Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2217 The biggest winner! (3 updates)

Three years period!

Ling Feng had not forgotten that when he first met Yu Junyao that day, she had said that Mu Qianxue was a saint from the Jiuli God Clan and was engaged to a young master from another God Clan.

Three years!

He only had three short years to save Mu Qianxue.

For Mu Qianxue, he might not be called his true love, but he knew that he owed her a lot.

He had to go to Mu Qianxue and tell her everything clearly in person before he could understand his heart.

Therefore, he must stop this engagement!

Otherwise, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life!

He doesn't want to regret it after he has completely lost it, so in these three years, he must continue to become stronger.

Of course, this is only part of the reason.

What he was carrying was far heavier than this.

The powerful men of the Immortal Realm, the Xuntian Clan, and even the so-called gods from the source of that world...

Only by going to the top of this world can we be qualified to seek the answers to all this.

Hearing Ling Feng's answer, Yu Junyao obviously showed a hint of sadness, but she concealed it well. She smiled and said sarcastically: "I advise you to give up on this idea as soon as possible. You It’s impossible to surpass your cousin’s fiancé!”

Ling Feng has heard similar words at least a hundred times and has long been immune to them.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go practice."

Ling Feng shrugged and passed by Yu Junyao.


Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng and cursed in her heart: You idiot!

Ling Feng didn't know that what made Yu Junyao feel confused and ask such a question out of nowhere was something Elizabeth said to Yu Junyao during the day.

After all, when they first came to the Valley of the Wicked, they came as a "couple".

And Elizabeth's eyes were so vicious that she could tell at a glance that Yu Junyao was still an untouched young girl.

Elizabeth casually asked a few questions about topics between women, which made Yu Junyao blush.

Later, Yu Junyao discovered a very serious problem.

It seems that Ling Feng has fulfilled all his requirements for his partner!

Could it be that I really like him a little bit?

That's why there was the problem just now. Perhaps even Yujunyao herself didn't notice that she seemed to care more and more about Ling Feng.

"Humph, only a devil would like this stinky idiot!"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng's back, cursed in her heart, turned around and walked into her room, but her pretty face was slightly red.

As for the reason, probably only she herself knows.

"Clang clang clang!"

In the blacksmith shop, there was the sound of forging. It was Ling Feng wielding the hammer, trying to turn a heavy iron plate into a uniform iron block.

Ling Feng still came to the blacksmith shop, but the big hammer did not hit him. In fact, he even renovated the blacksmith shop.

However, the hole in the wall has not been repaired yet.

Sledgehammer's attitude couldn't be said to be much better, but at least he didn't show any impatience at all. When Ling Feng asked him questions, he would answer them.

Maybe he hasn't completely given up yet, but at least he has taken the first step.

"Forging an iron plate into an iron block, the key is to achieve a uniform texture without bumps and pits. When the force of the shock is transmitted to the inside of the iron plate, the force is evenly distributed. You may be able to control your strength when it comes out. , but once you enter a new medium, the loss of power is difficult to estimate. The power of shock is to spread your power evenly within a certain range."

"When you have mastered the use of force shock, you can even control the area affected by the shock. Therefore, I only need a few hammers to do what you cannot accomplish with hundreds of hammers."

As the sledge hammer came, Ling Feng gradually felt something in his heart.

Sledgehammer is indeed an excellent forger. When he talks about casting, he can't pretend to be so focused and serious.

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, thinking about it on his own and having a teacher give him guidance, the effect is naturally completely different.

After another half day, Ling Feng's progress was more than half faster than yesterday.

the next day……

The third day...

Ling Feng had been at Big Hammer's blacksmith shop for five full days.

"Hahahaha, evil coins, evil coins, give me all the evil coins!"

Chu Chaonan laughed heartily. He was undoubtedly the biggest winner in this bet.

"Give, give, give!"

The Blood Demon threw the villain coin in his hand to Chu Chaonan, with an impatient expression on his face, "I'm really confused, that kid can even handle it!"

Shura Cooking Saint also placed a villain coin on the table, "Xiao Nanzi, your request cannot be too excessive!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Chef, I'm a good person!"

Chu Chaonan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"You little villain from the Valley of the Wicked, do you think you are a good person?"

Xiaoxiaoer smiled and threw the villain coin to Chu Chaonan, "Then I am a good person?"

Elizabeth also pursed her lips and smiled, "Xiao Nanzi, if you want to do something excessive, you can do it!"

As he said that, he puffed out his chest!


Chu Chaonan's face turned red. He didn't dare to borrow the courage of the three of them!

Don't look at the "charming" Elizabeth who seems to be quite coquettish on the surface. If you really take advantage of her, you can't eat it, you will have to bear the consequences!

Besides, Elizabeth is of the same generation as his master...

"Old woman, so shameless!"

The other villains grumbled in their hearts at the same time.

Of course, these guys feel more like they can't eat sour grapes.


Night fell.

After putting a handful of villain coins in his pocket, Chu Chaonan walked towards Ling Feng's residence.

At this moment, Ling Feng has also returned to the bamboo building, ready to recall the harvest of the day.

In addition, the ghost doctor should have a result at noon tomorrow.

Whether his forbidden pill can be refined depends on tomorrow.

"Brother Ling!"

Chu Chaonan's voice came from outside the door. Ling Feng opened his eyes, stood up, and went out to greet Chu Chaonan.

"Brother Chu, why are you here?"

In the past few days, he is not the only one who has been practicing hard. Chu Chaonan's level of hard work is not inferior to his own.

"I'll share some good stuff with you!" Chu Chaonan looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and took out a handful of silver coins from his arms, "This is my spoils of war, I'll give you half!" "These are..." Ling Feng glanced at the silver coins, a little confused. "Evil Coin!" Chu Chaonan picked up an evil coin and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this thing, as long as you have this evil coin, you can ask any evil person to help you do anything!" "Anything?" Ling Feng's eyelids jumped, and he understood the deep meaning. They are all "evil people", so-called evil people, who act without any restrictions. Moreover, their strength is ridiculous! Even if these people were asked to destroy one of the three major sword palaces, they probably wouldn't even blink an eye. After all, they are all evil people! (PS: The elixir will be completed tomorrow, um, and I can almost recover my cultivation...)

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