Alliance Leader, what should we do next?"

Xiao Juanyun said excitedly, now that Ling Feng is back, the heart that once gradually became silent is getting hot again.

Tie Yan and others also sat up straight, their eyes flashed, and they all focused on Ling Feng's face.

“A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.”

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, "Now everyone probably knows that I'm back. Just in time, taking advantage of this heat, I will directly challenge Dongfang Chun! It's time to fulfill this decisive battle that is half a year late!"

"Challenge Dongfang Chun?"

Xiao Juanyun's eyelids twitched suddenly, "Leader, are you thinking about it again? Dongfang Chun is no longer what he used to be. His strength has already reached the holy level!"

"Have you already broken through the holy level?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips, and he was mentally prepared for this.

After all, Dongfang Chun was actually able to break through to the Saint level half a year ago, but he kept suppressing the realm in order to cultivate his own skills to the level of perfection.

Now, half a year later, his strength must have improved by leaps and bounds.

Looking back at myself, although my current strength is stronger than when I left the One Moon Heavenly Palace, it is much weaker than the peak state after coming out of the Blood Road Secret Realm.

At least, if he cannot use the power of Shura, it will be difficult for him to win against Dongfang Chun.

His only advantage is probably the unexpected attack brought about by the power of creation.

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