Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2205 Feel the soul of a chef! (3 updates)

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng clenched his fists and nodded heavily, "Okay, senior, I will complete the mission!"

"Hey, looking at your appearance, I know you definitely don't know how to do it!"

Shura Cooking Saint grinned, "Forget it, let me give you some pointers!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he raised his eyes and stared at Shura Cooking Saint, "Is there any other way to fetch water?"

"Nature has a way."

As Shura Cooking Saint said, he picked up a wooden bucket on the ground and immediately filled the water tank with a full bucket of water.

"Look carefully, what's the difference between the water I draw and the water you draw?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but curse in his heart, this is obviously the water I brought back, okay?

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he discovered some differences.

The water in the barrel is no longer leaking!

"how so?"

Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. It was obviously the same wooden barrel. Why did the water he drew leak, but the water poured by Shura Cooking Saint did not leak?

"Look carefully!"

Shura Cooking Sage raised the barrel and placed it in front of Ling Feng.

Ling Feng looked carefully for a moment and finally saw that the water in the barrel was actually spinning!

That speed is not fast, but it can form a cyclone at the bottom of the barrel.

That layer of air was like a barrier, completely blocking the water inside, and not a drop leaked out of the holes.

"If the water doesn't leak, at your speed, you can fill the water tank in more than an hour at most. Isn't it much faster?"

Shura Kitchen Saint said with a smile.

"how did you do that?"

Ling Feng exclaimed, if what he learned from Blood Demon Hands was how to explode power, but from Shura Kitchen Saint, it seemed to be another technique for using power.

"I believe you can understand it!"

Shura Cooking Saint gently patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, turned his gaze to the black pots hanging on the kitchen wall, and said calmly: "Little brother Ling, if you can stay and help me, I have to give you a favor no matter what. It’s just a meeting ceremony.”

"Meeting gift?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. With a saint-level powerhouse like Shura Kitchen Saint, he should be able to get good things out of his hands!


Shura Cooking Saint nodded, pointed at the black pot on the wall and said: "Choose one of those pots, and start carrying it on your back from today! As an excellent chef, you must first understand your own pot. Although you don't necessarily have to Become a chef, but I think if you can sink into my state of mind, it might help you master my power skills!"


Ling Feng was silent for a long time, feeling that what Shura Cooking Saint said seemed to make sense.

"Then I'll choose this pot."

Ling Feng randomly selected a relatively small black pot. Although he didn't know what it was used for, at least it wasn't so cumbersome!

"Have vision!"

Shura Cooking Saint stretched out his hand to grab the black pot, and handed it to Ling Feng, "Little brother, I hope you can carry this pot on your back from today on, at least for a month, you can probably understand , the soul of a chef!”


Ling Feng's heart was broken!

I believed your evil deeds! Can you understand the soul of a chef by taking the blame?

How big is your soul!

"Here, let me carry it for you!"

As Shura Cooking Sage said, he put the blame on Ling Feng's back.


After fetching water for a day, Ling Feng's whole body was now extremely sore. He was carrying this blame and almost fell down under the terrifying weight.

I was shocked, how could this be a scapegoat? Ling Feng felt like he was carrying an ancient sacred mountain on his back!

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

Shura Cooking Saint gently patted the black pot behind Ling Feng. It made a banging sound, and countless black lines shot up on Ling Feng's forehead.

This look is pretty good, isn’t this a bastard?

"Hey, little brother Ling, I just added a magic circle to this black pot. You won't be able to let it go in less than a month!"

Shura Cooking Sage smiled and then continued: "Okay, you can go back now. I will wait for you here early tomorrow morning!"

The expression on Ling Feng's face gradually stiffened.

Can you meet people like this now?

After Ling Feng left with a dark face, the Shura Cooking Saint showed a shocked expression and murmured to himself: "This kid, without using any skills, actually filled this bottle just by relying on speed. A tank of water! The potential is simply immeasurable!”

I think back when he first experienced this kind of "torture", he was so angry that he almost smashed the water tank.

It took a whole day on the first day, and he only filled half a tank of water.

As for Ling Feng, it only took half a day!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ouch, my stomach, it can't hold anymore, it can't hold anymore, I'm going to die laughing!"

Yu Junyao laughed so hard that she burst into tears, "You brat, did you become a bastard!"

When Yu Junyao saw Ling Feng's appearance, she almost lost her breath from laughing.

"You know nothing!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "I am feeling the soul of a chef!"

"Hahahaha, you slowly realize it, huh..."

Yu Junyao laughed so hard that her stomach almost cramped. She breathed heavily and continued to laugh, "Hahaha, this is the first time I heard that you can feel the soul of a chef by pretending to be a bastard!"

Ling Feng glared at Yu Junyao and walked out of the yard without saying a word.

He had known for a long time that this woman would laugh at him, but he had to maintain this state for a whole month, and sooner or later he would fail.

Rather than laugh at me again if she finds out, it's better to let her laugh heartily once and for all!

Fortunately, the Five Elements Heavenly Palace was blocked. At least, that bitch couldn't see himself taking the blame.

Otherwise, this will definitely turn into a lifelong shame!

Early the next morning!

It shouldn't be said that it was the fourth watch. It was still dark and the stars were still twinkling, so Ling Feng got up.

After the experience of carrying water on the first day, Ling Feng knew that going up the mountain to chop firewood today would not be an easy task.

To complete the task before noon, you must set aside enough time.

After a while, Ling Feng came to Shura Kitchen Saint's house and started knocking on the door frantically.

However, it was not until daybreak that Shura Cooking Saint got up and opened the door for Ling Feng.

Obviously, Shura Cooking Saint did not intend to give Ling Feng enough time. Ling Feng squatted in the corner of Shura Cooking Saint in the cold wind and waited for more than an hour!

At this time, the evil people living nearby had also started to appear.

The Blood Demon went to clear the land again with a hoe in his hand. When he saw the blame behind Ling Feng, as expected, he burst out laughing!

Then there was Xiaoxiaoer, rolling on the floor with laughter!

"Hey, Brother Ling, feel the soul of a chef!"

Then there was Elizabeth, well, she smiled more subtly.

Then, the entire Valley of the Wicked was enveloped in wild laughter.

Ling Feng felt more and more that Shura Cooking Saint was clearly trying to trick him, and he deliberately did not explain it clearly and allowed himself to be brought in front of his door so that other villains could take a good look at his appearance!

Ling Feng wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

The whole bastard shell was not only extremely heavy, but also made him the laughing stock of the entire Valley of Evil!

Fortunately, Shura Cooking Saint did not laugh at Ling Feng, but casually threw an ax to Ling Feng and said calmly: "You go to the back mountain to cut a kind of black bamboo, and the woodshed next to it is full. You can start carrying water! Understand what I told you last night and don’t let it slip today! If you complete the task before noon, I will reward you!”

Ling Feng looked at the blunt ax in his hand, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face.

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