Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2218 Blood Thunder Pill Tribulation! (1 update)

"Anyway, I won these from a bet with you, so I'll give you half of them!"

Chu Chaonan grinned and gave three of the evil coins in his hand to Ling Feng. With three evil coins, he could ask any one of the top ten evil people to do anything for him.

Strictly speaking, even several other villains who did not participate in the bet can also use villain coins to make requests.

After all, although most of these villains act crazy and deviant, they value credibility most.

"A bet? What bet?"

Ling Feng was full of suspicion.

Chu Chaonan immediately made a bet with Chef Shura and the others that Ling Feng could stay in Big Iron Hammer's blacksmith shop for a few days. As a result, not only did Ling Feng not be able to bear Big Iron Hammer leaving, but he didn't know how to make Big Iron Hammer leave. The hammer has changed.

In other words, they all lost.

"Is this kind of thing a bet?"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. These villains were probably bored to the point of boredom.

"This has long been the norm."

Chu Chaonan smiled and said: "Although the villain coins can be used to make demands to the top ten villains, Brother Ling, you'd better not make some excessive demands. In fact, they are already tired of the fighting from the outside world. That’s why I live in seclusion here.”

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded and put away the three evil coins. If not necessary, he hoped that he would never need these evil coins.

Early the next morning.

With the morning breeze blowing on his face, Ling Feng got up early and practiced the changes in various power attributes in the yard. Then he ran to the back mountain with the big black pot on his back to chop wood and carry water.

Time passed little by little, and Ling Feng still felt a little absent-minded.

After all, today is the day when the Forbidden-Breaking Pill becomes a pill, and the Forbidden-Breaking Pill is related to whether one can break through the seal in the body.

It has been more than half a year, and Ling Feng has already been impatient.

Finally, it was noon.

Ling Feng looked in the direction of the Ghost Medicine House and his expression became serious.

Seeing the cloudless sky and the clear sky, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

It didn't cause any strange phenomena in the world, nor did it cause any calamity. Could it be that...

Alchemy failed?

Ling Feng tightened his fists. For immortal elixirs like the Forbidden Pill, even for an alchemist like Ghost Doctor, the success rate would probably not exceed 60%.

What's more, with his current physical condition, it is really a huge challenge to sustain him for five days and five nights.

Also, the poison of the scorpion fruit, which is the key to refining the forbidden elixir, is not directly purified from the scorpion fruit, but extracted from the cocoon of the Vermilion Ice Silkworm.

There are too many uncertain factors in this. Even if Ling Feng refines it himself without sealing his dantian, he doesn't dare to say that he is very sure.

However, if it really fails, it means that all the materials that I have been searching for for more than half a year have been wasted.

Ling Feng's expression became more solemn...

However, at this moment, dark clouds rolled in from the western sky, and with a familiarity, they enveloped the entire Valley of the Wicked.

"Jie Yun?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and the calamity cloud was formed!

This also means that as long as you successfully survive the pill tribulation, then the forbidden pill will be refined!

Ling Feng couldn't help but hold his breath, feeling extremely excited.


The thunder was rolling, and in the dark clouds of calamity, there were faint flashes of red thunder.

Such a terrifying calamity is no less than a nine-turn calamity!

Saint-level powerhouses are also known as the Nine Transformations Realm. The so-called nine turns, each turn has a thunder tribulation.

Therefore, in the Nine Transformations Realm, the gap between each small realm is completely different from the previous level.

Those former who have reached the fifth level of the Nine Transformation Realm or above, without exception, have experienced five or more Nine Transformation Tribulations. Whether it is the strength of the physical body or the Yuan Power in the body, after experiencing the tempering of the Thunder Tribulation, they will gain every time. raised dramatically.

Because of this, those who are above the fifth level of the ninth level are called great saints, while those who are below the fifth level are little saints at best.

And the current calamity calamity is at least comparable to the saint's thunder calamity of level three or above!

"Blood Thunder Pill Tribulation!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. Such a terrible calamity was beyond his ability to deal with. And with the ghost doctor's current state, I'm afraid...

At this moment, from the depths of the Valley of the Evil, a figure soared into the sky. It was none other than Mr. Shepherd!

Sure enough, he has been in the valley all along!

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he stared at the figure in the Valley of Evil.

Although he had not seen him again during this period, he could feel that there was a pair of eyes that had been watching him.

Obviously, that's Mr. Mu Shen over there.

At this moment, the Forbidden Breaking Pill caused a pill calamity, and Lord Mu Shen obviously wanted to use his own power to defeat the pill calamity.


Thunder exploded, and the entire Valley of the Wicked was alarmed.

Shura Cooking Saint, Blood Demon Hand, Xiaoxiaoer...

All the villains put down what they were doing and looked towards the sky. This terrifying calamity was not easy to handle even for strong men like them.


At this moment, a bloody thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell from the sky and struck directly in the direction of Yaolu. The violent power seemed to level the entire Valley of the Wicked.


As soon as his figure flashed, Lord Mu Shen suddenly rushed towards the bloody thunder, and an extremely dazzling golden light erupted from his body. From bottom to top, there was a needle-point collision with the bloody thunder.


The thunder shattered instantly, but Lord Shepherd was suspended in mid-air, motionless!

His cultivation level has already reached the fifth level of the Nine Transformation Realm or above. This kind of powerful pill calamity is completely unsatisfactory in front of him.



As if being provoked, Jie Yun burst out with terrifying thunder. For a moment, the thunder was like a waterfall, and the entire Valley of the Wicked was filled with an extremely pure power of thunder.

Then, Ling Feng witnessed a thrilling process of overcoming the tribulation.

During the whole process, every time Mu Shenjun punched, he crushed a bloody thunder. After more than half an hour, the calamity cloud gradually dissipated, and a colorful ray of light fell from the sky and enveloped Yaolu.

An astonishing aura erupted from the Medicine House.

The magic pill is ready!


Ling Feng couldn't wait to fly in the direction of Yaolu, and at the same time, a group of villains also gathered towards Yaolu.

They also wanted to see what the elixir that caused such a terrifying elixir disaster looked like.

However, at this moment, the calamity cloud that had gradually dissipated actually condensed and took shape again. It was larger than before, and its aura became more terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost doctor's exclamation was heard coming from the medicine house.

"Oops, the pill pattern has taken shape, Boss Mu, there is still a second level of pill calamity!"

But it turns out that after surviving the first level of pill tribulation, the forbidden pill that had already reached the critical point actually broke through the last step and condensed the pill patterns!

Even the ghost doctor didn't expect this.

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