Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2200 In a desperate situation! (1 update)

The seventh floor area of ​​Ten Thousand Monsters Cave.

The whirling firelight kept swaying, elongating strange shadows on the cave, and outside the barrier formed by Chu Chaonan's barrier talisman, there were actually several monsters with terrifying auras guarding them.

"Damn it, I don't usually see so many monsters appearing together. What's going on tonight?"

Chu Chaonan has been staying in this Ten Thousand Monster Cave for a month. Although monsters usually come to harass him, they are not in groups like tonight.

Perhaps it was because the three humans gathered together, especially Ling Feng's majestic energy and blood, were even more attractive to the monsters.

But fortunately, although the monsters outside the barrier were watching eagerly, the existence of the golden light barrier, no matter how those monsters collided, slapped, or bit, the barrier would not move at all, which made everyone feel relieved.

"Damn it, it's already late at night, why isn't Uncle Xue back yet!"

Chu Chaonan clenched his fists, feeling a little worried.

Even Ling Feng's eyes were a little more dignified.

The flowering period of the Purple Spirit Star Flower only lasts for a quarter of an hour. Calculating the time, if the Blood Demon Hand picks it successfully, it will be almost time to come back at this time, unless he encounters some resistance.

With his ability, if he can't escape in a short time, I'm afraid...

If that's the case, I'm afraid even if it's the blood demon's hand, it's going to be very bad.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart. He was still too impatient. As soon as he found the Purple Spirit Star Flower, he couldn't help but want to pick it back.

In fact, if we return to the Valley of the Wicked first and take a long-term view, there are so many strong men in the Valley of the Wicked and if we send a few more masters, we should be sure of success.

Now, because of his impatience, the Blood Demon Hand is in crisis.

But there is nothing I can do!

Just when Ling Feng was filled with regret, a black shadow suddenly rushed out at the entrance to the eighth floor. It was so fast that it almost seemed like it fell out of the eighth floor.

The next moment, with the weak firelight, Ling Feng saw clearly that the black shadow was the hand of the Blood Demon.

However, the current situation of Blood Demon Hand is very bad!

Not only was his body covered with blood, but his left rib was also scarred with a bone-deep wound. The shocking injury made people's scalp numb, as if all the blood in his body had drained away.

Despite such severe injuries, the Blood Demon's hand was still able to move. He was indeed a tough guy!

However, that's not the worst.

The blood demon rushed out of the eighth floor and seemed to have exhausted all its strength. The monsters guarding outside the golden light barrier suddenly saw such a "fat sheep" rushing out, and it was also a seriously injured "fat sheep". ", and immediately became violent.

The strong smell of blood stimulates the bloodthirsty desire in their hearts.


With a roar, a lion covered in flames pounced on the Blood Demon's hand, threw him to the ground, opened its bloody mouth, and tried to devour the seriously injured Blood Demon's hand completely.

"Get out of here!"

Just when the blood demon's hand was on the line between life and death, it was Ling Feng who jumped out of the golden light barrier.

At the same time, Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao also gave up the protection of the barrier and rushed out of the barrier.

All the monsters rioted, and monsters several times their size surrounded them. Even if they had been promoted to the holy level, the situation was not good under the siege of those fierce monsters.


Ling Feng held a long sword in his hand. On the edge of the sword, blazing fire burned. He slashed at the flaming lion with one strike. The arrogant dragon-elephant power forcefully knocked the flaming lion away from the blood demon's hand.

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng appeared next to the Blood Demon's hand, helped him up, and stuffed a few pills to restore Qi and blood into the Blood Demon's hand. He checked the condition of the Blood Demon's hand and frowned a little deeper.

Although Blood Demon Hand is not in danger for the time being, his current situation is worse than imagined...

At least, he can no longer be their helper.

At this moment, what they need to face are ten ferocious and violent holy-level monsters!

Although they have not yet reached the level of a great saint, it is undoubtedly a disaster for Ling Feng and the others.


The flaming lion roared and stared at Ling Feng with angry eyes.

The fat that reached your mouth just flew away?


The flaming lion looked at Ling Feng and found that he was not much of a threat. He scratched the ground with his huge claws and suddenly turned into a cannonball and pounced towards Ling Feng.

This damn human dares to disturb it from enjoying food, so let's use him first to make an appetizer and dessert.

This flaming lion can be the first to eat. There is no doubt that it is the leader of this group of monsters.

Its power is naturally more powerful than other monster beasts.

Therefore, even though each of Yu Junyao and Chu Chaonan almost had to face more than four monsters, their pressure was no greater than that of Ling Feng.

In fact, the opponents Ling Feng faced were more terrifying than them.

But at this moment, Ling Feng's Dantian was sealed and he was unable to exert his full power.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, knowing that he was no match for this flaming lion, but what he wanted to do was not to defeat this monster beast.

As long as the Blood Demon Hand is brought back to the barrier and everyone re-enters the barrier, they will be safe until dawn.


Seeing the flaming lion charging towards him, the raging flames were already rushing towards him. The overbearing swallowing flames all around Ling Feng swept away in an instant, and at the same time, the power of a hundred dragons completely exploded.


Ling Feng punched out and collided heavily with the flaming lion.

The flaming lion was shaken back more than ten steps by this punch, and Ling Feng's right hand made a series of "clicking" sounds, and the entire arm bone suddenly broke!

"What a powerful force!"

Ling Feng groaned, and there was a surge of energy and blood in his body. In the collision of forces, he was completely defeated.

Although his own power drove away the flaming lion, it was obvious that the price he paid was much more painful!

Is this the brute strength of a holy monster?

Ling Feng's right arm drooped down feebly. Most of his right arm was already wasted. If there was another collision, his left arm would probably be wasted as well.

On Chu Chaonan's side, he could only rely on the constant changes in the six phases of destiny to struggle.

On Yujunyao's side, the situation is equally bad.

It's impossible for them to get out.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. No matter how he looked at it, he was already in an absolute desperate situation. However, he couldn't even use the power of Shura. Otherwise, he might still be able to fight!

what to do?

what to do?

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead, and the flaming lion opposite him swayed and seemed to have recovered from the shock just now.

Seeing that it was about to launch the second round of offensive, Ling Feng's heart sank to the bottom of the lake...

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