Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2203 Luncheon! (1 update)

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

In the small courtyard outside the bamboo building, Ling Feng stood facing the wind, feeling the cool breeze in the morning, but in his mind he was searching for the feeling he had when he fought with the flaming lion that day.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a faint blue air flow around him, and even the power of the wind is actually captured by his Qi machine.

His right arm was densely covered with bandages. Despite his recovery ability and the superb medical skills of the ghost doctor, ten days had passed and his right arm was still not completely healed.

However, it basically has little impact on ordinary activities.

But at the critical moment, Ling Feng suddenly understood the power-generating skills of the Blood Demon Hand, which actually made the "big villains" in the Valley of the Evil take a high look at Ling Feng.

Moreover, Ling Feng risked his life to save the Blood Demon Hand, which also made them regard Ling Feng as one of their own, and their relationship was a bit closer than at the beginning.

At least, when they met in the valley on weekdays, Ling Feng greeted them, and everyone except the most withdrawn Big Hammer could have a few words with him.

Even Xiaoxiao'er, who had the most perverse and violent temperament, could now talk and laugh with Ling Feng.

From the current point of view, Ling Feng has basically integrated into the life of the Valley of the Wicked.

And, every day you get something new.

There are so many things that he can learn from these senior masters who can be called monsters.

"The power explodes, the farmer punches three times!"

Ling Feng was in the courtyard, waving his left arm. With the same power of a hundred dragons, he could now stably emit at least five times more power.

Of course, there is still a considerable gap compared to the Blood Demon Hand, but he only had a sudden enlightenment. Naturally, it cannot be compared to the Blood Demon Hand, which has been immersed in attainments for decades.

"Hey, you're practicing your farmer's three punches again! Pfft!"

At some point, Yu Junyao walked out of the bamboo building. According to the previous agreement, Yu Junyao lived in the room, and Ling Feng could only meditate and rest in the living room outside.

Fortunately, Ling Feng basically stopped sleeping for a long time. When he rested at night, he kept trying to use strange fire to devour the seals in his body. Although the progress was very slow, Ling Feng would not give up any hope.

Seeing the mocking look on Yu Junyao's face, Ling Feng couldn't help but shrugged. The name Farmer Three Fist was a bit crude, but its power was absolutely powerful.

Just like Yu Junyao, if he didn't use the ability of the flame clone to confront him head-on, he could beat more than a dozen people to tears with one punch.

"Hey, Brother Ling, Sister Yu, you two got up early enough!"

At this moment, a soft voice floated over from outside the bamboo forest. In the Valley of the Evils, apart from the woman Yu Junyao, there was only Elizabeth.

After staying in the Valley of the Wicked for more than ten days, Ling Feng had heard the origins and backgrounds of most people more or less told by the ghost doctor or Chu Chaonan. Only this Elizabeth seemed to have a very mysterious origin.

Like Hai Qinglan, she has blond hair and blue eyes, and is obviously not from the Western Sword Region. However, Hai Qinglan changed her name to one from the Western Sword Region, while Elizabeth has always used her original name.

Ling Feng didn't care about why they became a member of the Valley of the Evil Ones. However, Elizabeth came here this time and was afraid that she would go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

Hearing the name "Little Liangkou", Yu Junyao's pretty face blushed slightly, she glared at Ling Feng, snorted lightly, but didn't say much.

"Senior, it's quite early, isn't it?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and immediately asked: "Senior, what's the matter with coming to us so early?"

"Is he so old? Brother Ling always calls me senior?"

Elizabeth touched her fair cheek and frowned as if she was sad.

"Then, from now on I will call you Senior, ahem, Sister Yi?" Ling Feng glanced at Elizabeth secretly, observing her expression.

"Yi is not someone else's surname. My name is very different from yours."

Elizabeth chuckled. This woman could turn her face around faster than turning the pages of a book. She was completely unpredictable.

Elizabeth blinked and said with a smile: "Elizabeth is my last name. You can call me Sister Lucy like Xiao Nanzi!"

"Haha, Sister Lucy..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance, which was obviously emanating from Elizabeth.

"I wonder if Sister Lucy came to see me... Ahem, what's wrong with us?" Ling Feng asked again.

"If nothing happens, can't sister come and see Brother Ling?"

Elizabeth chuckled and saw Ling Feng's embarrassed look, then she said, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Isn't this the guy with the Blood Demon Hand who has woken up? We are here to celebrate this." The old man has woken up and prepared a lunch, and invites you to join him at noon? "

"Is there another luncheon?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but wonder, why are these evil people so idle?

As if she had the ability to read minds, Elizabeth said with a smile: "We villains are really free, how boring it would be if we didn't find something to do to kill time! Okay, it's settled, I have to come at noon, otherwise I won't Be angry!"


Ling Feng quickly bowed his hand to Elizabeth, "I will definitely take Yu... ahem, Yu'er, to the banquet together at noon!"


Elizabeth looked at Ling Feng and Yu Junyao playfully, then jumped up and disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, what Yu'er? I know you very well! It's so disgusting!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, turned around and walked into the bamboo building.

"This is not acting..."

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao's back, and his head suddenly felt as big as a bucket. A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, so unpredictable!

About noon, the guy from Chu Chaonan came to the door and went to the Villain Hall with Ling Feng and Yu Junyao for a banquet.

Although there was nothing major at the banquet, it was indeed a beautiful thing to be able to taste the dishes of Shura Chef Sage.

Seeing the villains eating happily, but no one even said a word to the Blood Demon Hand, Ling Feng knew in his heart that these guys were not holding a banquet to celebrate the Blood Demon Hand's awakening. They were simply looking for a reason to let Shura The chef is cooking!

Ling Feng was secretly amused, but it was true that after tasting the delicacies of Master Shura's Chef, even a person like Ling Feng who didn't have much demand for food would probably have developed a bad taste and even become a foodie. .

At least that woman Yu Junyao has completely ignored her image, opened her belly and eaten all kinds of things.

After drinking for three rounds, Ling Feng put down his wine glass, looked at the Blood Demon's hand, and asked with concern: "Senior Blood, your injury should be fine, right?"

"It was just a little injury!"

The Blood Demon picked up the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, patted his left rib, and said with a smile: "Look, all the trouble is gone!"

However, looking at the way he was grinning and holding back the pain, Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly laugh. These villains don't only have a vicious side, but occasionally they also have a cute side!

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