Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2214 Who do you think you are? (3 updates)

Picking up the bright silver piece of iron, his hand was heavy. Ling Feng grabbed it and almost failed to pick it up.

"Good weight!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, but he was relieved immediately after thinking that it was originally made of such a large iron plate.

This is not an ordinary metal iron plate. In fact, it is a very hard immortal metal. At the very least, it is a material used to make holy weapons.

This material is already very dense and tough, but under the hammering and hammering, it can actually turn into pieces of iron.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Is this the so-called "vibration of force" and "penetration of force"?

"The formation of shock force comes from collision."

Ling Feng also once learned a secret technique of attaching a blade, which can add concussive force to the blade of the sword, which can repulse part of the opponent's power back.

Therefore, he also knows very well what the power of shock means.

However, to create a shock at the moment when the power bursts out from oneself is undoubtedly something that Ling Feng has never been exposed to before.

"If it is not a shock after the collision, it means that the power has already formed a shock before I burst out."

Ling Feng kept thinking in his mind.

What would happen if we let power collide with power itself?

The change in the attributes of power is the direction that Lingfeng has been working hard on for the past few days.

Perhaps unknowingly, Ling Feng had already started thinking about the power of shock.

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Half an hour...

An hour...

Ling Feng held the hammer in one hand and the piece of iron with the other, just like a piece of wood. He stood there, motionless.

Ling Feng was more accustomed to thinking before taking action.

If he can't think clearly, then for him, it's just a waste of energy.

After all, he still carries a heavy blame on his back.

Every swing of the hammer is a huge load for him.

If you run out of strength before mastering the skills, then today's mission is destined to be impossible to complete.

Not far away, Big Iron Hammer glanced at Ling Feng out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that he was motionless from beginning to end, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Thinking before you act is indeed a good habit.

However, it would be too naive to understand the shock and penetration of force just by thinking about it.

"If you dare to hand me a blank paper directly, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Big Iron Hammer snorted and immediately looked away.

He agreed to the Shepherd God to teach Ling Feng about the vibration of power and the penetration of power, but if Ling Feng didn't have the understanding, then he could only be driven away.

He didn't really like anyone disturbing his peace.

What's more, it's someone like Ling Feng.

A proud man of heaven, handsome and unrestrained, he can of course get everything he wants, status, wealth, women...

Such people always remind him of the thorn in his heart.

Therefore, he was very afraid that if Ling Feng continued to stay here, he would not be able to help but kill him.

Another half hour passed.

Ling Feng put down the piece of iron in his hand, took a deep breath, and was finally ready to start.

Real knowledge comes from practice, and blindly thinking and talking on paper cannot help him truly understand the true meaning.

Placing an iron plate on the ground on the forging table, Ling Feng began to swing the hammer for the first time.


Ling Feng activated the Dragon Elephant Divine Power, and the arrogant power exploded. Hearing a "click", the thick iron plate actually shattered.

"how so?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, something he had always overlooked.

The difference between forging and breaking.

He has strength comparable to that of a blood demon's hand, possesses tyrannical explosive power, and has mastered the sharp changes of force.

It can be said that his power is very destructive and destructive.

However, forging is different from destruction, and he needs to consider the limit of the force that the iron plate can withstand.

Let the power fill the iron plate, causing vibrations and changing its internal structure.

Looking back, I was hit by a sledgehammer in the morning. There was no obvious external injury, but my internal organs were slightly shocked.

The power penetrated from his body and exploded on the ancient tree behind him. It also first shattered the internal structure of the ancient tree bit by bit, and then exploded.

This kind of power no longer stays on the surface, but acts directly on the inside.

There is no obvious difference between the power of the blood devil's hand and the power of Shura Cooking Saint, but it is obvious that this kind of power is more difficult to resist than external forces.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng readjusted, put the broken iron plate aside, and replaced it with a brand new one.

Obviously, Big Hammer had already expected this situation to happen, so he prepared a lot of spare iron plates.

Holding the hammer high, Ling Feng started his second attempt.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of metal colliding was extremely harsh.

Ling Feng felt the force of the counter-shock, which made his jaw numb, but the tough iron plate did not move at all.

If the force is small, it cannot affect the iron plate, but if the force is strong, it can easily destroy the iron plate directly.

This is undoubtedly a difficult problem.

However, Ling Feng was not discouraged.

Once, twice...

Ling Feng kept trying, constantly discovered problems, and kept adjusting his mentality.

Every time he struck the hammer, he obviously gained a new understanding of his skills.

Soon, the sun sets.

The time agreed with Sledgehammer has come.

The big hammer was very punctual, and at dusk, he walked into the blacksmith shop again.

"Stop it."

The sledgehammer glanced at Ling Feng coldly. The suffocating feeling, the oppressive feeling like Mount Tai, made Ling Feng drop the hammer involuntarily.

It seems that this order cannot be disobeyed at all.

The big hammer carefully inspected the "iron pieces" forged by Ling Feng.

Strictly speaking, the iron plates forged by Ling Feng were basically still in the form of iron plates. The piece he was hammering at the end had barely turned into an iron block.

However, the unevenness was completely different from the iron blocks he forged himself.

"you failed."

The sound of the big hammer was a bit chilly.

"Yes, I failed."

Ling Feng nodded, "However, I think I have learned a certain trick. I will do better tomorrow."

However, what was waiting for Ling Feng was not encouragement or rebuke, but a slap with a big hammer.

Cruel and cruel!

No warning!

The sledgehammer slapped Ling Feng hard on the cheek.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Ling Feng ducked to the right. However, at the same time, he raised his hands high and used the power of rotation to strike a blow with the big hammer.

Kick, kick, kick!

Ling Feng was knocked back more than ten steps, and his body hit the wall hard. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and there were countless broken bones all over his body.

"This is a lesson for how dare you dodge!"

The sound of the sledgehammer was cold and cruel, "Go back and come back tomorrow!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, with a trace of anger flashing in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "My dignity cannot be trampled on by anyone! No matter how strong you are, even if you are a god in the sky, you are no exception!"

"Who do you think you are? You dare to mention dignity in front of me?"

The sledgehammer stood with his hands behind his back, and the momentum around him exploded, and a terrifying sense of oppression enveloped him.

Ling Feng, who was already seriously injured, was so shocked by this terrifying pressure that he spurted out another mouthful of blood.


However, Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, "Then, who do you think you are? But if you are deceived by a woman or hurt by a woman, you just blame everyone and everyone. For hundreds of years, who do you think you are? You, even a person Not even men!”

(PS: It’s not Ling Feng who accepts the situation. No matter how strong you are, you can never trample on my dignity! Ling Feng finally confronts one of the villains. Yes, beat him!)

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