Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2182 Extremely poisonous! (1 update)

"Dear distinguished guests, welcome to the Eagle Owl Auction House..."

After a brief opening remarks, the host began the auction process. Everyone was extremely familiar with these procedures, and the host also knew that everyone could not wait to see tonight's auction items. .

"The first auction item, the Cold Jade Infinite Sword that has reached the pseudo-immortal level, is an imitation of the immortal Cold Jade Divine Sword. However, it is extremely complete. VIPs who are good at water and ice elements must not miss it. Bidding starts. The price is three million high-grade Yuan Jing!”

The middle-aged and elegant host narrated the origin of the first auction item, which quickly caused the first round of excitement.

“I never imagined that the first auction item would be so precious!”

"Three million and one million!"

"Three million and two million!"

The first round of bidding was very fierce, and the price soon reached the level of five million high-grade Yuan Jing. Even Ling Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised. There are really not many rich people in this auction!

A fake fairy weapon screams so fiercely!

"Five million two hundred thousand!"

At this moment, Yu Junyao, who was sitting on the side, suddenly picked up the bidding and joined the bidding.


Ling Feng's head darkened, "Miss Yu, you seem to be a fire cultivator, right?"

"Fire-type monks can't buy ice-type swords. Is that what you stipulated? I can't buy it for collection!"

Yu Junyao frowned and glared at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in his heart. It's not you who pays for your feelings!

Is this woman deliberately trying to trick me tonight?

However, buying a fake immortal weapon with more than five million high-grade Yuanjing is not a loss at all.

Soon, under Yu Junyao's crazy offer that didn't care about the price, he bought this cold jade infinite sword at a high price of six million high-grade Yuan Jing. Ling Feng sighed softly and felt strong regret in his heart. idea.

"The second auction item..."

"The third item..."

Time passed bit by bit, and soon ten auction items had been sold, none of which were first-rate, and all sold for quite good prices.

The most critical reason is that a total of ten collections were auctioned, and Yu Junyao alone took six of them!

This is why some of the jade Junyao pieces were not beautiful enough in appearance, so they did not participate in the bidding.

But even so, in the eyes of everyone, Yu Junyao almost wants to wrap up tonight's auction items!

For a moment, many eyes glanced at Ling Feng's VIP room intentionally or unintentionally, and several of them turned out to be saint-level experts.

Moreover, it is still a veteran saint level!

Ling Feng felt a lot of pressure, but Yu Junyao looked indifferent. The eldest lady of the Jiuli Divine Clan really spent money like water!

"Miss Jade, you're almost done..."

Ling Feng's head went dark. Seeing the auction items piled up in front of Yu Junyao, his pocket became more and more deflated.

"I only took pictures of 60% of the treasures, which saves you money!"

Yu Junyao acted like the girl has given you enough face, which made Ling Feng roll his eyes, "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng with a smile and pressed the bidding device next to her.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's family was rich enough, otherwise, after the auction, he would have been detained by the Yingxiao black market because he could not afford the high price of Yuan Jing.

After Ling Feng's many "protests", the aunt Yu Junyao finally restrained herself a little, but her lavish bidding methods still made many people deeply sigh.

Could it be that this is the legendary "rich woman"?

Finally, the bidding started for the "Scorpion Fruit" that Ling Feng needed.

"Hmm, the collection that is going to be auctioned next is a rare and rare plant that our Yingxiao black market spent a lot of money to finally get our hands on."

The host uncovered the red cloth on an auction table. Inside was a transparent container, surrounded by layers of barrier barriers. Within the transparent barrier, an extremely rich black energy surged. It seems like it will break through the barrier at any time and rush out of the container.

What exudes this terrifying black energy is a small dark red flower that looks like a whole body. At the top of the plant, there is a barb similar to a scorpion tail, which looks very weird.

"What is this?"

"It doesn't look like anything interesting!"

Many people immediately showed surprise. Judging from the strange black energy, it should be a highly poisonous or extremely evil poison.

"The name of this thing is the Scorpion Fruit. Maybe not many people know about it. However, the rarity of this thing is comparable to the holy treasures of heaven and earth."

The host slowly introduced: "The poisonous gas emitted by this scorpion fruit, even if it is diluted ten times, can have a great impact on the saint-level powerhouse. If it is accidentally eaten, even if it is just chewed, it can cause the saint-level power to be greatly affected." The super strong man is dying!"

"Everyone, please see, the barrier we have set up around this Scorpion Fruit is a heaven-level absolute formation. Coupled with the container made of the Heavenly Fire Divine Jade, it is enough to seal the terrifying poisonous gas. If I use this container If you open it, the poisonous gas emanating from it will probably paralyze all of us for three days and three nights! Even those warriors whose strength is lower than that of the Emperor Realm or who are in poor physical condition may die suddenly on the spot.”


Countless gasps of air came and went.

It is simply unbelievable that such a poisonous thing exists.

The poison gas alone can kill thousands of troops, not to mention the pulp inside. If you eat it directly, the gods will ascend to heaven.

"Oh my god……"

The corner of Xiao Juanyun's mouth also twitched. Although he had known for a long time that the scorpion fruit was extremely poisonous, it was too shocking to be poisonous to this extent.

"Leader, why do you want to buy this thing?"

Xiao Juanyun couldn't help but ask again, what to do with such an extremely poisonous thing after buying it?

If one of them fails, he will be poisoned to death.

"I told you to eat it, do you believe it?"

Ling Feng smiled mysteriously. As the saying goes, fighting poison with poison, the seal that seals away the corpse's soul is indeed powerful.

Ordinary elixirs cannot cause any damage to this seal, and the material for refining the forbidden elixir must have this scorpion fruit.

It can be said that the scorpion fruit is the real main medicinal ingredient of this forbidden pill.

However, as Xiao Juanyun feared, how to deal with the scorpion fruit was a big trouble.


Xiao Juanyun smiled. Naturally, he didn't believe that Ling Feng would do such a stupid thing as committing suicide. He wanted to take a picture of the Xieluo Fruit, so he had his own motives.

After everyone was shocked and amazed for a short time, the host took a deep breath and said loudly: "Okay, let's start the bidding. This scorpion fruit is quite special, so the starting price is only 300,000 high-grade yuan. Jing, each increase in price shall not be less than 10,000.”

However, as the host finished speaking, an extremely embarrassing situation emerged.

For the previous auction items, there would be bids immediately, but this time, there was no bidder.

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