Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2193 The Cave of Ten Thousand Demons! (3 updates)

Ever since the Shepherd God summoned everyone for a meeting in the Hall of Evil, he has not come back.

Since then, three days have passed in the blink of an eye!

In the past three days, except for the ghost doctor who came every day to check the seal in Ling Feng's body, no one else came to disturb Ling Feng and Yu Junyao.

These villains seem to be very busy every day. In the words of the ghost doctor, they are all murderous people and must find something to restrain their murderous intent, otherwise they will easily go berserk.

For example, the Blood Demon Shou is crazy about blood and vents his power in the fields every day, while Xiaoxiaoer goes out to find three people to kill every day. As for whether he deserves death or not, it mainly depends on his mood.

However, over the years, Xiaoxiaoer's murderous heart has indeed been purified a lot. Sometimes, if he doesn't kill enough, he just has to kill two monsters.

"Your situation is really strange!"

In the pavilion outside the bamboo building, the ghost doctor diagnosed Ling Feng again and discovered that although the seal in Ling Feng's body seemed indestructible, it seemed to be getting looser day by day.

It stands to reason that a curse as vicious as Soul Sealing cannot gradually weaken over time.

"Junior does have some methods to weaken the seal."

After getting along with each other for a few days, Ling Feng became quite familiar with the ghost doctor, and became less wary of him.

Opening his palm, a lavender flame floated up, it was Yan Yan.


The ghost doctor's eyelids twitched, "This flame seems unusual. Even the original divine fire in my body seems to be faintly triggered by your flame!"

"This is swallowing flames!"

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "The biggest characteristic of swallowing flames is that it can devour everything. Even the seal that seals the soul of the corpse has a certain devouring power."

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "However, this speed is too slow, so this junior has actually thought about refining a forbidden pill!"

"Breaking Forbidden Pill?"

The ghost doctor was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of horror, "Yes, in your current situation, if you use the Forbidden Breaking Pill, you might really be able to give it a try!"

Suddenly, the ghost doctor seemed to remember something, stared at Ling Feng and said: "That's why you bought that scorpion fruit at the auction!"


Ling Feng nodded, "The scorpion fruit is one of the main materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill. In addition to the scorpion fruit, there are several highly poisonous things that this junior has not collected. In addition, Basically enough has been collected.”

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such knowledge at such a young age. You even know the Forbidden Breaking Pill."

The ghost doctor suddenly felt like he had found a treasure. It is said that a thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find.

For a long time, the ghost doctor felt that he was in a cold place at a high place, and almost no one could communicate with him on the alchemy path at the same level.

And Ling Feng's high attainments in alchemy allowed him to finally find someone with whom he could communicate.

"I know a little bit, that's all." Ling Feng smiled modestly.

The ghost doctor smiled and said: "Originally, I haven't found any good way to deal with your seal, but now it suddenly dawns on me! Let's just use the Forbidden Breaking Pill. By the way, little guy, do you still lack those medicinal materials? I'm here , all kinds of poisons are quite complete.”

"In addition to the scorpion fruit that we have already obtained, we also need five poisons such as the sedge vine, the blackgrass... and so on."

Ling Feng told the truth.

"Wuhe grass, cinnabar vine...well, they are indeed very rare poisons, but they are also found in the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave."

The ghost doctor said with a smile.

"Ten Thousand Monsters Cave?"

Ling Feng blinked, this was the second time he heard this name.

"Yes, the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave is actually a demon cave where monsters are rampant outside the Valley of the Wicked. It is known as one of the three most dangerous places in the West Sword Region. Anyone who enters the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave will never come out alive."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "It's so dangerous? Then Senior Mu threw Brother Chu into it... for training?"

"One in a hundred does not exist, and that is only for outsiders."

Weiwei smiled faintly and said: "Xiao Nanzi has been thrown into the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave by Boss Mu to practice since he was ten years old. This is nothing to him."

"Ten years old..."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. No wonder Chu Chaonan was so afraid of Lord Mu Shen. At ten years old, an ordinary person would probably be so scared that he wet his pants.

"The Ten Thousand Monsters Cave is divided into nine levels. The outer six levels are not too dangerous, but highly poisonous things like blackgrass and cinnabar grow in the eighth and even ninth levels. This area It’s a bit troublesome!”

The ghost doctor frowned. He was undoubtedly the weakest among the top ten villains. Even Ling Feng could defeat him in close combat.

It is obviously unrealistic for him to enter the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave to collect those poisons.

"Let's just let this junior collect those poisons." Ling Feng took a deep breath, glanced at the ghost doctor, and said solemnly: "Senior, just tell me how to enter the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave."

"I'm afraid it won't be enough for you to go alone!"

The ghost doctor thought for a while and then said: "By the way, you can go to Taniguchi to find the Blood Demon Hand. Just say that I asked you to ask him to help collect medicinal materials, and he will naturally help."

Seeming to see the doubt in Ling Feng's eyes, the ghost doctor smiled and explained: "None of us evil people in the valley are covered in blood. If you kill someone today, you will be killed tomorrow. The blood demon's hand was saved by Boss Mu. At that time, he was already on the verge of death, but I saved him."

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded. No wonder most people in the Valley of the Wicked respect the ghost doctor. It turns out there is still such a relationship.

"Okay, without further ado...cough cough cough..."

As the ghost doctor said this, he coughed violently for a while. Among the blood stains he coughed up, there were actually black ice cubes!

That is obviously the cold poison that penetrates the marrow!

If he continues to let things go like this, the ghost doctor's days may be numbered.


Ling Feng quickly supported the ghost doctor and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by him, "I know that my days are numbered. Before I die, I hope that I can successfully refine the forbidden pill, so I can Wish it was enough!”

"I know you are also proficient in medical skills, but I know my own situation best, so you don't have to waste your time!"

There was a trace of bitterness on the ghost doctor's pale face, "When I was young, I was blinded by hatred and committed too many sins. Now, I just want to repay the sins I committed. Being able to lift your seal before death is considered a good deed." ”

"Senior, what is called putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately! It doesn't matter what you have done in the past, what matters is the future! A living ghost doctor can save thousands of lives, so why should senior be so pessimistic!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Senior will refine the Forbidden Breaking Pill for me. Then, let me treat the hidden diseases for senior. Even if it's a dead horse, it's not a bad idea, right?"

The ghost doctor smiled bitterly, "I can't believe that at my age, I can't see as clearly as you! Whatever, whatever... I'll leave my illness to you!"

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