Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2221 The body is sanctified! (1 update)

As the seal that sealed the corpse soul completely collapsed, the energy that had been imprisoned in the dantian suddenly swept out like a torrent.

Along with this surging Yuan Power, there was also the original power of chaos in Ling Feng's dantian.


Under the explosion of Yuanli, the four villains felt an arrogant and powerful force at the same time. They rushed out of Lingfeng's dantian and were knocked back at the same time.

"Has this boy's seal been released?"

The blood demon's eyelids twitched wildly. He didn't expect that under such circumstances, Ling Feng could actually use their power to break through the seal.

"It's unimaginable that an emperor-level warrior actually has such pure and powerful Yuan Power!"

Shura Cooking Saint showed a hint of shock.

Under everyone's gaze, a golden light rose from Ling Feng's body into the sky, and the power of thunder that was originally sweeping through destruction was actually swallowed up in an instant.

In Ling Feng's consciousness space.

When the seal was released, the power of the source of chaos began to flow again.

In an instant, Ling Feng's energy perked up, and the "thunder beast" opposite him suddenly started to tremble like a mouse seeing a cat.

"The tides are turning, and now it's my turn!"

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed coldly on the thunder beast opposite.

The next moment, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed the thunder beast in one gulp!

In his spiritual world, as long as his spiritual thoughts are strong enough, he can do anything.

The thunder that invaded the body directly became Ling Feng's nourishment. The moment he broke through the seal, it strengthened the original power of chaos.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng was reborn again and again. The shocking wounds on his body healed quickly, and his aura became stronger.

"This kid is really incredible!"

A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Shepherd, and he nodded immediately, "A miracle... As expected, this boy is indeed a guy who is good at creating miracles!"

"Great! Great!"

Yu Junyao clenched her fists tightly, and there were even tears of excitement in her beautiful eyes.

Chu Chaonan also looked at Ling Feng with excitement. Ling Feng really risked his life this time!

"The breath is steady, strong and powerful!"

The ghost doctor looked at Ling Feng carefully, then nodded and said with a faint smile: "It seems that little friend Ling Feng is a blessing in disguise this time!"

Yes, as the ghost doctor said, Ling Feng was indeed a blessing in disguise this time.

The power of the calamity thunder of Dan Jie did cause Ling Feng to be severely injured, but after the origin of chaos was awakened, it immediately became Ling Feng's fate.

After devouring the power of thunder, Ling Feng's body has undoubtedly been tempered. If after breaking through the three emperor gates, Ling Feng had already reached the level of becoming an emperor in the physical body, and now Ling Feng can almost be said to be Yes, sanctification of the flesh!

With his current body of flesh and blood alone, he can resist the power of the saint from the first-level saint-level powerhouse.

Not only that, the Yuan Power in his body has reached the peak of the fourth level of the Destiny Realm after being imprisoned for a long time and constantly trying to break the seal. (PS: Before the seal, Ling Feng got the opportunity to practice the Great Creation Technique in the Secret Territory of the Blood Road, but did not choose to break through, so the realm happened to be the fourth level of the Destiny Realm.)

After absorbing the power of the thunder, Ling Feng seemed to have survived a catastrophe, breaking through in one fell swoop and promoted to the fifth level of the Destiny Realm.

Not only that, the trend of cultivation growth has not slowed down yet.

After half an hour, the dazzling golden light around Ling Feng gradually dissipated.

And his aura has stabilized at the fifth level of the Destiny Realm!

Finally, Ling Feng opened his eyes.

First there was a flash of purple energy, then a flash of golden light, and then a breathtaking pupil light shot out.

An invisible momentum swept across with Ling Feng as the center.

Eyes of the Emperor! The Eye of Creation and the Pupil of the Void, all the pupil powers have been completely restored!

As soon as he opened his eyes, several figures came into view, it was all the villains, Yu Junyao and Chu Chaonan.

"Thank you so much seniors!"

Ling Feng stood up and saluted Lord Mu Shen and others with cupped fists.

When the seal was broken, Ling Feng's body was baptized by the power of chaos and had completely recovered without any scars.

However, the reason why he was able to successfully break through the seal was not only because of the Forbidden Breaking Pill, but also because of the unreserved infusion of Yuan Power from the four villains.

If they hadn't given him the last help and breathed a sigh of relief for him, perhaps he would have really fallen under that overbearing thunder.

"Haha, no need to thank you!"

Shura Cooking Saint patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You boy, you are really lucky!"

"I thought you were dead, but you actually came back from the dead and broke the seal!"

Blood Demon Shou stared at Ling Feng with a shocked expression and asked: "It stands to reason that the power of thunder that invaded your body is a standard fifth-turn tribulation thunder. Even if you break through the seal, you can't suppress that kind of power." A degree of thunder, right?”

"The boy has a special physique and can swallow the power of thunder."

Ling Feng laughed, explained a few words in a very general way, and fooled him directly.

After all, the body of chaos is his biggest secret, and Ling Feng doesn't want to reveal it easily unless necessary.

"I see."

The Blood Demon didn't bother to ask the question. Anyway, Ling Feng saved a small life, which can be regarded as a happy ending for everyone.

Elizabeth pulled Yu Junyao forward, angrily pushed away the villains around her, frowned and said: "You stinky men, why are you asking around here? You don't have any eyesight at all. The young couple haven’t even spoken to each other yet!”

"Hey hey hey!"

The villains quickly backed away, with very ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Yu Junyao's pretty face turned red, but it was hard to explain, so she had to glare at Ling Feng, thinking that she would take her anger out on this guy when she went back.


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and could only laugh.

"You silly boy, you didn't see that Xiao Yu'er's eyes were red. Now that you're fine, why don't you just say a few words of comfort?"

Elizabeth pushed Yu Junyao in front of Ling Feng and giggled.


Yujunyao felt flustered and quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, which turned even redder.

Ling Feng looked embarrassed, and when he saw that Yu Junyao's eyes were indeed a little red, a thought popped into his mind: Is she worried about me?

Shaking his head, Ling Feng glanced at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm... fine!"

"Whether something happens to you or not is none of my business!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng and cursed in her heart, "It's all your fault, you brat, for making me look embarrassed!"

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