Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2174 The true meaning of swordsmanship! (2 updates)

"This is better!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, he needed a strong opponent to stimulate his infinite potential.

Even though there is not much chance of winning in his heart, he must show his aura in front of these members who admire him.

"He is indeed a man of great influence in Yueling City back then!"

"I'm already looking forward to this belated decisive battle!"

Sure enough, Tie Yan and others were gearing up, as if they were about to fight Dongfang Chun, not Ling Feng.

"in addition……"

Ling Feng casually took out a piece of paper, handed it to Xiao Juanyun, and said calmly: "Brother Xiao, please pay attention to the medicinal materials on this for me. If there are any, you must take them down no matter what the cost."

Xiao Juanyun looked at several materials on the note, but his eyes widened.

"Wu... Wuhe grass, scorpion fruit, and fenugreek vine... these... these seem to be highly poisonous things, right?"

Ling Feng glanced at Xiao Juanyun in surprise, this guy actually knew these types of poisons?

"When I have nothing to do, I also like to read some ancient books. The materials you mentioned above are all extremely poisonous. Any one of them can be used to poison an emperor-level powerhouse, even a saint-level powerhouse. I'm afraid I don’t dare to take it directly.”

Xiao Juanyun looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Leader, what do you want these poisons for?"


Ling Feng smiled faintly. These are all the materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill. He has collected most of the spiritual flowers and herbs. There are still a few poisons left, which are relatively difficult to find.

"This... these things can also make elixirs? You don't want to poison that Dongfang Chun directly, do you?"

Xiao Juanyun exclaimed.


Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes, this guy has such a rich imagination.

"The so-called fighting poison with poison, why poison cannot make elixirs, this is just a misunderstanding among laymen like you."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Okay, it's getting late today. Let's all disperse first and go back to rest. Datou, you send a letter of challenge to the Eastern Alliance for me, saying that I want to challenge their leader. , any time, any place, it’s up to you!”

Dong Liang, the big head, nodded repeatedly with a look of pride on his face, "Okay, leader, I'll go right away!"

Ling Feng returns strongly, and from now on, the good days of Ling Yun Alliance will finally come.

"Brother Xiao, please stay for a while."

After everyone left, Ling Feng left Xiao Juanyun alone.

"Brother Xiao, I heard that Brother Xiao Hen also helped Lingyun League a lot during my absence. Why didn't he come with us this time?"

Ling Feng looked up at Xiao Juanyun and asked lightly.

"Fourth brother has always been elusive. When he wants to come to you, he will come naturally."

There was a look of helplessness on Xiao Juanyun's face, "Fourth brother, he always acts according to his temper. Even if it's me, it's hard for him to be invited."

"All right."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, he just wanted to say thank you to Xiao Hen face to face.

In addition, it seems that he still owes Xiao Hen something. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 2055 Joining the Lingyun Alliance")

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Ling Feng gathered all his disciples in the square of Lingyun Village.

The people present were all those who had passed the test of crisis and finally stayed. Ling Feng was even somewhat grateful for this encounter, which allowed him to see clearly which talents were truly worthy of reuse.

As for these elders, he did not hesitate to spend some effort and energy to cultivate them.

"Staying up so early in the morning makes me so noisy!"

On a roof, Yu Junyao held her cheeks and looked at the men below who were practicing boxing or sword dancing, and frowned slightly.

She was not interested in accepting Ling Feng's guidance, but it was destined to be impossible for her to sleep with the noise outside.

"Okay, everyone has finished practicing their best martial arts. Next, I will give you guidance based on your respective strengths and weaknesses!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked at the dozen or so people in the audience, and said slowly.

"Very good!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly burst out with brilliant lights. It was a great honor to have Ling Feng personally give guidance.

"Before that, I want to teach you a set of swordsmanship, which will be the core swordsmanship of our Lingyun League elite members!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, and with a flash of light, a long black sword appeared in his hand.

"Learning this swordsmanship well will not only enhance your strength, but also enhance your understanding of the true meaning of swordsmanship."

Ling Feng's words immediately made everyone's eyes light up.

"Is this kind of swordsmanship really possible?" Everyone was in disbelief.


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. The focus of the swordsmanship he was about to teach was not about power, but something similar to a state of mind.

This set of swordsmanship is very simple, it is the Bafang Poxuan taught to him by Yan Cangtian.

After Ling Feng's improvements, the swordsmanship was no longer comparable to what it was back then. The essence of the swordsmanship at that time still lay in creativity.

"The divine art of swordsmanship, there is no need to ask for it!"

What Ling Feng wanted to teach them was this set of "The Art of Changing without Seeking".

What is passed on to them is not just simple swordsmanship, but an understanding of the swordsmanship itself, and the integration of Wu Qiu Yi Jue. Then, they will all have the opportunity to create the swordsmanship that best suits them.

After all, everyone is an independent individual with their own characteristics, and they will also have differences and emphasis when practicing.

Therefore, only the swordsmanship created by oneself will be the most suitable swordsmanship.

The value of "Wu Qi Yi Jue" is also reflected in it.

Of course, as for the power of swordsmanship, it depends on each person's understanding.

"Watch it carefully!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and began to perform the Eight Directions Breaking Mystery sword technique. His sword moves were slow but smooth. In the process of performing the sword technique, the sword in his hand was no longer just a sword, but a way.


This is what Ling Feng has always wanted to do, to create the way of swordsmanship.

After learning from the best of others and going through countless experiences, he finally touched his own Tao.

And now, he shows what he has learned in front of everyone without reservation. There is no doubt that this is a great blessing for those present.

In an instant, Xiao Juanyun was immersed in Ling Feng's Tao. His eyes flashed, and it seemed that the surroundings were no longer Lingyun Village, but a world of swordsmanship.

Immediately afterwards, one after another Lingyun League elites fell into the state of Xiao Juanyun, and everyone began to have an epiphany.

Ling Feng believed that after this epiphany, each of their understanding of the true meaning of swordsmanship would be raised to a higher level.

Whether it is sword intention or sword power, it will all improve by leaps and bounds.

Especially for Xiao Juanyun who has touched the threshold of the Sword Domain, the harvest he can gain will be even greater.

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