Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2201 Teaching skills in times of danger! (2 updates)

Various thoughts kept flashing through Ling Feng's mind, the trump cards he could use, how he could escape...

However, no matter how you think about it, in this flash of lightning, unless you give up all your companions and directly use the Donghuang Bell to escape to another plane.

For example, Miluozhou is a good choice.

However, if he really did that, Ling Feng would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

He will carry this regret with him for the rest of his life.


The flaming lion opposite roared and regained its strength. Although it was also surprised by Ling Feng's power and felt fearful, it was even more unable to suppress the rising desire to kill in its heart.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Blood dripped down Ling Feng's broken right arm and onto the ground.

Ling Feng's heart became colder and colder.

I can repel the flaming lion one more time at most, but what happens after that?

He had always thought that his body-refining skills were sufficient and his physical strength was strong enough, but now he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were.

He, a humanoid ferocious beast, met a real ferocious beast, but he still fell a little short after all!

However, it doesn't make any sense to think about it now.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, condensing the power of a hundred dragons into one point.

Even though he knew that his left arm would follow in the footsteps of his right arm, he would not sit still and wait for death, he must try his best!

"Ling...Brother Ling..."

At this time, the sound of the blood demon's hand suddenly came to his ears.

After swallowing a few pills fed to him by Ling Feng, the condition of the Blood Demon's hand improved slightly, and his consciousness actually came back to his senses.

However, his current situation is very bad.

At least, no more fighting is possible.

"Senior Xue, you wake up!"

Ling Feng did not dare to look back. His eyes must always be alert to the flaming lion.

"You're no match for this beast!"

The Blood Demon Shou took a deep breath. His expression looked very painful, as if he was suffering from heart-rending torture with every breath he took.

"The strength of this junior is indeed too weak."

Ling Feng clenched his left fist tightly, he only had this last chance to punch.

If this punch breaks the left arm, then the next situation will be even more dangerous.

"It's not that you are weak, it's that you don't know how to use your own power. Ahem..."

The blood demon coughed violently, and there were even some fragments of internal organs in the blood foam.

However, even though he was in great pain, he still did not stop talking.

"Do you still remember that I asked you to reclaim the wasteland outside the Valley of the Wicked?"

"Junior remember! It's just..."

Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead, and he vaguely understood the meaning of the Blood Demon's hand.

He hoped that he could use the force-generating skills he used to cultivate the land, so that his dragon-elephant power could be several times or even dozens of times more explosive.

This technique is indeed very powerful and is enough to resolve the current crisis.

However, how can such a skill be mastered casually?

Ling Feng pondered hard for three whole days in the Valley of the Wicked, but couldn't figure it out, and now...

The time left for him is only ten breaths at most!

Even ten breaths are gone!

The flaming lion has moved again.

"If you want to survive, you can only... only at this moment... have an epiphany! All of our lives... are in your hands!"

The Blood Demon Shou roared, Ling Feng trembled all over and raised his left fist.


Everyone's lives depend on this last punch!

"Brother Ling, turn around and come here!"

With a roar, the blood demon's hand was actually at its limit, suddenly bursting out with its final strength, and stood up from the ground suddenly.

Then, the moment Ling Feng turned around, the memories and experiences he had hoeing outside the Valley of the Wicked were all integrated into Ling Feng's mind with his finger on Ling Feng's eyebrows!

Huge memories suddenly exploded in Ling Feng's mind, like a cannonball exploding.


After exploding this last burst of power, the Blood Demon raised his hand to the sky and spurted out a mouthful of blood before falling heavily.

That's all he can do.

Everything can only be seen from Ling Feng.

A huge amount of information exploded in Ling Feng's mind, causing Ling Feng's brain to almost collapse.

But even at this limit, Ling Feng relied on his strong resilience to grit his teeth and persevere.

Bits of enlightenment, bits of insight, constantly gave Ling Feng an indescribable feeling for the power-generating skills of the Blood Demon's hand.

His brain was working at a high speed, and his whole head seemed to be on fire. His face was red, his ears were red, and his eyes were shining brightly...

Finally, he had an epiphany!

At the same time, the flaming lion swooped out again.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

This time, the power of the flaming lion is even greater than the last time. It will completely kill this troublesome human being!

Just when the flaming lion was about to pounce in front of Ling Feng and tear him apart, Ling Feng punched!

"So, that's it!"

Ling Feng suddenly woke up. Under the pressure of life and death, and under the fusion of the memories and insights of the Blood Demon Hand, Ling Feng finally completed this almost impossible thing.

"Dragon Elephant Divine Power, explode!"

At the last moment, Ling Feng punched!

His power was released crazily.

I imagined that I was holding a hoe in my hand. The tyrannical power, without breaking the wooden handle, exploded with enough power to destroy the golden light barrier.



Enhance it again!

Ling Feng seemed to have caught something!


Finally, a punch collided with the huge claws of the flaming lion.

As the void trembled, Ling Feng took three steps back, and the flaming lion was actually knocked away!

That's right, it was blown away!

Its huge body was heavily mounted on the rock wall, and it even made several "clicking" sounds, which was the sound of bones breaking.

Ling Feng raised his fist. His bones were not broken!

Although his fists were slightly numb, he grasped the feeling. He could feel that he had increased the explosive power of Dragon Elephant's divine power to more than five times!


The flaming lion was knocked away by Ling Feng's punch, but this punch also completely angered it!

The huge body swayed suddenly, and the flaming lion rushed forward again.

It's going to tear this damn human being into pieces!

Tear it apart!

"Are you coming again?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He was in the joy of gaining great power. He saw the flaming lion rushing towards him and recalled the feeling just now.

One punch!

One punch!

Another punch!

Three punches broke out, and the flaming lion was directly lame on two legs. At the same time, several of its fangs were knocked out by Ling Feng.

The flaming lion staggered on the ground a few times, and finally fell down heavily with a "thud"!

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