Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2184 Master of Alchemy! (3 updates)

"You're in a good mood."

Xiao Juanyun rolled his eyes and murmured secretly in his heart, what on earth was Ling Feng thinking in his mind? He was so stubborn about Xie Luoguo, but a treasure like Glazed Fire Tree could see it so easily.

But he didn't know that Ling Feng had already obtained a treasure that was comparable to the Glazed Fire Tree, the Burning Heart Emperor Lotus. No matter how good the Glazed Fire Tree was, it was just the icing on the cake at best. Even because Ling Feng swallowed the Burning Heart Emperor Lotus, he was For him, the effect won't be very good.

However, although Ling Feng was not very interested, Yu Junyao obviously wanted to win the glazed fire tree, and she looked determined to win it.

"Three hundred million."

Ling Feng raised three fingers and said, "Miss Yu, I can only produce 300 million high-grade Yuan Crystals at most!"

It was because he had plundered so many ancient sects' treasure houses that he had accumulated so many yuan crystals. If it were an ordinary person, they would have been emptied out long ago.

"You have 300 million here, and I can still come up with about 300 million."

Yu Junyao looked at Xiao Juanyun again, "Hey, how many more do you have there?"

A bitter smile appeared on Xiao Juanyun's face and he stretched out a finger.

"One hundred million?"

Yu Junyao frowned, "It's okay if I just force it."


Xiao Juanyun blushed, "It's not 100 million, it's 10 million... This is my entire family fortune."

"Why do you want to be the young master of the nine major families? Isn't this too poor?"

Yu Junyao suddenly showed a look of disdain.

Ten million, poor?

Xiao Juanyun spat out a mouthful of old blood. This woman might have misunderstood the word poor.

However, in front of these two extremely rich guys, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, I was indeed pitifully poor.

"I am not the only direct descendant of the Xiao family..."

Xiao Juanyun said with a bitter face, "I earned ten million through frugality and hard work."

"Come on, ten million is ten million, it's better than nothing."

Yu Junyao was not polite and took all of Xiao Juanyun's wealth in one fell swoop. "When the Glazed Fire Tree comes back, I will give you a Glazed Fire Essence. Is that okay?"

"Okay, thank you, auntie!"

When Xiao Juanyun heard this, he was immediately overjoyed. Ten million glazed fire essences were a great thing!

It's like pie in the sky.

Of course, it also has to be photographed.

However, the three of them only managed to collect over 600 million in total, which is probably a bit of a stretch.

Sure enough, as soon as the host gave the order, someone immediately participated in the bidding.

"One hundred and ten million!"

The person who spoke was the elder of the Linghu family among the nine major families.

It’s not surprising that the Glazed Fire Tree is so valuable that it attracts high-level officials from the nine major families to come forward.

"Old Linghu, do you want to win the Glazed Fire Tree with this little money?"

The representative sent by the Tie family was Tie Kunlun. This guy was famous for being outspoken and fiery. He immediately raised two fingers and said, "Twenty million!"

The Tie family is a family of forgers, with generations of skilled forgers, and forging, in addition to strength, is to control fire.

The Glazed Fire Tree is undoubtedly of great significance to the Tie family.

"Two hundred and ten million!"

"Two hundred and twenty million!"

The bidding was extremely crazy. In just a dozen times, it was already approaching the 500 million mark.

In front of the high-ranking elders of the nine major families, ordinary chambers of commerce and sect forces, even if they join forces, they can only look forward to it.

This competition is undoubtedly reserved for these big guys.

Of course, in addition to the nine major families, there are three other parties also participating in the bidding.

One is Yu Junyao in Ling Feng's box.

The second one is the mysterious old man who bid for the Scorpion Fruit with Ling Feng before.

As long as it is a rare and rare plant, this person seems to be unwilling to let it go, so the glazed fire tree is naturally one of his targets.

As for the last one, it seems that he is not a force from Yueling City, but an arrogant young man who looks very young. Next to him, there is also a white-haired swordsman who looks to be in his fifties. His aura is very powerful, and there is a faint... There seems to be a special bloodline aura.

I'm afraid, it has something to do with the Gods.

"Five billion!"

Finally, the elders of the Linghu family broke the 500 million mark.

"Five hundred and ten million!"

Yu Junyao still refused to give up, but Ling Feng sat aside bored, playing with the container containing the scorpion fruit.

As long as he opens the cork of the bottle, the poisonous gas inside will be released, which can bring down everyone in the entire auction house.

This sentence may be a little exaggerated, but there is absolutely no doubt about the toxicity of the scorpion fruit.

Ling Feng didn't have a good idea on how to extract the scorpion fruit and extract its poison.

While Ling Feng was thinking, the bidding price for the Glazed Fire Tree had exceeded 600 million!

"Damn it!"

Yujunyao was so angry that her teeth itched. While she was still hesitating, someone shouted out 700 million.

And this also means that Yu Junyao has completely lost the qualification to compete.

Compared with those old men, she is still a bit young after all.

"Ling Feng, lend me another 350 million!"

Yu Junyao raised her jade palm and stretched it in front of Ling Feng.

"Haha, you thought it was three yuan or two, so just take it out! No, the extra yuan crystal is gone!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. He did still have some inventory, but he didn't want to fight the glazed fire tree. It didn't mean much to him.

What's more, the mysterious old man obviously gave him the Scorpion Fruit last time, so this time, he stopped bidding with him, which was a favor to him.

"I'm furious!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Seeing the mountains of auction items in front of her, she felt extremely regretful. The total of all these items was close to 100 million. If she had not been so willful before, she might still be able to struggle for a while.

Unfortunately, she still thought too much.

In the end, this glazed fire tree was photographed for a sky-high price of 1.2 billion!

At this time, even the elders of the nine major families began to launch a bidding process.

In the end, the ones still bidding were the mysterious old man and the playboy boy who seemed to be a member of the Protoss.

It turns out that these two people are not from the forces in Yueling City, and they are both extremely rich.

"You old man still wants to fight with me!"

The dandy boy cursed without grace, stood up suddenly, and said loudly: "1.5 billion! I will give you 1.5 billion, let's see how you compete with me!"

"Six billion."

The old man was also not angry at all, his face was still calm, and he quoted a higher price calmly.


The young man was so angry that he jumped up and asked for a price, but was stopped by the white-haired swordsman beside him, "Young Master, the Yuan Jing we brought out this time is not enough."


The dandy boy glared at the white-haired swordsman, then gritted his teeth and sat down.

In the end, it was finally clear that the ownership of this glazed fire tree belonged to that tepid and mysterious old man.

"This old senior is quite interesting!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. This man's state of mind was far beyond that of ordinary people, and since he was very interested in all kinds of spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs and even poisonous weeds, could it be that he was an alchemist?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng suddenly wanted to make friends.

Perhaps, he is what he has been looking for, the great master of alchemy!

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