Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2190 The top ten villains! (3 updates)

After Ling Feng said that Yu Junyao was his woman, Xiaoxiao'er never showed any murderous intention towards Yu Junyao.

After hurriedly walking, until the third day, the group finally stopped outside a huge primeval forest.

"This is the Great Wilderness Forest!"

Xiaoxiaoer dropped a corpse casually, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Just now he met a group of stragglers on the roadside who were besieging a few lone sect disciples. Those sect disciples looked like they were just starting out. If they were targeted by these people, their lives would be in danger.

Xiaoxiao'er, however, looked excited. He killed three of them in one move and then roared, scaring both parties away.

Because the way he killed was so cruel, and because he didn't look like a good person in any way, even the rookies he rescued didn't dare to thank him and ran away.

However, Xiaoxiao'er doesn't mind. He kills people based on his preference. He kills people when he doesn't like them. He also seems to abide by the rules. He only kills three people a day, no more and no less.

of course there are exceptions.

While he was in the Valley of the Wicked, he could not kill anyone.

After all, although Xiaoxiaoer is already a rare master in the world, he is ranked at the bottom and the weakest in the Valley of Evil.

Even the ghost doctor Chang Baicao, although his actual combat ability is not strong, is actually the most terrifying existence in the Valley of the Wicked.

The poison he refined could easily kill Xiaoxiao'er.

"Finally back!"

The ghost doctor seemed to be relieved and looked back at Ling Feng and Yu Junyao. He took out a few pills and handed them to Ling Feng and the two, "These are miasma-avoiding pills. Take the big one and keep the small one in your mouth." , you will not be hurt by the poisonous gas until you enter the Purple Mist Poison Forest."

Ling Feng nodded. Although he had a special physique, he did not dare to take this risk.

The Valley of the Wicked is so transcendent that even the gods are afraid of it. The "evil guys" in it have killed so many warriors, but no one dares to seek revenge. This shows that there are many dangers outside the Valley of the Wicked.

In short, it is always right to be obedient.

With Xiaoxiao'er leading the way, those ferocious beasts were unable to move under his murderous aura, so the journey was relaxed.

Occasionally, Xiaoxiao'er would deal with some ferocious beasts with one punch, while Ling Feng, after asking Xiaoxiao'er, began to skillfully dissect various materials.

"You little guy is quite interesting."

The ghost doctor looked at Ling Feng curiously. When Ling Feng dissected the monsters, except for the monster pills, all the materials seemed to be very familiar. He could often easily avoid the organs and cut out the needed things. .

This kind of technique is enough to show that Ling Feng's alchemy attainments are by no means simple.

"What a weird boy!"

Xiaoxiaoer carried a wild bear monster on his shoulders. This monster bear was obviously going to become tonight's dinner.

Soon, several people arrived outside a bamboo forest. The bamboo forest was filled with purple poisonous mist. Ling Feng quickly followed the ghost doctor's instructions and took the miasma-avoiding pill in his mouth. Then he followed the two of them all the way to the purple forest. The end of the poisonous fog forest.

With Ling Feng's eyesight, it was not difficult to see that the purple mist floating around was so toxic that it might be enough to corrode even the body-protecting aura of a saint-level expert.

Without the ghost doctor's special miasma-avoiding pill, even the ancestors of the nine major families would have returned home in vain.

At the end of the poisonous forest, there is a long and narrow mountain road, about more than a thousand feet long, with countless mechanisms and mazes.

After struggling for more than half an hour, a small village suddenly opened up in front of us.

At the end of the mountain road, there is a broken stone tablet with the words "Valley of the Wicked" engraved on it.

"Here we are, this is the Valley of the Wicked!"

Xiaoxiao'er chuckled and said: "Boy, there are ten evil people in the Valley of Evil. I am ranked last, and Lao Changtou is sixth. Don't think I look fierce, but in fact I am a good person. All of them are here." Someone worse than me."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, who is more evil than Xiao Xiao'er?

I guess it was a joke.

"Let's go, let's take you into the valley to have a look first!"

The ghost doctor smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, although there are not many normal people in the valley, except for Xiaoxiao'er, no one has such a murderous intention."

Ling Feng felt a little relieved now. If he lived in an environment where he could be killed at any time every day, he would have a nervous breakdown sooner or later.

As he got closer, Ling Feng discovered that the buildings in the Evil Valley were basically rows of bamboo buildings. In addition, there were several earth buildings. The whole village looked very... rustic!

With this style, it doesn't look like a group of evil people live there, but rather like a group of hard-working and simple villagers.

What comes into view in front of you is a row of farmland. There is a big, bare-chested man carrying a hoe, who is working hard in the fields.

"That's the ninth blood demon hand, Kuangxue."

The ghost doctor slowly introduced: "Despite looking at his current situation, the number of people he killed back then was no less than Xiaoxiao'er, or even more."

Seeing someone coming, the Blood Demon glanced at a few people and his eyes fell on Ling Feng, "Huh? Is this kid the person the boss is looking for?"


The ghost doctor nodded, "Kangxue, you should go back to the village early today. Anyway, you are digging here and there, but you can't grow any food at all!"

All the skills of this Blood Demon Hand are in his hands. In order to restrain his murderous nature, Lord Mu Shen arranged for him to farm every day. This guy plowed the fields every day, but in fact, there were only weeds after planting.


Blood Demon Shou grinned, "Then I'll go to your place to have a drink today."

The ghost doctor smiled lightly, said nothing, and continued moving forward with Ling Feng and his party.

Ling Feng couldn't help but look back. The farmland looked ordinary, but in fact, there were golden inscriptions flashing on the ground.

Ling Feng secretly stepped on the ground hard, and the dragon elephant's power exploded. The ground did not move at all, but his calves were numbed by the shock.

And the blood demon's hand was obviously holding an extremely ordinary hoe. When he hoeed, he actually dug a big hole in the ground. His power exploded and the cracks spread like a spider web.

This power...

Ling Feng took a deep breath. In the Valley of the Evil, it was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

Then, Ling Feng met several "evil people" in the Valley of the Evil Ones. They were really all kinds of strange, with different shapes, gods and ghosts, and they were all different from each other.

Among them, there was even a blond woman whose name seemed to be Elizabeth. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 2086 The Undefeated Naughty Boy!")

This woman's figure is much taller than that of ordinary women, and she is very hot and exaggerated. Although she doesn't know how old she is, she is good-looking among a group of weird villains.

Ling Feng recalled that outside the Blood Road Inn that day, Mu Shenjun seemed to have mentioned Elizabeth, who seemed to be Hai Qing Lan Hai Lao's sweetheart.

After asking the ghost doctor, I found out that Hai Qinglan was also one of the top ten evil people, but he later left the Valley of Evil. Therefore, there were actually not enough people in the Valley of Evil for a long time, but he was always known as one of the top ten evil people.

Although he has met many of them, Ling Feng has not met Mu Shenjun yet. Instead, he was arranged by the ghost doctor to live in a bamboo building near his medicine house.

And because Ling Feng once said that Yu Junyao was his woman, the two were arranged to live together. In order not to get in trouble, they had to accept this arrangement for the time being.

(PS: By the way, the top ten villains are not ranked according to their strength, but they all basically have superior strength, that is, the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Realm or above, except for the ghost doctor.)

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