Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2191 The Hall of Evil! (1 update)

The bamboo house is very simple, except for some simple wooden furniture. The most embarrassing thing is that there is only one room, one living room, and only one bed!

Yu Junyao quickly occupied the only wooden bed, and stared at Ling Feng with a warning look, saying viciously: "Bad boy, from now on, I will sleep in the bedroom, but you can only sleep outside!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I told you not to come here, but you have to come, it's really troublesome!"

After all, Ling Feng could only choose to accept it. After all, he was a grown man, so he couldn't compete with a girl like her.

"This girl is happy, but I want you to take care of it!"

Yu Junyao looked around and found that everything was empty and there was nothing. Naturally, it did not fit the aesthetics of this young lady, so she began to arrange it. Anyway, there were all kinds of items in her spiritual ring. .

After a while, the simple bamboo house was decorated by her into something presentable.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and ignored her. He just stood outside the bamboo building and began to look at this isolated Valley of the Wicked.

Is this where that guy Chu Chaonan grew up?

Throughout the Valley of the Evil, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich, and spiritual flowers and spiritual grass can be seen everywhere. For Ling Feng, it is really a rare treasure.

There are a total of more than ten wooden houses in the valley, most of which are separated by a certain distance. In the center of the Valley of the Evil, there is the tallest building, called the "Hall of the Evil", which is where the evil people in the valley usually gather and hold meetings.

Of course, under normal circumstances, they don't discuss any major matters, they just get together to drink.

To the north of the Villain's Hall, there is a stone house, which looks like a blacksmith's shop. The owner of the blacksmith's shop is a middle-aged man who is only over five feet tall but extremely strong. He wears a short animal skin coat and usually carries his back. Holding a big hammer that is taller than others.

According to the ghost doctor's introduction, this man's surname was Tie, and he seemed to have never mentioned his name, so he was called "Big Iron Hammer".

This big hammer was once a frightened maniac. His experience was somewhat similar to that of the ghost doctor, but he was deceived by a woman. When he was young, he once forged a fake fairy weapon, but it was stolen by his wife and handed over to his enemies.

And his opponent actually used that fake fairy weapon to severely injure him. From then on, Big Iron Hammer went crazy and specialized in killing all kinds of beautiful women. He was once regarded as a public enemy in the sect world.

After that, he was besieged by more than a dozen saint-level masters and almost died, but was saved by Lord Shepherd. Since then, he has been living in seclusion in the Valley of Evil and has never gone out again.

Because he has the most solitary temperament, he lives far away from other villains, in the northernmost corner of the Valley of the Villains.

To the south of the Valley of the Wicked is the Yao Hut of the ghost doctor Chang Baicao. Ling Feng and the others live near the Yao Hut.

Around noon, someone finally came to greet Ling Feng and the two, but it was not the ghost doctor Chang Baicao, but the blond and blue-eyed alien woman, Elizabeth.

I saw Elizabeth twisting her waist and walking in front of Ling Feng with a smile. She smelled a fragrant aroma from a distance, which made her feel distraught.

Ling Feng remembered the ghost doctor's introduction. This Elizabeth was known as "a charmer who would not pay for her life". She was naturally charming. Even if she did nothing, just looking at her a few times would trigger instinctive impulses in men.

Ling Feng coughed twice. Fortunately, he was determined and would not be fascinated by this "old woman".


Elizabeth walked up to Ling Feng with a smile, "Little brother, why don't you look at your sister?"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, thinking about Hai Qinglan's age. Although this Elizabeth was good at looking good, she was actually the same generation as Hai Qinglan.

At this age, you actually call yourself sister?

Ling Feng smiled coquettishly, "Um, senior, what's the matter?"

Elizabeth pretended to be sad, "You are so young, and you are like a senior!"

"Ahem..." Ling Feng was one head and two big. Fortunately, at this moment, Yu Junyao walked out of the bamboo house, hugged Ling Feng's arm, and took a step forward to stop Ling Feng and There was a hint of anger in Elizabeth's eyes.


Elizabeth glanced at Yujunyao, with a playful smile on her lips. Yujunyao's pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn't let go.

Since they are pretending to be a couple, they naturally have to pretend to the end.

"I won't tease you anymore!"

Elizabeth's smile gradually faded, "Boss Mu is back and wants to see you!"

"Is Senior Mu back?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, Mu Shenjun asked someone to bring him here. Is he really determined to accept him as his disciple?

In this situation, there seemed to be no room for resistance.

"Just go and see and you will find out."

Elizabeth chuckled, and her figure flashed, turning into a white light and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"It's so fast, I can barely see it!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Elizabeth's strength seemed inconspicuous among many villains, but her mysterious and unpredictable movement skills were enough to make her stand out in front of ordinary powerful men. Invincible.

Yu Junyao snorted softly and cursed in a low voice: "You look like a vixen at first glance!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and took his arm out of Yu Junyao's arms, "My suggestion is that you'd better leave here. I'll ask Senior Ghost Doctor to send you out later. He probably won't refuse!"

"I'm not leaving!"

Yu Junyao put her hands on her hips and hummed softly: "The world is so big, is there any place that I don't dare to stay?"

Ling Feng had no choice but to let her go. At worst, he would watch her carefully to avoid this woman causing any trouble.

After a while, Ling Feng brought Yu Junyao to the Villain Hall based on his memory.

At this moment, in the main hall, basically all the villains who were still in the valley gathered together.

Even the Blood Demon who was cultivating the fields outside the Valley of the Evil rushed back with a hoe, but all his attention was focused on the jars of wine placed in the corner of the hall.

Sitting on the main seat directly in front of the hall was a middle-aged man of medium build who looked to be about fifty years old.

This person is naturally Lord Mu Shen.

However, it was different from the appearance of the rickety old man he first saw at the Blood Road Inn, and it was also different from the appearance of a muscular man with twelve-pack abs when he suddenly exploded.

It seems that this is his normal posture, his original appearance.

"Hey, boy, we meet again!"

Lord Mu Shen's eyes fell on Ling Feng, looked around, and said with a smile: "The corpse soul in the body is sealed, but he can still have such power of energy and blood, he is indeed the person that I, Lord Mu Shen, have chosen!"

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