Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2216 Untie the knot! (2 updates)


As the suffocating and terrifying murderous intent of the big hammer dissipated, Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He could not let the sledgehammer trample his dignity, but he also understood the gap between himself and the sledgehammer.

Using force is not a wise choice, so start at the root cause.

Perhaps, I can untie his knot.

After all, we are both fallen people in the world...

I once had such a past that I couldn’t bear to look back on!


Ling Feng took a step forward and walked towards the big hammer.

"I told you, let's go!"

Sledgehammer clenched his fist tightly, "Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I won't kill you!"

"My nickname is in your hands, so why not listen to a few words from me?"

Ling Feng looked at the back of Big Hammer and said solemnly: "If you don't want to be a coward for the rest of your life!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Da Tie Hammer's eyes, and he turned around suddenly, staring at Ling Feng.

"Let me tell you a story..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "There once was a young doctor. Well, he was a... friend of mine..." (PS: Friends made out of nothing!)

Ling Feng told Big Iron Hammer in great detail his story before he set foot in martial arts.

It was a scar deep inside him that he never mentioned to anyone.

Now, perhaps because he met someone with the same past, Ling Feng also opened up his heart.

As Ling Feng spoke, Big Iron Hammer's expression gradually became serious.

Such a similar experience reminded him of his past self.

And the young doctor even sacrificed the light of his eyes for that woman, but what he got in the end was betrayal.

"After the young man was deceived, he was reborn from death. He slaughtered that woman's entire family. That night, he transformed into a Shura devil. Regardless of whether there was any grudge or not, whether the other party was innocent or not, he only knew how to kill..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, stared at the big hammer with incomparable sincerity, and said slowly: "But when he was killing, his heart did not feel too happy. Instead, there was only endless emptiness."

"Yeah...endless emptiness..."

Sledgehammer felt the same way, "But I still just want to kill!"

"So, have you forgotten that besides betrayal and that woman, there are more beautiful things in this world?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the big hammer, "At least, as far as I know, Senior Mu Shenjun rescued you and gave you a peaceful pure land. Senior Ghost Doctor pulled you back from death and gave you the third life. A second life. In your heart, are they no better than a woman who has hurt you? "

Sledgehammer's eyes went from confusion to a flash of understanding.


His body, along with his heart, trembled slightly.

"Everything in the past will only blind your eyes. What we want to see are the people around us, and the future!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, "The young doctor has let go of the past, and he is no longer a coward. Senior, can you never let go? Are you worse than a blind boy?"

Sledgehammer fell into deep thought. After a while, he raised his eyes and stared at Ling Feng, "That young doctor, is that you?"

"What's the difference between yes and no?" Ling Feng smiled bitterly.

"Perhaps only those who have experienced it can have such an experience." The ferocious anger on Da Tie Hammer's face dissipated a little. He looked at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Boy, thank you for everything you said today. . However, my mind is very confused, please go first, I need some time to calm down."

"I hope this time won't be too long!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Then, can I still come over tomorrow afternoon?"

"If you're not afraid of getting beaten, you can come again!"

Big Iron Hammer glanced at Ling Feng half-jokingly, and he felt as if the big stone in his heart had fallen.

Yes, you can obviously choose a better lifestyle, so why do you have to live in the shadow of the past?

"It's okay to be beaten, but no slaps in the face!"

Ling Feng coughed a few times, then turned and walked out of the blacksmith shop.

Looking at Ling Feng's leaving figure, Big Iron Hammer took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "Maybe it's really me who is too paranoid..."

"Wow, what kind of situation is this?"

In the distance, Blood Demon Shou almost stared out of his eyes when he saw Ling Feng leaving safely.

"What on earth did they say? They were too far away, and they were afraid of being noticed by Lao Ba, so they didn't dare to use their spiritual senses!"

Shura Cooking Sage frowned. How could Ling Feng convince a big hammer, a smelly and hard stone?

"This kid is really extraordinary!"

Mu Shenjun smiled lightly, "He is indeed a magical guy who can change people like Lao Ba because of him!"

"What a funny little guy!"

Elizabeth also narrowed her eyes and smiled, as if she remembered something, she pursed her lips and giggled again.

"Okay, let's all go away. In a few days, the results from the ghost doctor should be out."

Lord Mu Shen stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "I hope everything goes well. I can't wait to accept this disciple!"

After dusk, darkness quickly falls.

When Ling Feng returned to the bamboo house where he lived, it was already dark.

Recalling what happened at Big Iron Hammer, Ling Feng felt lucky.

Fortunately, the big hammer didn't take action in the end, otherwise he would have narrowly escaped death.

After all, it’s still not strong enough!

However, today, he told the story about Su Lin not only to help Big Iron Hammer face his past, but also to face the scar in his heart.

From now on, this is no longer a shadow, but just an insignificant past.

Inside the bamboo building, the lights are brightly lit.

Yu Junyao obviously came back earlier than Ling Feng. These days, this daughter seems to have a heated relationship with Elizabeth and has been practicing at her place.

It's no wonder that these two women are the only ones in the valley, and most of the other villains have strange shapes. Elizabeth is probably the only one Yu Junyao can take a liking to.

"You brat, why are you back so late today?"

Yu Junyao heard the noise outside and walked out of the room.

"Going to practice."

Ling Feng shrugged and walked into the bamboo building. He always felt that something was a little bit wrong with Yu Junyao today.

What exactly is wrong is hard to say.

If I have to say it, there is just a hint of shyness...

Of course, for a stubborn guy like Ling Feng, this question is too difficult and he can’t understand it at all!

"Are you working so hard now because of my cousin?"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng and suddenly said something out of nowhere.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. When he saw Yu Junyao's expression, which was quite serious, he took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Some of it, maybe!"

(PS: Talk MAX~)

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