Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2197 The eighth floor! (1 update)

"Uncle Xue, it's so good to see you!"

Chu Chaonan was so excited that he burst into tears. He hugged the blood demon's hand and slapped it hard, leaving Ling Feng and Yu Junyao behind stunned.

This is the Blood Demon Hand, a notorious evil man. The relationship between Chu Chaonan and him is actually so close?

The blood demon actually didn't push Chu Chaonan away. Instead, he looked at him with a smile, "I said you kid is too helpless. After all, you have already broken through the holy level, and you are actually being chased by a holy level monster! Even your master I haven’t learned even a thousandth of my ability!”

"Uncle Xue, you must speak with your conscience. That smelly old man has left me here for a month. I have not only dealt with a holy monster!"

Chu Chaonan said with a bitter face.

"Humph, you little brat, you're not done yet, are you? Get out of here!"

The blood demon's hand was held by Chu Chaonan, and the two big men hugged each other, which was somewhat strange.


Chu Chaonan then let go of the blood demon's hand, glanced at Ling Feng and the two behind him, and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Brother Ling?"

Chu Chaonan was excited and quickly ran to Ling Feng, "Good brother, you finally showed up! You didn't know that Miss Yu..."


Yu Junyao coughed a few times, glared at Chu Chaonan and said, "Say less, no one will think you are mute!"


Chu Chaonan smiled, scratched the back of his head, and quickly changed the subject: "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

He has experienced Yu Junyao's fierce and unruly nature. Although he has now broken through to the holy level, he still has some psychological shadow on Yu Junyao.

"But how did you come here and be with Uncle Xue?"

Chu Chaonan turned back and glanced at Blood Demon Hand. Although the villains in the Valley of the Wicked treated him very well, to outsiders, he was a truly great villain.

"You have to ask Senior Mu."

Ling Feng kept the story short and told Chu Chaonan how he met the ghost doctor and Xiaoxiao'er.

"Let me tell you, if you are targeted by that smelly old man, it won't be so easy to get away."

Chu Chaonan raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "I think you can't escape this time. Sooner or later you will call me senior brother."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Forget it, let's not mention this for now. We have to go to the eighth floor area to find some spiritual flowers and herbs. Brother Chu, do you want to come with us?"

"Eighth floor?"

A trace of fear flashed in Chu Chaonan's eyes, but he still nodded, "Okay, just go. Anyway, it's safer to have Uncle Xue with me than me staying here alone."

However, Blood Demon Shou couldn't help but roll his eyes at Chu Chaonan, and said in a deep voice: "You brat, did Boss Mu allow you to leave the seventh floor?"

"The old man told me to stay here for a month. I originally wanted to go out, but I met that damn monster on the way. Since I met you, let's go to the eighth floor to have a look!"

Chu Chaonan looked a little defeated, with many stains on his body. This month was obviously not as lighthearted as he said, but he had experienced countless life-and-death battles.

However, the effect is also obvious. Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao both got the opportunity in the Blood Road Secret Realm and broke through the holy level. However, after half a year, Yu Junyao's cultivation level has hardly increased, while Chu Chaonan's has not. He is already in the late stage of the first level of the Nine Transformations Realm, and the power of the Saint is extremely strong.

That's the beauty of fighting between life and death.

Only by constantly surpassing your own limits can you improve at an astonishing speed.

From this point of view, the Goddess Shepherd threw Chu Chaonan into this cave of ten thousand monsters, not entirely for punishment.

"It's not too late, let's set off now. Go early and come back early. Maybe we can get out before dark."

Blood Demon Hand is not as optimistic as Ling Feng and others. He has entered the area below the eighth floor many times and is very aware of the danger inside. Especially late at night, it is even more dangerous inside.

Without further delay, the four of them found the entrance to the eighth floor and entered the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Demons Cave together.

Even during the day, the light that can shine here is already very limited, and we can barely get some light sources only by relying on the glowing plants on the rock wall.

Fortunately, the consciousness of the four of them is not weak. With the induction of their consciousness, they will not get lost in the depths of the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave.

"By the way, Brother Ling, I heard that you were possessed by some corpse from the demon clan that had its soul sealed away, and it seemed that I could only feel a very weak fluctuation of Yuan Power in you. Your cultivation level will not really be affected. Is it sealed?"

While moving forward, Chu Chaonan couldn't help but ask.

"Sealing the corpse soul is indeed troublesome. I came here this time to find materials for refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill."

Facing Chu Chaonan, Ling Feng did not hide anything and told the truth directly.

"Since I am here to help you unlock the seal, I have to pay close attention!"

Chu Chaonan nodded heavily. Ling Feng also helped him a lot when he was in the Blood Road Secret Realm. Without Ling Feng, he might have fallen into the Blood Road Secret Realm, and he would not be where he is today.

As we moved forward, the deeper we reached the eighth floor, almost all the demonic energy floating in the air had condensed into liquid droplets.

"Be careful not to let the demonic energy invade your body, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

The voice of the Blood Demon's hand came. In fact, everyone had already taken action without his words.

Except for the blood demon's hand, Ling Feng and the other three people have begun to feel uncomfortable, and they have used various methods to isolate the demonic energy.

This level of demonic energy is enough to erode Ti Nie's Yuanli to a certain extent. It can be said that it is not easy for a human warrior to achieve eight achievements in such an environment.

It's no wonder that even strong men like Blood Demon Hand are quite afraid of this area on the eighth floor.

The ground underfoot was very fluffy and slippery, covered with the feces residues of various monsters, and occasionally a strong smell of corpses wafted out.

In this darkness, there are countless hunters hidden. If you are not careful, you will be regarded as prey.

"That's the vine!"

In fear, Ling Feng finally found the first goal of his trip.

Red poison ivy crawled on the rock wall, all the way up, making long and thin indentations on the solid rock wall.

There are also slender barbs on the rattan, which are invisible to the naked eye, but once touched directly with the palm of the hand, those poisonous stings will directly break through the Yuanli Gang shield and invade the body.

Tens of thousands of poisonous stings will quickly attack the internal organs. The violent poison can make a saint-level expert die of torture in half an hour.

In the past, many inexperienced poison masters died from the tiny poisonous stings when collecting this kind of vine.

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