Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2212 Evil Coin! (1 update)


Ling Feng poured the water from the bucket into the water tank and collapsed directly to the ground.

Looking at the water in the water tank, it was almost half full, and Ling Feng had a slight smile on his face.

Although he still made three trips back and forth, the water in the water tank was obviously much more than yesterday, which also meant that his use of the power of rotation had improved, and the water leaking from the bottom of the bucket had reduced a lot.

"not bad!"

Shura Cooking Saint walked in from outside the door and looked at the water in the water tank and the firewood piled at the door. In just three days, Ling Feng was able to use the power of rotation and sharp power to this extent. , something he had never thought of before.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked up at Shura Cooking Saint, and said with a wry smile: "Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before we can complete the mission of our seniors."

Shura Cooking Saint patted his round belly and said without saying anything. He just smiled and said, "Come on, I've prepared lunch for you!"

"Thank you, senior!"

In the past few days, Ling Feng has been able to eat a delicious meal at Shura Kitchen Saint every day. After eating the food he cooked, his fatigue seems to have been relieved a lot.

It's no wonder that Shura Cooking Saint is not an ordinary cook after all. Most of the delicacies he cooks use monsters as the main ingredients. Naturally, they have effects comparable to those of high-level elixirs, and they are very delicious!

In this Valley of Evil, even other evil people can't always eat delicacies cooked by Shura Cooking Saint. Ling Feng can eat here every day, which is considered the only one in this Valley of Evil.

Soon, Ling Feng devoured the lunch prepared for him by Shura Cooking Sage. Not only did he satisfy his appetite, he felt warm all over his body, and his energy and blood strength also increased.

Ling Feng was even a little worried. He was used to eating the delicacies of Shura Chef Sage. After leaving the Valley of the Wicked, no matter what he ate, he would probably taste the same.

"I am full?"

After Ling Feng put down the bowls and chopsticks, Shura Cooking Saint raised his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Have I been looking for you?"

"You mean Senior Hammer, right?"

Ling Feng nodded, "Well, Senior Iron Hammer did come here in the morning. How did Senior know?"

"I'll know if you still have the hidden wounds left by Lao Ba's concussive power in your body." Shura Cooking Saint said calmly.

"I see……"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. No wonder after eating the lunch prepared by Shura Cooking Saint, the pressure accumulated in his chest dissipated a lot. Apparently, this lunch turned out to be "medicinal food".

Shura Cooking Saint is really interested.

Chef Shura shook his head and sighed, and continued: "That guy, Lao Ba, has a withdrawn temperament. You should obey him more, otherwise I'm afraid you will suffer."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Junior knows."

Regarding what happened to Sledgehammer, I once heard the ghost doctor mention it. (PS: See "Chapter 2223 Hall of Evil" for details)

Speaking of which, his experience of being deceived by a woman was very similar to his own. Big Iron Hammer came from a blacksmithing family and was a genius blacksmith, but he was misled by a woman. And before he set foot in martial arts, he once naively thought that he had met a woman who could be with him for the rest of his life.

The results were equally tragic.

He almost died and was reborn. After also experiencing extremely bloody killings, the wounds in his heart gradually healed.

And compared to the big hammer, he is undoubtedly lucky.

Because of that encounter, Sledgehammer's character became twisted and cruel, and he even became a public enemy of the entire martial arts world. However, he met Duanmu Qingshan when he was most isolated and helpless.

It was Duanmu Qingshan who gave him his first warmth other than his grandfather Ling Kun and kept him from going astray.

If it weren't for Duanmu Qingshan, if he had become Lin Canglang's disciple, perhaps he would have completely given up on his own principles as a human being.

The world of martial arts has always been so cruel.

Because he had a similar experience, Ling Feng could understand it more or less even though the way Big Iron Hammer was born was a bit extreme.

"I'm afraid that you are too tough. If you go against him, I won't kill you, but he will show no mercy when he does."

Shura Cooking Saint patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and gave him a wish-for-blessing expression.

Ling Feng couldn't help but complain secretly. It seemed that his future life in the Valley of the Wicked would not be so cool.

After lunch, Ling Feng took a short rest, then carried the big black pot again and ran towards the blacksmith shop.

After meeting other villains on the road and being laughed at by them for a few days, they seemed to have gradually gotten used to Ling Feng taking the blame, and no one laughed at him anymore.

However, the news that Ling Feng was going to the blacksmith shop spread quickly in the valley.

After all, the Valley of Evil is a small place the size of a palm. These evil people are very busy all day long, so if there is something new, it will naturally spread quickly.

"I think Brother Ling will be miserable this time!"

The Blood Demon held a hoe in his hand, leaned lazily on the pillar in front of his house, and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's not only miserable. In the past hundred years, except for Boss Mu, even we have been unable to get along with Lao Ba. I guess Ling can't stand Lao Ba's bad temper."

Xiaoxiao'er touched her bare forehead and half-leaned against a big tree at the door in a very lazy posture.

"I bet that guy Ling Feng won't be able to stand it for three days!"

Shura Cooking Sage grinned, took out a piece of yellowed silk cloth from somewhere, threw it on the ground, and shouted: "Come on, come on, place your bets!"

"I think that kid should be able to endure it for more than five days!"

The Blood Demon casually threw a silver coin out. This silver coin was not an ordinary coin, but a "evil man's coin" commonly used in the Valley of the Evil Ones.

These evil people are bored on weekdays, so they often bet for fun.

Basically, they are not short of money or training resources, so they invented a kind of "evil currency".

As long as you hold the Villain Coin, you can ask any one of the ten villains to do something for you.

Generally speaking, they are very boring things, and only those who are free and miserable will do them, but over time, they have become a "tradition" in the Valley of the Wicked.

"I think back then, Xiao Nanzi was beaten with a black nose and face swollen by Lao Ba in just two days and was thrown out. I think Ling Feng is about the same."

Elizabeth said with a smile.

"I bet for five days!"

Crazy Wulang was playing with this puppet in his hand, and was about to throw out the villain coin, but he shook his head, raised a puppet, and said in a sweet voice: "But I think it's three days."

"Five days, just five days!"

A rough voice sounded, also made by Crazy Wulang.

As the name suggests, this Crazy Goro is indeed a "madman". He always fantasizes that the puppet in his hand can communicate with himself, so in the end he even split into three personalities.

One is himself, the other is a child puppet on the left hand, and the other is a villain puppet on the right hand.

Therefore, he behaves crazily all day long, and other villains have long been used to it.

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