Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2175 A belated battle! (3 updates)

And even Yu Junyao, who was leaning on the roof and didn't practice swordsmanship very much, seemed to have some understanding when she looked at Ling Feng who was practicing swordsmanship. The impatience at the beginning turned into shock.

"This feeling, this state of merging with Tao..."

Yu Junyao only felt that Ling Feng seemed to be more and more similar to that person. Maybe Ling Feng's cultivation level was not worth mentioning, but to a certain extent, it was really comparable to Mu Qianxue's fiancé!

It took more than half an hour for everyone to wake up one after another.

Ling Feng was not impatient, but waited very patiently.

The longer the enlightenment takes, the greater the harvest will naturally be. Only when the strength of these Lingyun League's elites has improved will it be conducive to the development of the entire Lingyun League. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will have to leave. When he leaves, won't he have to make the same mistakes again? , declined again?

This is not the situation Ling Feng wants to see.

"Thank you, leader!"

"Leader, thank you so much! My sword power has finally broken through!"

"I feel like I've caught something, as if... it seems to be the prototype of Sword Domain!"

One after another elite members showed shocked expressions on their faces. They had deeply felt the benefits brought to them by the swordsmanship that Ling Feng had just performed.

The last person to wake up was Xiao Juanyun. He heard a clear roar and an astonishing sword energy burst out from his body.

His realm of swordsmanship finally broke through.

Sword Domain, successfully condensed!

At this point, he is no longer a weakling, but a true strongman who can compete with the top ten.

With a sword domain of 10%, even if there is still a gap in cultivation level, it is enough for him to jump to a higher level challenge, or even jump to an instant kill!

"Thank you, leader!"

Xiao Juanyun knelt down on one knee and knelt down directly in front of Ling Feng. He was so excited that he didn't even know what to say. He could only kneel down to Ling Feng to express his inner gratitude and excitement.

"Why should this be done between brothers?"

Ling Feng supported Xiao Juanyun and looked at everyone, "From today on, everyone here is my brother, Ling Feng! The number of you here is exactly eighteen. From this moment on, you are We, the eighteen hall masters of the Lingyun League, are all prosperous, and all suffer losses!"

"Yes, Alliance Leader!"

The eighteen elites, no, they should be the eighteen hall masters, simultaneously let out deafening roars, piercing the clouds and cracking the sky, shaking the sky.

Next, Ling Feng gave everyone targeted guidance based on their previously exposed weaknesses and strengths.

Although he was unable to use the ability of the Emperor's Eye to see through weaknesses, in terms of vision and knowledge, Ling Feng was already a master among masters.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, his level is much higher than those of his peers.

"Your swordsmanship is not bad, but your flexibility is not good enough. I will teach you another set of body skills..."

"Although your sword looks strong, it is actually easy to break if it is too strong. I will teach you the technique of using strength..."

"I'll teach you the secret technique of attaching an edge..."

"I'll tell you..."

Throughout the morning, Ling Feng was busy giving advice to the elites, and in the afternoon, he refined a batch of elixirs and distributed them, striving to allow them to grow up in the shortest possible time.

What Lingyun League lacks most now is actually time.

Soon, the first batch of members who requested to return to Lingyun Alliance arrived at Lingyun Village, and the size of Lingyun Alliance expanded to a hundred people.

However, there are still many people who have a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, although Ling Feng is back, according to rumors, he is still cursed by the demon clan's seal. Can such Ling Feng lead the Lingyun Alliance to rise?

Many people have expressed doubts about this.

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Eastern Alliance, there was already an uproar.

"Challenge Senior Brother Dongfang? Any time, any place? Who does he think he is?"

Several hall leaders from the Eastern Alliance have been gathering in the main hall for several hours.

Each of their faces looked uglier than the last, especially Guan Shanyue, who looked as if he had eaten a fly. His brows knitted together, and he slapped the table and cursed: "Isn't this Ling Feng too arrogant?"

Yesterday evening, disciples from the Lingyun League came to deliver a letter of challenge. After receiving the letter of challenge, the five hall masters gathered in this hall and have not left for almost a whole day.

Although there had been a fight between Ling Feng and Dongfang Chun for a long time, Dongfang Chun had already been promoted to the Saint level, and his status had been promoted from the true disciple of the inner sect to the elder of the inner sect in one fell swoop.

Now Dongfang Chun, to a certain extent, can already sit on an equal footing with those veteran elders, and even becoming the deputy palace master of the One Moon Palace in the future is not a problem.

Ling Feng issued a declaration of war to Dongfang Chun, but he actually dared to say such outrageous words without shame.

Finally, Dongfang Chun came belatedly and ended his retreat for more than a month.

He had only been promoted to the Saint level not long ago. Logically speaking, it was the time for him to retreat and consolidate his realm.

However, after hearing the news of Ling Feng's return, he finally left the country early.

"Senior Brother Dongfang!"

Although Dongfang Chun has been promoted to elder, these Eastern Alliance hall leaders are still more accustomed to calling him Senior Brother Dongfang.

"That Ling Feng actually came back again?"

There was neither joy nor sadness on Dongfang Chun's face. He had reached a higher level. In fact, for a long time, he had no interest in paying attention to Lingyun Alliance anymore.

Although the Lingyun League has been suffering from various suppressions, it still struggles to support it, which makes him feel a little unhappy in his heart.

"Yes, Senior Brother Dongfang."

The first hall leader Jiang Guangyi handed the letter of challenge to Dongfang Chun, his hands trembling slightly.

He already had a premonition that Dongfang Chun would be furious after reading this challenge.

Sure enough, after Dongfang Chun read the challenge letter, the letter immediately turned into powder and scattered on the ground.

"What a crazy tone!"

Dongfang Chun's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "I want to see how capable you are!"

"Senior Brother Dongfang, even if Ling Feng still retains some of his strength, he is still half a useless person at best. His cultivation seems to have been sealed, and he only has swordsmanship, which is quite sharp!"

Guan Shanyue, who had seen Ling Feng's swordsmanship, said through gritted teeth.

Gongshu Liang analyzed it more calmly: "His sword is too fast. With the eyesight of Junior Brother Guan and I, we can't even see it."

"Is there anything else going on?"

Dongfang Chun took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, then raised three fingers and said in a cold voice: "Guangyi, go and send someone to give Ling Feng a reply. Three days later, you will still be performing martial arts in the center of the One Moon Palace. I want to let Lingyun Alliance, completely removed!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Dongfang!"

Jiang Guangyi nodded heavily. This decisive battle, which was half a year late, was finally coming. Even he couldn't help but feel a little excited in his heart: This battle was finally coming!

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