Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2206 Learn to cook from me! (1 update)

The mountain behind the Valley of the Wicked.

It was early in the morning, and the mountains and forests were filled with clouds and mist. The cool mountain breeze was mixed with dew, giving people a very cold and comfortable feeling.

But at this moment, in a bamboo forest, there was a shirtless young man with his shirt wrapped around his waist, holding a rusty ax and working hard to chop down trees.

The ax has been severely rusted, and there is almost no possibility of sharpening it. Ling Feng knew that the test given to him by Shura Kitchen Saint was to use this rusty ax to chop firewood.

The black moso bamboo he was talking about had a hard texture, and the most important thing was that the surface of the bamboo was covered with some inscriptions that Ling Feng couldn't understand. The brilliance of these inscriptions made the originally hard bamboo Bamboo becomes stronger with iron.

Ling Feng had to use the rusty ax to cut off the bamboo branches directly with one stroke. Otherwise, no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to leave any trace on the bamboo branches.

This is undoubtedly another very difficult test.

Not to mention, Ling Feng still had this heavy blame on his back.

When Ling Feng concentrated all his strength on his arms, his center of gravity would shift accidentally and he would fall to the ground.

Basically, Ling Feng would fall down once every dozen times he swung the axe. The black pot was so heavy that Ling Feng had to do two things at once, sharing the weight of the black pot and using the greatest strength possible. , cut off the bamboo branches.

An hour later, Ling Feng collected only a dozen bamboos.

But the goal given to him by Shura Cooking Saint was to fill the entire woodshed.

This gap is huge...


Ling Feng panted heavily and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he had initially mastered the explosive skills passed down to him by the Blood Demon's hand, it seemed to be different when cutting down trees.

A momentary explosion pursues the ultimate destructive power.

When cutting down trees, you need a sharp force.

Use a blunt ax to cut the bamboo branch into two sharp edges in one breath.

His own power no longer lacks destructive power, but lacks that sharp power.

The sun was gradually rising in the sky, and Ling Feng was getting anxious. Now it seemed that at noon, let alone fetching water, he might not even be able to complete the task of chopping firewood.

I thought that I was also an emperor-level expert, and could even kill a junior saint-level expert with one punch. Unexpectedly, I couldn't even complete basic kitchen tasks!

Cutting wood...

Carrying water...

Ling Feng never thought that these two jobs would be so difficult.

Dual use of distraction, power control, sharp attributes...

Ling Feng kept summarizing and reflecting, and gradually found something. However, it was still very difficult to actually operate it.

"Brother Ling!"

Chu Chaonan's voice came from behind. When the guy saw Ling Feng being chopped down by this scapegoat, he actually didn't laugh at Ling Feng for the first time.

"Come on, drink some water first!"

Seeing Ling Feng sweating profusely, Chu Chaonan handed Ling Feng a bamboo tube with sweet and delicious stream water in it.


Ling Feng threw the ax aside, took the bamboo tube and drank from the cow. The cool stream water flowed down his throat, making Ling Feng feel that he was finally alive.

"It doesn't feel good!"

Chu Chaonan looked at Ling Feng with a clear "I understand you" look in his eyes.

Come to think of it, Chu Chaonan should have experienced this feeling.

"It is indeed a kind of torture!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking at the scattered bamboo branches on the ground, "It looks like I won't be able to complete the task again today."

"I also experienced the same thing back then, but I was still young at that time, so I didn't bear such a heavy blame as you. And..."

Chu Chaonan pointed to the bamboo branch and said calmly: "When I was chopping firewood, there was no such tough inscription on the bamboo."

Ling Feng slapped his forehead, feeling good. What he was experiencing now was an enhanced version of Chu Chaonan.

"However, you are already very powerful. It took me several months before I cut the first bamboo!"

Chu Chaonan gave Ling Feng a thumbs up and said.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that Shura Cooking Saint had asked him to cut down an entire woodshed of bamboo before noon, which was an almost impossible task.

"By the way, even though I didn't complete Uncle Cook's test in the end, I still learned some things."

Chu Chaonan scratched the back of his head and said, "Uncle Chef Saint asked you to carry this blame, just to teach you how to use distraction. Also, when chopping this kind of bamboo, you need to make your strength even sharper."

As he said that, Chu Chaonan also made a diagonal slashing gesture, and a strong wind came, and there was indeed a vague edge.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. What Chu Chaonan said was almost the same as what he had understood in just a short while, but it was obvious that he had a little more methods and skills than him.

Is this what he spent several years to understand?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Thank you, Brother Chu, I'll continue!"

"Well, then I'll run away first. If the old man knows that I'm giving you a small stove, he's probably going to punish me again!"

Chu Chaonan said and left the back mountain in a flash.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, starting from the way of swinging the axe, the change of power, the edge of power...

As he chopped again and again, Ling Feng gradually understood something.

At the last hour, Ling Feng's chopping speed had obviously doubled.

However, this is obviously not enough to complete the task.

When the red sun was high in the sky, Shura Cooking Saint finally appeared. Looking at the bamboos piled up behind Ling Feng, which were about half a person tall, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although he proposed that Ling Feng fill an entire woodshed, he also knew that this was an impossible task.

But in just one morning, Ling Feng cut so many bamboos, which was a bit unexpected for him.


Shura Cooking Saint coughed slightly, Ling Feng turned around suddenly, saw Shura Cooking Saint, and quickly put away the ax, with a look of shame on his face, "I'm sorry, senior, I...I didn't complete the task."

"This is the first time you carry a black iron pot to chop wood. You were able to chop so much bamboo. It seems that you have initially mastered the skill of distraction."

Shura Cooking Saint casually picked up a piece of bamboo and saw that the cut was smooth and there was still an astonishingly sharp energy coming out of the fracture. He couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, you actually understood the way of changing strength on your own." , it seems that you have already understood everything you learned from Blood Demon Hands."

"Thanks to the senior's demonstration last night, I understand that power itself can actually change into various different attributes. For example, the power of rotation prevents the water in the bucket from sinking, so it will not fall from the bottom of the bucket. leaked out of the hole."

Ling Feng blinked and said slowly: "So I wondered if there could be similar power when cutting down trees, so that the bamboo would break with one blow."

"Your understanding is nothing short of evil!"

Shura Cooking Saint patted his round belly, showed an approving smile on his face, and grinned: "Young man, you are very good, learn to cook with me!"

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