Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2204 The Test of the Kitchen Master! (2 updates)

"Brother Ling, your arm will be completely healed in two days. At that time, we will study together to break the forbidden pill..."

The ghost doctor's mentality seems to be much more cheerful, and he occasionally smiles on his face, which makes the people in the Valley of the Evil feel quite fresh.

Although Ling Feng had only arrived not long ago, it seemed that some subtle changes had indeed taken place in the Valley of the Wicked.

"I've been busy healing this old boy Kuangxue these days, so I put aside the matter of unlocking the seal for you."

There was a hint of apology in the ghost doctor's eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I've been sealed for so long, so I'm not in a hurry for a day or two."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. It was impossible to say that he was not in a hurry, but there was no need to be in a hurry.

Moreover, my arms are not completely flexible. If my right hand trembles like that when refining the elixir, all the various spiritual flowers and herbs that I have worked so hard to collect will be in vain.

"By the way, little brother, for the next two days, you should come to my place to help me first."

But it was the Shura Chef Sage Chef Niu who patted his round belly and glanced at Ling Feng with a smile.

"Senior, if there is anything you can do for me, just give me your instructions."

Ling Feng glanced at the Shepherd. Although he was a little curious as to why he suddenly came to look for him, he was certain that it must have something to do with the Shepherd.

If there was a test left for him by the Goddess Shepherd at the hands of the Blood Demon, then there would naturally be a similar test at the Chef Niu.

Ling Feng was vaguely looking forward to what kind of test Shura Cooking Saint would give him.

I believe that there must be something worthy of learning from Shura Cooking Saint.

Not long after, the luncheon ended and everyone left. Yu Junyao also glanced at Ling Feng, with a hint of gloating, and left with a smile.

The so-called gentleman is far away from the kitchen. What good things can happen in the kitchen?

As for Chu Chaonan, there was even a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and he conveyed a message to Ling Feng with his lips: I wish you good luck!

Sure enough, Cook Niu threw a rag to Ling Feng and said calmly: "Little brother, wash the dishes and chopsticks here in a while, and then tidy up the kitchen inside. I'll go and take a nap first."

After saying that, the cook turned around and walked into his house. After a while, there was a sound of "snoring".

This guy actually fell asleep!


Ling Feng's forehead went dark and he washed the dishes...

Clean up the kitchen...

What is this!

No matter what I say, I am also an alliance leader!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng felt a little helpless, but since he had promised the cook to help, he had no choice but to keep his promise.

As the saying goes, no matter how big or small, washing dishes is also a kind of practice!

However, when Ling Feng put the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen, black lines were surging on his forehead.

This kitchen is so greasy!

Moreover, not even a drop of water was left in the water tank!

On the wall next to the water tank, there is also a note: Fetch the water and go up the mountain!

"Is this the test that Senior Chef Niu left for me? A test of my patience?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, tried to stay calm, and lifted the two wooden barrels next to the water tank.

At this mention, Ling Feng was surprised to find that there were actually several inscriptions engraved on the wooden handle of the bucket. The golden light of the inscriptions flashed and formed a shackle, tightly wrapped around his hand.

Then, the originally light wooden barrel became as heavy as two mountains!

That's right, Ling Feng almost stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

Even though Ling Feng had activated the dragon-elephant power, he still felt like he could hardly breathe.

"You're not going to use this thing to carry water, are you?"

Ling Feng's forehead went dark, this was too serious!

What he learned from the Blood Demon Hand was explosive power, which was of no help at all in this situation.

After careful estimation, it would take at least ten buckets to fill the water tank, which meant that he would have to make at least five trips back and forth.

Moreover, these two wooden barrels completely restrained his hands, so he couldn't be clever and put the water into the Naling Ring first, and then secretly put the water directly into the water tank.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and without wasting any more time, he carried two extremely heavy wooden barrels and ran towards the back mountain.

These five trips back and forth might kill me!

Fortunately, the distance from here to the back mountain is not too far. At Ling Feng's speed, it only takes about a quarter of an hour to go back and forth.

When he arrived at the stream in the back mountain, Ling Feng filled up the water completely and then continued running wildly back to the kitchen.

However, when he returned to the kitchen, he discovered something even more desperate.

There is actually a small hole at the bottom of the barrel that is very difficult to detect!

When I returned all the way, most of the water inside had actually leaked out!

"You're cheating!"

Ling Feng collapsed a little. No wonder he felt that when he came back, the barrel seemed to be getting lighter and lighter. It turned out that the barrel actually leaked!

But these two damn wooden barrels were entangled in his hands through the golden chains, and he couldn't throw them away even if he wanted to.

"It looks like it's not only a test of strength, but also speed!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. When he came back, he had to speed up as much as possible to ensure that not too much water was leaked.

In this way, the number of water transports can be reduced.



three times!

Time passes bit by bit!

Ling Feng felt that he was almost exhausted, but the water in the water tank was not even half full!

"Damn it, not yet! It's not time to rest yet!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and kept running in the path of the Valley of the Evil, from noon to dusk.

Occasionally, I would encounter one or two villains from the Valley of the Villains. These guys really showed their excellent "evil character", and even deliberately tripped Ling Feng, or threw a watermelon peel and banana peel on the ground in front of Ling Feng. Something like that, the water that Ling Feng worked so hard to fetch was splashed all over the floor.

Although Ling Feng was angry, he also knew that this should be a test they gave him.

Moreover, even if you are really angry, what's the use?

I can’t fucking beat him!

Seeing that it was getting dark, Ling Feng returned to the kitchen again and poured the water from the bucket into the water tank.

This time, the water in the water tank is finally full!



With two crisp sounds, the two golden chains that bound his palms finally untied themselves.

It turns out that the water tank must be filled with water before this binding circle will be automatically untied.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two wooden barrels fell to the ground, and Ling Feng's body also fell heavily.

On this day, he was completely exhausted!

However, Ling Feng did not fall to the ground, but fell into a strong and generous embrace.

It's the swollen belly of Shura Kitchen Saint!

"Little guy, after working hard all afternoon, you just fetched a tank of water? You are too incompetent, right?"

The voice of Shura Cooking Saint rang in his ears, Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he felt bitter in his heart, "Senior, I..."

"Okay, okay, no need to explain. Just go back tonight. Tomorrow morning, go to the back mountain to cut down the firewood, and then fetch a tank of water. Remember, you must complete the task before noon!"

Shura Cooking Saint glanced at Ling Feng impatiently and said in a deep voice.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth. Can he still rest tonight?

Thinking about what happened today when fetching water, chopping firewood must not be that simple!

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