Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2192 Shura Cooking Saint! (2 updates)

"Boy, I've met Senior Mu! I've met all the seniors!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The breath of a powerful man above the main hall was so oppressive that he almost couldn't breathe. Although most of these people were in coarse clothes and linen, each one of them was better than the top brass of the nine major families. The elder's aura is even more exaggerated.

"This is the Valley of Evil, not the Temple of Gentlemen. It's better to avoid all these formalities. I hate these the most!"

Lord Mu Shen walked down from his seat and appeared directly in front of Ling Feng as if he had traveled through a layer of time and space.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand was raised and placed on Ling Feng's shoulder.

A powerful and huge power of spiritual consciousness suddenly poured into the body, and Ling Feng froze. This sense of oppression was especially felt by the leader of the Kongming God Clan, the Emperor Ming!

"Hmph, the soul of the corpse is indeed sealed, but fortunately, there is actually a crack!"

Lord Mu Shen grinned, "Little guy, I brought you back this time just to lift the seal in your body. The ghost doctor is here now. If even the ghost doctor can't break your seal, what will happen to you?" No one can solve it down there!”

Ling Feng quickly bowed his hands to Lord Mu Shen and said, "Thank you, senior, for caring about me!"

"Hey, since I helped you so much, shouldn't you think about what we talked about last time?"

Mu Shenjun stared at Ling Feng with a smile.

"Senior has great magical powers and is willing to accept me as his disciple. I would be honored to accept me as his disciple. However, the seal of this junior has not been lifted yet. What's the point of becoming my disciple or not?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly.

"That's true. Once you lift the seal, it won't be too late to become a disciple."

Lord Mu Shen nodded, "Before that, you will stay in the valley for the time being. Although there are not good people in the Valley of Evil, no one is allowed to kill anyone after entering the valley. You can rest assured about this."

"Hey, not killing people doesn't mean not punishing people, don't you think so?"

A lean, crazy-looking man with disheveled hair was holding a rag doll in his hand and actually started talking to the rag doll.

This person is the fifth among the top ten villains, named Crazy Goro. Although he looks crazy, in fact, the dolls in his hands are all terrifyingly powerful puppets. If he controls these puppets, he can At the same time, he fought to a draw with three other villains.

Lord Mu Shen just smiled faintly and did not deny it. Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. It seemed that he had underestimated the "danger" of the Valley of the Evil!

"By the way, senior, where is Brother Chu? Didn't he come back with you?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes to look at Lord Mu Shen and asked in a deep voice.

"That brat is back a long time ago!"

Lord Mu Shen pursed his lips and said calmly: "But this brat has not completed the task I gave him, and he still refuses to come back in Yueling City. Naturally, he must be punished."

Ling Feng felt anxious and said quickly: "Senior, you misunderstood. In fact, this was also my idea. I told him to hide in Yueling City. Please forgive Brother Chu."

"What are you in a hurry for? It's not a big deal."

Lord Mu Shen grinned and said: "I just threw that brat into the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave for a few days to practice with the monsters inside. This is also to improve his strength!"

"Ten Thousand Monsters Cave?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled. Judging from the name, this place was probably an extremely dangerous place.

No wonder Chu Chaonan was so afraid of his master. Just thinking of Lord Mu Shen's name made him tremble. Lord Mu Shen was indeed a ruthless person.

But at the same time, Chu Chaonan respected Mu Shenjun very much, which shows that he is not just messing around, and he is very trustworthy at critical times.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time. Let's serve the food. Hehe, it's been a long time since I had the food cooked by the third child!"

Lord Mu Shen rubbed his hands excitedly, and saw a big fat man walking in from outside the palace. He was also one of the top ten evil people, ranked third, named Pao Niu, and his nickname was Shura Cooking Saint.

This butler was originally just a famous chef, but then something happened, his temperament changed drastically, and he actually started cooking human meat!

That’s right!

This man who looks pot-bellied and even somewhat honest was actually a cannibal!

Even though he is just a cook, he is ranked third among the top ten villains, so his strength cannot be underestimated.

"Hehe, today Xiaoxiao'er brought back a demon bear. Hehe, everyone is in for a treat!"

Immediately afterwards, like a magic trick, the cook placed plates of delicacies on a wooden table in the center of the hall. After a while, more than a dozen dishes of delicious food were presented to everyone.

For a moment, the aroma overflowed, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. He had eaten a lot of delicious food, and had even seen the skills of the palace chef, but compared with the level of the cook, there was a world of difference.

Even Yu Junyao, the eldest lady of the Jiuli Divine Clan, was also surprised. She didn't expect that there was such a delicacy in a small valley.

Shura Kitchen Sage is worthy of being the sage in the kitchen!

Then, the ghost doctor took out his own wine and asked the blood demon hand to fill it with everyone. The blood demon hand seemed to respect the ghost doctor and actually obeyed his words.

Ling Feng also got a glass of wine, smelling the aroma and tasting sweet. The wine flowed down his throat, and a warm breath spread in his belly and traveled through his limbs.

Just this glass of wine actually made Ling Feng feel energetic, and the power of his spiritual consciousness and qi and blood were enhanced a little.

If Dantian hadn't been sealed, even Yuanli would have improved.

And this wine is the rumored "Three Immortals Wine". It is beneficial to the body refining, Qi refining, and spirit refining at the same time. It is a wine brewed by the ghost doctor alone and cannot be tasted elsewhere. .

After three rounds of drinking.

"Haha, I've been out for a while, and the food cooked by Lao San is the most delicious!"

Lord Mu Shen gave a thumbs up to Shura Cooking Saint and said with a smile.

The fat butcher cow chuckled and suddenly said, "It's a pity that what I'm best at is cooking human meat!"


For a moment, everyone felt nauseous. Although they were all evil men who had killed countless people, they were naturally resistant to cannibalism.

"Fat cook, if you stop saying a few words, you will die!"

Elizabeth was as angry as the ox, and the ox smiled and said no more.

There is only one woman like Elizabeth in the Valley of the Wicked, so everyone else gives her more or less the three points.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that this woman is naturally charming and charms people to death. Over the years, other evil people have also suffered under her hands.

It's a pity that Haiyaksha (also known as Haiqinglan) took the advantage later, and the two became husband and wife.

However, among the top ten villains, most of them have grotesque shapes, and the only one who looks like a human being is indeed Hai Qinglan. Of course, except for Lord Mu Shen, it is a pity that Lord Mu Shen seemed to be unmoved by Elizabeth's charm, and finally let Hai Qinglan take advantage.

"Okay, I'm going to see if Xiao Nanzi is dead, and bring him some food by the way!"

Lord Mu Shen casually put a few plates of leftovers into the Naling Ring, glanced at Ling Feng again, and said calmly: "Boy Ling Feng, I hope you can get used to it in the valley! Old Chang, I'll leave this boy to you. Take care of it!”

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

At this point, Ling Feng has basically met all the top ten villains: the boss, "The Undefeated Naughty Boy" Mu Shenjun.

The third oldest "Shuluo Chef Sage" cooks cattle.

The fourth child is the "fascinating" Elizabeth.

The fifth "puppet master" is Kuang Wulang.

The sixth "ghost doctor" Chang Baicao.

The seventh child "Hai Yaksha" Hai Qinglan.

Lao Ba "Big Hammer".

Lao Jiu's "Blood Demon Hand" is bleeding like crazy.

The tenth "Smiling Killer" Xiaoxiao'er.

There is also a second child, the most mysterious second child. Ling Feng has not seen it yet, and other villains have not mentioned it, so Ling Feng will naturally not ask more about it.

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