Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2213 The way of forging! (2 updates)

"Lao Wu, you'd better discuss it with your puppet doll before making a decision."

Shura Cooking Sage bit his head. There were few normal people in the Valley of Evil, and among them, the fifth Crazy Wu Lang was an out-and-out lunatic. Although Big Iron Hammer had a withdrawn temperament, he still had the thinking of a normal person.

And Crazy Goro...

Contacting him alone is equivalent to dealing with three people at the same time. All in all, he is a very troublesome guy.

At this moment, Chu Chaonan ran over panting. This guy was stimulated by Ling Feng and began to practice hard day and night. Seeing this group of villains gathering together, he couldn't help but walk up. .

"Uncles, what are you doing?"

Chu Chao Nanchao said hello to all the villains.

"Xiao Nanzi!"

Blood Demon Shou chuckled, "Why don't you come here to make a bet because you are bored? How about you come too, Xiao Nanzi?"

"What bet?"

Chu Chaonan's eyes lit up and he became interested.

"I bet that guy Ling Feng can stay at Lao Ba's place for a few days."

Shura Cooking Saint patted his belly and said calmly.

"What, Ling Feng went to Uncle Iron Hammer's place?"

A look of horror suddenly appeared on Chu Chaonan's face. In the Valley of the Evils, apart from Lord Mu Shen, his biggest shadow was the big hammer.

Although the other villains are all very weird and none of them are normal, they can at least get along with them.

But at Sledgehammer, if you make the slightest mistake, or even say half a word too much, you will get a beating!

However, the power of the big hammer was almost crushing. Just looking at him made his calves tremble unconsciously.

"Hey, how about it, do you want to come and gamble?"

Blood Demon Hand encouraged with a smile.


Chu Chaonan stared at the villains and said hatefully: "You guys are going too far. You actually used Brother Ling to bet! Wait a minute, did I last time..."


Blood Demon Shou grinned, "Idleness is nothing but idleness!"

Chu Chaonan snorted and gritted his teeth: "Hmph, then I'll bet that Brother Ling can pass Uncle Hammer's test!"

"I'm afraid you've lost your mind!"

Blood Demon Shou laughed loudly, "Boy, if you lose, I will ask you to wash my feet!"


A black line suddenly appeared on Chu Chaonan's forehead. The blood demon's hands were scratching the ground all day long in the fields. Not to mention, he also had a pair of old sweaty feet that might not be washed every few years...

Once, Xiaoxiaoer lost to him in a bet, and he asked Xiaoxiaoer to wash his feet. Then, Xiaoxiaoer was fainted by the smoke!

I was dizzy for three days and three nights!

After that time, it probably took another five years.

During this period, the Blood Demon's hands never washed his feet!

"Xiao Nanzi, the bet between us villains is a solid one. If you lose, I won't embarrass you, just wash your pants for me!"

Shura Kitchen Saint also smiled and said.

"What a loss to you!"

Elizabeth frowned, glared at a few people, then looked at Chu Chaonan, and said with a smile: "Xiao Nanzi, I will not let you do those things!"

Chu Chaonan smiled and said: "It's okay. If it were you, Sister Lucy, I could wash you anything!"


The word "sister" immediately made Elizabeth burst into laughter.


All the villains cast disdainful glances at the same time, and each one whispered: Old woman, you are so ashamed!

On the other side, Ling Feng didn't know that his trip was so "tragic" that he even made those bored villains bet that he would be beaten away with a sledgehammer in a few days.

Big Hammer's blacksmith shop is located in the northernmost corner of the Valley of the Wicked, far away from where other wicked people live, which also shows how lonely this person is.

From a long distance away, Ling Feng felt a hot breath spreading in the air.

It has a furnace-like feeling, a scorching flame that never goes out all year round. Therefore, this area is different from other places in the Valley of the Wicked. Except for some red weeds, there is almost no green shade.

When Ling Feng arrived at the blacksmith shop, Big Hammer was already waiting outside the blacksmith shop. Behind him was a sledgehammer that was much taller than himself, which looked very weird.

However, every inch of muscle on his body seemed to be filled with explosive energy.

Thinking back to the time when he was in the back mountain, he almost destroyed himself with a big hammer.

Unlike the pure destructive power of the Blood Demon Hand, the power of the big hammer is more inclined to crush.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stepped forward and saluted the big hammer, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."


Big Hammer snorted coldly, without any extra words, turned around and walked into the blacksmith shop, and said two words in a cold voice: "Come in!"

Ling Feng looked at the back of the big hammer, stepped forward, and walked into the blacksmith shop.

This is a very simple-looking blacksmith shop. There is a blazing furnace on the left side, and next to the furnace is a huge pool. In the pool, the smoke is steaming, but there is a biting cold air.

On the other side of the blacksmith shop is a forging table, which is used as a forging hammer.

The big hammer casually threw an ordinary hammer at Ling Feng's feet. Without even looking at Ling Feng, he said slowly: "Boy, watch carefully, I will only demonstrate it once!"

After saying that, the big hammer dropped a piece of unforged fine iron on the forging table.

This piece of fine iron seems to be about seven inches thick and three feet square. It looks very heavy, but in the hands of the big hammer, it is like an ordinary brick, effortlessly.

The next moment, he picked up a hammer lying nearby. With a flash of light in his eyes, the hammer hit him hard like a falling comet.


The ground beneath Ling Feng shook slightly. When he came to his senses, the big hammer had already hit the fine iron more than a dozen times.

And just in these dozen strokes, the seven-inch-thick iron plate had actually turned into a palm-sized block, with a uniform texture and a very regular appearance.

Immediately afterwards, the big hammer hit it a few more times, and the iron block turned into a piece of iron, even with a silvery luster.

The internal structure of that fine iron plate has been directly changed, completely turning into a brand new metal!

"it's your turn!"

The big hammer put away the hammer, walked aside, and said slowly: "Before dusk, give me a piece of iron exactly like this one, and you can leave."

After that, he left without looking back.


Ling Feng's face froze, this is what is called a demonstration?

At this speed, I couldn't see anything clearly at all!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng picked up the hammer on the ground. This big hammer was indeed not a qualified teacher.

Whether it was the Blood Demon Hand or the Shura Cooking Saint, they at least gave me a lot of hints, and they were never stingy with their advice.

And this big hammer...

Ling Feng shook his head. There was no point in complaining. Let's take a look at the "iron piece" made by the big hammer first.

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