Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2183 The finale treasure! (2 updates)

As the host said, the scorpion fruit itself is very special and extremely poisonous. Ordinary people, even those with bad intentions who want to use the scorpion fruit to poison their enemies, still have to consider it and buy it themselves. How to use this scorpion fruit in the future.

After all, although three hundred thousand high-grade Yuanjing is not too much, it is not a small number either.

It would be a waste to buy something that you don't even know how to use.

As for Ling Feng, although he wanted to buy this scorpion fruit, he also knew that there was no need for him to bid in the first place, so as to avoid some malicious bidders from raising the price.

After a long time, an old-sounding voice finally appeared in a corner, "Three hundred and ten thousand!"

Hearing this voice, Ling Feng couldn't help but frowned. Could it be that there were others like him who actually wanted to take pictures of this scorpion fruit?

"Okay, 310,000! Is there anyone else bidding?"

The host seemed to be relieved. When he took out the scorpion fruit, he was very doubtful whether it could be sold, but now it seems that at least it will not fail to sell.

"Three hundred and twenty thousand!"

Ling Feng finally couldn't hold back and quoted a higher price.


The host couldn't help but look around, and seemed a little relieved when he saw that it was Ling Feng's box.

After all, the owner of this box had already accomplished the "feat" of auctioning six auction items in a row before.

This scorpion fruit looks like it has accumulated so much, maybe people just want to buy it back and collect it.

After all, you can’t understand a world with relatives.

"It's that VIP box again!"

"It's a world for rich people! Just buy things to be fresh!"

"Yeah, too!"

Many people started talking, "But this time it seems to be a man's voice."

"Isn't he the pretty boy who was kept by the rich woman just now?"

"Well, it's very possible!"

If Ling Feng heard these words, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Who supports whom?

You’ve always been paying for it yourself, okay?

At this time, the old voice sounded again, this time it seemed a little more unhappy, "Three hundred and thirty thousand!"


The host's eyes lit up. Someone was actually bidding on something as unpopular as Xie Luo Guo?

What a great feeling!

After all, as the host of this auction, he can also take a part of the commission from the profits.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. It seemed that the other party had a clear purpose and had already targeted Xieluo Guo!

"Three hundred and forty thousand!" Ling Feng increased the price again.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"

That old voice also followed closely.

"Half a million!"

"Six hundred thousand!"

Both of them were obviously determined to get the Scorpion Fruit. After a while, the price of the Scorpion Fruit had actually been raised to a sky-high price of five million.

The host felt that his legs were shaking with excitement.

Good guy, don’t these people treat money as money?

Five million high-grade Yuanjing, this is enough to buy a slightly inferior immortal weapon!

Finally, the old voice sighed softly, "That's it, five million and one million. If you can get more, I will withdraw from the auction."

"I'm sorry, senior, I am also determined to get the Scorpion Fruit. Five million and two million!"

Ling Feng shouted out a higher price. Although the old man had been bidding with him, he was tepid and showed no intention of getting angry, which showed that the other party was very well rested.

In this case, Ling Feng will naturally not be stingy with his respect.

"Okay! Five million and two million times!"

"Five million and two hundred thousand twice!"

"Five, two million and three times!"

The final word was finalized. Although there were unexpected problems along the way, Ling Feng finally won the scorpion fruit.


Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief. Although the price was raised from 300,000 to more than 5 million, Ling Feng did not feel that he was at a disadvantage.

The scorpion fruit is indeed very special. If few people had access to it, the starting price would probably be upwards of one million.

What's more, this scorpion fruit is the main ingredient of the Forbidden Breaking Pill. Even if it is doubled ten times, Ling Feng must get it.

This was just a short episode. After Xie Luo Guo, Ling Feng stopped participating in the bidding.

And the old man who bid with Ling Feng only bought another spiritual grass.

It seems that he is only interested in some spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, or poisons.

He was not interested in other things at all.

Time flies by very quickly, and soon the auction is coming to an end, and the real finale treasure will finally make its debut.

"Next, is the finale of tonight's auction! The Glazed Fire Tree!"

A mysterious smile appeared on the host's face, and he clapped his hands. Soon, a dozen burly men walked out of the backstage, carrying a tree that was more than three people tall, and walked onto the high platform with humming sounds.

These dozen or so big men were all emperor-level warriors, and they were full of energy and blood, and their muscles were all tangled. They looked like masters of physical skills at first glance, and so many of them worked together to lift a big tree. It's so strenuous, one can imagine how terrifying the weight of this ancient tree is.

"I believe many people have already heard about it and know the origin of this glazed fire tree!"

The host loudly said: "Yes, this glazed fire tree is nearly six thousand years old, and it has already produced twelve glazed fire spirits. Originally, we wanted to auction the glazed fire spirits and glazed fire trees separately, but That would be too exciting! Therefore, in order to let everyone enjoy it at once, we, Yingxiao Black Market, decided to auction the complete Glazed Fire Tree with a starting price of 100 million high-grade Yuanjing!"

"My dear, one hundred million!"

Before he finished speaking, some people were already dumbfounded.

However, the price is indeed not high.

The Glazed Fire Tree is an ancient sacred tree, its value needs no introduction, and there are actually twelve Glazed Fire Essences condensed in it!

It takes 500 years for one glazed fire essence to mature, so if it produces twelve, it means six thousand years!

And each glazed fire essence is worth as much as the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus that Ling Feng devoured that day!

Such a complete glazed fire tree, let alone 100 million, even the starting price of 300 million is definitely not excessive.

"Brother Wu, I'm afraid it's hard for one of us to eat this glazed fire tree. Why don't you and I join forces and take pictures of the glazed fire tree now? After that, we can allocate it among ourselves in private. Twelve glazed fire essences Well, that’s enough.”

"Okay! I'll cooperate with you!"

At the same time, many warriors who were familiar with each other began to bid in groups.

The price of this glazed fire tree is astonishing. One person, even a force, may not be able to afford it. Joining forces with others is indeed a wise choice.

"Alliance leader..."

Xiao Juanyun glanced at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, many senior elders from the nine major families also participated in the bidding. You..."

"Try it. If you can take a picture, take it. If you can't, forget it."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Although the Glazed Fire Tree was good, he had already taken the scorpion fruit he needed. It would be best if he could get the Glazed Fire Tree. If he couldn't get it, he wouldn't force it.

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