Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2189 She is my wife! (2 updates)

The Valley of the Wicked is located in the wild forest outside Yuntian County in the south of the West Sword Region.

Starting from Yueling City, they traveled all the way south. After traveling all night, when the sky was dim, the group was already thousands of miles away from Yueling City.

This is Xiaoxiao'er's intention to accommodate the ghost doctor and the two rookies Ling Feng, otherwise, the speed will be even more exaggerated.

That night, Xiaoxiao'er just led the way and didn't talk much. However, Ling Feng and the ghost doctor had become familiar with each other after several exchanges.

After Ling Feng's questioning, he found out that when the ghost doctor was young, he mistakenly ate an extremely cold heavenly material and earthly treasure, which changed his physique, but also contracted a cold and dark disease.

After that, the ghost doctor painstakingly studied medicine and alchemy. Although his medical skills improved, he was unable to save himself.

Later, because the ghost doctor refined an immortal elixir that conquered the world, it led to the annihilation of the clan.

After that catastrophe, the ghost doctor's temperament changed drastically, he delved into poisonous ways, and finally used the poisonous mist to massacre his entire family of enemies. After that, he got out of hand and killed countless people.

Finally, after meeting Lord Mu Shen, he finally realized the truth, and his murderous intention gradually disappeared. Now he is just an old man in his dying years, unwilling to kill easily unless necessary.

After listening to the ghost doctor's story, Ling Feng admired the Shepherd.

The world only knows that the Shepherd God is associated with evil people, he is both good and evil, and his actions are all based on his own preferences. However, they do not know that he can subdue extremely evil people with his own strength. Over time, he can turn these evil people from big evil into small evil. , and eventually turned to good.

Even if someone as vicious as Xiaoxiaoer still insists on killing three people every day, under normal circumstances, he will only kill some people who do evil and no longer kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Senior Ghost Doctor, this junior is not talented and has also studied medical skills. If senior agrees, junior may be able to cure this hidden disease for senior."

Ling Feng glanced at the ghost doctor. He had killed countless people and was not considered a good person. But in this cruel world of martial arts, how many people could be considered completely good people?

In the past, I was once blinded by hatred. Do all the dead souls under my hands deserve to die?

the answer is negative.

Now the ghost doctor has realized that it doesn't hurt to help him if he can.

"I've been suffering from this secret disease for more than 150 years. If I can live to this age, I can't be considered dead."

The ghost doctor smiled lightly, obviously not having much confidence in Ling Feng's words.

He has studied alchemy, poison, and medicine for more than a hundred years. Is he worse than a young boy?

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose without saying much. There was no need to rush into this matter.

However, Yu Junyao was deeply touched after hearing the ghost doctor's story. She felt a little more sympathetic towards the ghost doctor. She gritted her teeth and said, "Senior, let this brat try it. His medical skills are also very powerful!"

Having been with Ling Feng for a long time, Yu Junyao has naturally seen Ling Feng's miraculous "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Technique".


The ghost doctor smiled faintly and coughed violently for a while, "Let's talk about it after we return to the Valley of the Wicked."

At this time, Xiaoxiao'er, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped, looked up at the red sun in the sky, and laughed, "Hahaha, it's a new day!"

The next moment, he suddenly turned around and stared at Yu Junyao with a pair of cold eyes, "A beautiful day starts with killing people!"

For a moment, Yu Junyao seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and even her blood seemed to have solidified.

Yu Junyao quickly activated the original divine fire to resist the cold murderous aura.

"Senior, what do you mean?"

Ling Feng quickly stopped in front of Yujunyao. Sure enough, this Xiaoxiao'er was too murderous. Once he lost his restraint, it would be difficult to restrain his desire to kill.


Xiaoxiao'er looked disapproving, "There are targets to kill early in the morning. Today seems to be a good day!"

"But you said you wouldn't kill her yesterday..." Ling Feng blurted out.

"Yesterday was yesterday, today is today!"

Xiaoxiao'er stared at Ling Feng, "Boy, get out of the way. If my eldest brother hadn't told me to take you back alive, I would have killed you!"

"Senior Ghost Doctor..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists and looked at the ghost doctor for help.

"Hey, I told you yesterday not to follow this little girl..."

The ghost doctor sighed softly and looked at Xiaoxiao'er, "Xiaoxiao'er, can't you hold it down for a while?"

"Suppress, why suppress?"

The murderous aura around Xiaoxiao'er became more and more intense, "Get out of the way!"

At this time, even Ling Feng was enveloped in a terrifying killing intent. Ling Feng, who possessed the killing sword intent, was very familiar with this kind of power.

In other words, this is murderous intent in the true sense.

Ling Feng had a clear understanding in his heart. Although he had understood the killing sword intention, he was not bloodthirsty by nature, so he could not understand the true meaning of the rough killing sword intention.

Only when the Shura Eyes are opened and plunged into bloodthirsty rage can he truly control the power of killing.

And this Xiaoxiao'er seems to be born to be a cold-blooded killer. The power of killing is the most powerful weapon in his hands.

Ling Feng secretly sweated on his forehead. He had already persuaded Yu Junyao, but now it was good. What he was worried about had indeed happened.

"Senior, you said yesterday that although you are bloodthirsty, you will not kill your friends! A friend of a friend is also a friend. Are you going to break your promise now?"

Ling Feng stared at Xiaoxiao'er and almost shouted.

"Humph, when did I break my promise?"

Xiaoxiao'er curled her lips, "Yesterday you helped Lao Chang, so I didn't kill you. This doesn't mean you are my friend! Now it's reasonable for me to kill your friend! Unless, you and her are closer relationship, because you are the one my eldest brother wants, so naturally I can’t touch your relatives!”


Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, she is my relative...she...she is my wife!"

In desperation, Ling Feng had no choice but to make up some nonsense and took Yu Junyao into his arms, "Xiaoxiao'er, if you dare to touch her, even if you kill me today, I won't go to the Valley of Evil!"

Yu Junyao was hugged by Ling Feng, her whole mind went blank, she even forgot to struggle for a moment, she just stared blankly as she was hugged by Ling Feng, her pretty face turned red.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiaoxiao'er looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Old Changtou, look, I guessed it right. These two little guys look like a pair at first sight! I won the bet this time. Don't forget it when you go back. Your jug ​​of wine!”

The ghost doctor shook his head and smiled, "If you are willing to admit defeat, you can go to my wine cellar to get a jar of fine wine, but there is only one jar!"

Ling Feng was confused for a long time, and it turned out that the ghost doctor and Xiao Xiao'er jointly performed a play to clarify the relationship between himself and Yu Junyao...

However, he only said that Yu Junyao was his woman out of desperation!

What a sin!

Ling Feng quickly let go of Yu Junyao, sighed softly, and lowered his voice: "I'm sorry, Miss Yu, just now..."


Only then did Yu Junyao come back to her senses and gave Ling Feng a hard look.

"To be on the safe side, our relationship cannot be exposed. Otherwise, even though Xiaoxiaoer was just acting, there is no guarantee that he will actually attack you next time!" Ling Feng said solemnly.

"You think this girl is a fool!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng and cursed in her heart: You brat, you dare to take advantage of me, I will settle the score with you later!

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