Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2207 Shura Tianqie! (2 updates)


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, senior, I...have no intention of cooking."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shura Cooking Saint burst out laughing, "I'm just joking with you. You are the disciple that Boss Mu wants. Even if I have my heart, I don't dare to compete with him for my apprenticeship!"

Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, senior, my goal is to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, and I really don't have any extra energy."

"There are three thousand avenues, all leading to the same destination. The way of cooking is also my way of martial arts."

Shura Cooking Saint took a deep breath, looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Now that you have understood the changes in power attributes, all that is left is just some skilled skills. I have nothing more to teach you. You don't need to Let’s continue chopping wood and carrying water.”

"No, I feel that it is this proficiency that is the most important."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "There are some things that, once you know them, you may not be able to do them. There is still a long way to go between the realms of my seniors and me!"

Chef Shura's eyes lit up and he glanced at Ling Feng again.

"You are very different from Xiao Nanzi. Your talent is much higher than his, but your state of mind is calmer than his."

There was a hint of approval on Shura Cooking Saint's face, "Okay, let me demonstrate it to you. Please watch carefully!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Shura Cooking Saint flashed. It was unimaginable that his heavy body could be so agile and flexible.

The next moment, before Ling Feng could react, the ax in his hand had fallen into the hands of Shura Cooking Saint.

"Shura Tianqie! Kill!"

He saw two flashes of cold light, and Ling Feng vaguely saw two silver interlaced lights, like falling comets, piercing the sky and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Then, in the bamboo forest, the strong wind howled, a terrifying sharp force exploded, and the entire bamboo forest shook violently.


The chopped bamboo branches fell neatly and uniformly like raindrops, piercing deeply into the ground neatly. There were hundreds of them.

"This this……"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. This was a spectacular scene created with a broken axe. If it were replaced by a sharp fairy weapon, what kind of terrifying power would it unleash?

"The Shura Tianqiu I just learned from when I was chopping vegetables, the ultimate sharp power! In that moment, I had actually cut hundreds of knives."

Shura Cooking Sage smiled faintly, looked at Ling Feng's dumbfounded look, raised his hand and patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a faint smile: "It's time to realize it, hehe, my mission has been completed!"

After saying that, Shura Cooking Saint turned around and left.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth and called out to Shura Cooking Saint, "From now on, every morning, I will come to chop wood and carry water for you, senior, until I can complete the task within the specified time!"

"it's up to you!"

Shura Cooking Saint turned his back to Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, "In return, you can come to my place for lunch every day from now on!"

After saying that, he strode away.

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng looked at the back of Shura Cooking Saint, and his mind was still filled with the astonishing sharp power of Shura Cooking Saint's "Shura Tianqie" move just now.

No wonder Shura Cooking Saint ranks third among the top ten villains. His realm is indeed much higher than that of Blood Demon Shou and others.

Since then, in the Valley of the Wicked, every day before dawn, a young man who has taken the blame will walk through the valley.

This young man is naturally Ling Feng.

Ling Feng rushed to the back mountain early every morning, carrying the heavy black pot on his back and chopping down trees.

Then when daybreak, he went to Shura's kitchen to get a bucket to fetch water for him.

The power of sharpness and the power of rotation. Ling Feng continued to hone his use and understanding of these two powers every day, and gradually became effective.

On the third day, the injury on the blood demon's hand finally healed, and the ghost doctor finally found time to study the forbidden pill together with Ling Feng.

It was just after noon.

Carrying the blame, Ling Feng ran to the ghost doctor's medicine house huffing and puffing, looking out of breath.

This morning, Ling Feng spent the morning chopping wood and carrying water. Over the past few days, Ling Feng had painstakingly studied the changes in strength attributes every day, and even his enthusiasm for cracking the seal had dropped a bit.

"Little friend Ling Feng, you are really full of energy!"

The ghost doctor looked at Ling Feng's appearance, just shook his head and smiled, but did not make fun of Ling Feng like other villains.

Ling Feng was moved in his heart. After all, in the past few days, except for Chu Chaonan, almost everyone else couldn't help laughing when they saw him, especially the woman Yu Junyao, who was the most exaggerated.

Fortunately, after a few days, Ling Feng had begun to get used to this kind of ridicule, and his mood was as calm as water, without any disturbance at all.

"I want to master what I learned from Senior Cooking Saint as soon as possible."

Ling Feng said slowly, for a martial arts fanatic like him, as long as he finds his goal, he will work tirelessly until it reaches his goal.

This is why Ling Feng was able to transform from a powerless doctor into a monster who could defeat a saint-level expert in just a few years.

In addition to his amazing talent, there is also the immeasurable amount of sweat behind it.

"It took them dozens or hundreds of years to reach their current level. You don't have to rush." ​​The ghost doctor smiled lightly.

Ling Feng just nodded and said no more.


Unfortunately, what I lack most now is time.

"By the way, senior, have you figured out how to extract the poison from the scorpion fruit?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the ghost doctor. A few days ago, Ling Feng had given all the medicinal materials for refining the forbidden pill to the ghost doctor.

Refining the Forbidden Breaking Pill mainly depends on the ghost doctor, and Ling Feng himself mainly studies how to maximize the medicinal effect of the Purple Spirit Star Flower in order to treat the ghost doctor's hidden diseases.

"Of course there is a way."

The ghost doctor smiled faintly and said: "The poison in the scorpion fruit is too strong. Even just smelling the poisonous gas is enough to cause a coma for three days and three nights. However, all things are interdependent. As long as you swallow a hibiscus flower, you can temporarily Be immune to the poison of the scorpion fruit and find a way to refine it.”

"Moon flower?"

Ling Feng blinked. He had heard of this kind of spiritual flower. The hibiscus flower has a strong anti-toxic effect. Swallowing the hibiscus flower can indeed prevent the poisonous erosion of the scorpion fruit for a certain period of time.

However, this does not mean that after swallowing the hibiscus flower, you can directly touch the scorpion fruit and extract the toxins in it.

The hibiscus flower can suppress any toxicity within an hour, but during the process of refining the toxin, the toxicity has actually invaded the body along with the energy.

Once the effectiveness of the hibiscus flower wears off, the toxicity of the scorpion fruit will invade the internal organs.

This method is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst!

"No, senior, the hibiscus flower can only temporarily suppress the toxicity, but when refining the scorpion fruit toxin, it is inevitable that the poison will invade the body. This method is too risky!"

Ling Feng shook his head. He did hope to unlock the seal as soon as possible, but he did not want it to be based on anyone's sacrifice.

"Don't worry, since I proposed this method, I am naturally confident enough to prevent the poison from invading the body when refining the scorpion fruit toxin."

The ghost doctor smiled lightly and said slowly.

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