Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2194 Can you let me try? (1 more)

After watching the ghost doctor leave, Ling Feng told Yu Junyao not to wander around in the Valley of the Evils. Then he followed the ghost doctor's instructions and went to the mouth of the valley to find the Blood Demon Hand Kuangxue.

Naturally, Yu Junyao could not be obedient, and she was also clamoring to go to the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave. Ling Feng couldn't resist, and he was afraid that this woman would cause trouble in the valley, so he had to take her with him.

After all, although people in the Valley of Evil cannot kill people, most of them were once extremely vicious evil people with different temperaments. Yu Junyao's temper was not very good, so once they got into trouble, they would inevitably suffer.

After a while, Ling Feng came to the mouth of the valley and saw another row of dense farmland.

It's more like a weed patch than a farmland.

The blood demon was holding a hoe in his hand, and he was plowing the ground. When the hoe went down, it would often explode a big hole in the ground, and dense cracks, like spider webs, kept spreading.

But the next moment, golden light circulated, the golden inscriptions on the farmland flickered, and the big pit that had just been cracked miraculously recovered, intact as before.

In other words, the Blood Demon Hands are cultivating here every day, but in fact, digging and digging are all in vain.

However, this method did cleanse him of his murderous nature a lot.

"Hey, isn't this little brother Ling!"

Seeing Ling Feng appear, Blood Demon Shou put the hoe on his shoulder and said hello to Ling Feng.

Coupled with his coarse clothes and linen, he didn't look like the once-feared Blood Demon Hand at all, but instead looked like a simple and honest farmer.

"Senior Blood!"

Ling Feng walked to a place ten steps away from the Blood Demon Shou and stopped. He bowed his hands and greeted him, and after saying a few words, he told the Blood Demon Shou the cause and effect of the matter.

"Take you to the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave?"

The blood demon took a look at Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, and then frowned, "It's not very good. The place below the eighth floor of Ten Thousand Monsters Cave is not a good place. It's not that I look down on you. Just based on your ability, I'm afraid it's very difficult." It’s hard to come out alive. I’m good at killing people, but I’m not good at saving people!”

"Who are you looking down on!"

Yu Junyao frowned and said angrily: "What can you say, I am also a saint!"

The blood demon just smiled faintly and threw the hoe into Yu Junyao's hand, "Okay, if you can dig up the farmland under your feet with a hoe, I will take you there!"

Yu Junyao grabbed the hoe tightly and said angrily: "Why don't we just hoe the ground!"

As she spoke, she mobilized all her energy and hoeed heavily on the ground.


Unexpectedly, as soon as the hoe hit the ground, before her energy could explode, the wooden handle of the hoe broke off first.


Yu Junyao's expression changed, and she immediately frowned and said, "This... this hoe can't withstand my Yuan Power at all!"

"That's none of my business!"

The Blood Demon spread his hands and said, "You don't even have this ability. If you go, you will die."


Yu Junyao was instantly angry, but it was clear that the blood demon also used this ordinary hoe, and his strength was obviously much greater than hers, so why didn't he break the hoe?

"Senior, can you let me try?"

Ling Feng carefully observed the ground and looked at the Blood Demon Hand with a smile.


The Blood Demon casually threw a few more hoes from the Naling Ring, "Try it slowly. If you smash it, I'll still have it here!"

I remember that when the Blood Demon Shou first started hoeing here, he broke thousands of hoes in succession. Later, Lord Mu Shen directly purchased 100,000 hoes, almost buying back all the hoes in several surrounding towns. .

The Blood Demon's hands are very murderous and destructive. At the beginning, he can destroy a hoe with just one swing, and he often even goes berserk.

But fortunately, under the iron fist of Mu Shenjun, he gradually became honest.

Later, he learned to control his own strength and murderous intent. After damaging more than 30,000 hoes, he finally mastered the method.

As for the remaining tens of thousands of hoes, they are still in his Naling Ring.

Later, it took him several months to replace a hoe, and the hoe he has now has been used for almost three years.

Regarding the control of power, the Blood Demon Hand has reached an indescribable level.

In his hands, picking leaves and flying flowers can exert extremely terrifying power.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The so-called power utilization technique is a foundation in kendo, and Ling Feng naturally has some experience.

However, it is obviously not an easy task to use such an ordinary hoe to hit the ground that is obviously covered with a barrier.

After all, if the force is not enough, the hoe cannot break the ground. If the force is too strong, the wooden handle of the hoe cannot bear it.

In other words, it is necessary to master a delicate balance between the limits of strength and endurance.

This is obviously not an easy process.

Ling Feng grabbed a hoe and started his first attempt.

Unfortunately, with a crisp "click" sound, the hoe broke.

"Hehe, Brother Ling, this is not an easy task." Blood Demon Shou grinned, "Just tell me which spiritual plants you want to collect, and I will go there myself."

"I'm afraid not. Collecting those spiritual plants requires special techniques. Unless you are a high-level alchemist, I'm afraid it's not possible."

Ling Feng frowned. Both the black grass and the vine were very rare poisons. Even if they were found, collecting them without special methods would only damage the essence of these two poisons.

So no matter what, I have to go there myself.

"Then try it slowly. If you can't hoe the ground, you won't be able to leave the Valley of the Wicked."

The Blood Demon lazily leaned on the wooden pillar beside him and said calmly: "Hey, this is also what Boss Mu told me."

"Senior Mu?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. It seemed that Lord Mu Shen had already expected all this, and also expected that he would go to the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave.

Since this is what Mu Shenjun wants, then I can only hoe the ground honestly!

"I still don't believe it!"

Yu Junyao on the side was competing with the hoe. Unfortunately, he destroyed several hoe in a row and failed to dig even the slightest trace on the ground.

Ling Feng was not that impatient. After trying it a few times, he calmed down and started thinking.

If the Blood Demon Hand can do it, why can't he do it?

The barrier on the ground, the approximate limit of the force it can withstand, and the wooden handle of the hoe...

Various influencing factors are constantly emerging in Ling Feng's mind. His understanding is rare in the world. With his brain running at high speed, he constantly speculates on any possibility.


Blood Demon Shou looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and was secretly amused in his heart: I destroyed tens of thousands of hoes before I could find some clues, you kid, think about it carefully!

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