Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2196 The terrifying blood demon hand! (3 updates)

Ten Thousand Monsters Cave is located about a hundred miles west of the Valley of the Wicked.

The two places are adjacent to each other. On weekdays, when the ghost doctor needs to collect elixirs, he will call the Blood Demon Shou to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Cave with him. After going back and forth, the Blood Demon Shou is quite familiar with the Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

Ling Feng successfully passed the exit test left for him by Mu Shenjun, and was finally able to temporarily get out of the Valley of the Wicked.

Under the leadership of the Blood Demon Hand, the three of them finally arrived outside the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave in a short time.

Unlike the moody guy Xiaoxiao'er, Blood Demon Shou was relatively approachable, and because Ling Feng had a good relationship with the ghost doctor, Blood Demon Shou took good care of Ling Feng.

At least, he had never shown any killing intent in front of Ling Feng.

"This is the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave, let's go in."

Blood Demon Shou thought for a moment and then said: "It seems that Xiao Nanzi is on the seventh floor now. Maybe we can run into him!"

Xiao Nanzi naturally refers to that guy Chu Chaonan.

Most people in the Valley of the Wicked call him Xiao Nanzi. (PS: There is one thing to explain here. Although Hai Qinglan is also one of the top ten villains in the Valley of the Wicked, he left the Valley of the Wicked a hundred years ago, hiding his name and staying outside the Blood Road Inn. And Chu Chaonan He was an orphan brought back by Mu Shenjun twenty years ago, so Hai Qinglan had never met Chu Chaonan, so naturally they didn't know each other.)

Ling Feng nodded. The Ten Thousand Monster Cave is actually a bottomless underground cave. It is divided into nine floors from the ground down.

The deeper you go, the more dangerous it is, but at the same time, it also contains more treasures of heaven and earth.

However, the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave has a sinister reputation, and it is adjacent to the Valley of Evil, so there are basically very few blind warriors who dare to come to this area.

After entering the cave, Ling Feng felt a strong demonic aura dispersing in the air, which was also mixed with a creepy and evil aura.

The monsters that grow here all year round will not only be extremely powerful, but may also be more bloodthirsty and violent than half of the monsters.

However, as soon as the Blood Demon stood forward, almost all threats disappeared immediately.

Until the sixth level of space, whenever a monster appears, the Blood Demon will swipe it with one claw. No matter how powerful the monster is, it will be torn into pieces immediately, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and it will be a clean move.

The more monsters he killed, the more terrifying the aura on his body became, even giving people a more dangerous feeling than Xiaoxiao'er.

As expected, each of the ten evil men is not an ordinary person.

"I haven't killed so happily in a long time!"

A red light flashed in the eyes of the blood demon, and the murderous aura around him almost condensed into substance. Ling Feng and Yu Junyao felt an aura that was as cold as the bone marrow at the same time. This extreme murderous aura was even more terrifying than Xiaoxiaoer.

No wonder Xiaoxiaoer is only ranked tenth among the top ten villains, but Blood Demon Hand is ranked ninth.

Just when Ling Feng and Yu Junyao almost collapsed, the Blood Demon suddenly took out a hoe and held it in his hand. The next moment, his murderous aura disappeared.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I didn't stop it for a while!"

The Blood Demon scratched the back of his head and laughed.

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. For a moment just now, he really doubted whether the blood demon's hand would be unable to control his murderous intent and become so excited that he would kill himself too.

If the Blood Demon Hand attacks him, what chance does he have of winning even if he and Yu Junyao join forces?

I'm afraid, not even a cent!

The Valley of the Wicked is really an extremely dangerous place, and you must restore your cultivation as soon as possible!

No, recovery alone is not enough, you must become as strong as possible in the shortest possible time.

Yu Junyao was also sweating profusely, and for the first time she felt a trace of regret in her heart. She had known better that she would have stayed in Yueling City honestly.

Among the top ten villains, whether it was Xiaoxiao'er who was ranked tenth or Blood Demon Hand who was ranked ninth, they were all saint-level, and they all felt to her as if they were separated by a huge gap like an ancient sacred mountain.

Obviously, he is also a descendant of the Gods after all!

And these two people are only at the bottom among the top ten villains!

"Don't worry, after decades of training, I'm not so easily influenced by my murderous nature."

The blood demon's hand holding the hoe looked like a simple and honest farmer, but looking at the dismembered monsters on the ground, it really gave people a feeling of being out of place.

Immediately afterwards, the group entered the seventh layer of space.

By the seventh floor of the Ten Thousand Monster Cave, monsters reaching the semi-saint level can be seen everywhere, and even holy-level monsters are not uncommon.

However, monsters that have reached this level of cultivation have a certain amount of wisdom. When they saw the blood demon's hand from a distance, instead of attacking it, they ran away in despair.

It seems that many of these monsters have experienced the terror of the Blood Demon's hands and do not dare to provoke this evil god easily.

It's a pity that after searching for more than half of the seventh floor, the two poisonous substances, Wuheweed and Amaranth vine, were still not found.

"How is it? Still not there?" Blood Demon Shou turned around and asked.

"Still not." Ling Feng shook his head, "It seems that we can only go to the eighth floor area."

"The eighth floor..."

The Blood Demon took a deep breath, with a solemn look in his eyes, "The eighth and ninth floors have powerful beings that even I can't deal with. Although I can protect myself, it's hard for me to take care of you."

"Senior, as long as we can lure away the guardian monsters and we collect what we need, we can leave immediately."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice.

"Well, now it seems that this is the only way."

The Blood Demon nodded, "But you have to move faster, otherwise I won't be able to hold on if I'm besieged by more than three saint-level monsters!"

The so-called Great Saint level refers to existences above the fifth level of the Ninth Transformation Realm. Every one of them is a hegemon capable of dominating an area in the outside world.

However, they seem to be subject to certain restrictions and can only stay in the depths of the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave. Otherwise, it would be a disaster for the human race.

At this moment, there was a cry for help from the front, followed by a sound of the ground shaking. It was obvious that a huge creature was approaching.

And if you listen carefully, you will find that the voice calling for help seems somewhat familiar.

"Oh, it's going to kill me! Stinky old man, I hate you! Help!"

This voice was not Chu Chaonan's.

According to what Blood Demon Shou said, Chu Chaonan was indeed thrown to this seventh-level area by Lord Mu Shen.

In the seventh floor, semi-saint-level monsters are everywhere. Lord Mu Shen threw him here, but he is really not afraid that this disciple will die young!

But considering that Chu Chaonan was thrown into the Cave of Ten Thousand Monsters and experienced such things since he was ten years old, it is really not easy for him to survive to this day.

"Xiao Nanzi?"

Blood Demon Shou naturally heard Chu Chaonan's voice, took a big step, and walked over following the sound. When Chu Chaonan saw the figure of Blood Demon Shou, he immediately seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and ran towards Xue Demon Shou. Demon Hand rushed over, shouting as he ran: "Uncle Xue, you are my biological father! Help!"


The blood demon grinned and threw the hoe in his hand to the ground.

The next moment, a terrifying murderous aura swept along the narrow corridor ahead.

"Click, rub, rub!"

I saw the monster chasing behind Chu Chaonan suddenly stopped, glanced at the blood demon's hand in horror, turned around suddenly, and ran away as if it had seen a ghost.

Chu Chaonan had finally saved a small life.

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