Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2222 Golden Fighting Spirit! (2 updates)

"I said you stupid boy! That's it! You really don't know how to coax girls!"

Elizabeth looked like she was afraid that the world would be in chaos. She raised an index finger and waved it in front of Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "At this time, you should hug your little lover and kiss her hard!"


A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. He glanced at Yu Junyao and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Kiss her?

Spare me, I will be beaten to death!

When the other villains heard this, they really got excited. These guys were all idle guys, so they wouldn't miss it if it was fun.

Especially the guy with the Blood Demon Shou yelled and shouted: "Kiss me! Kiss me!..."

For a moment, the atmosphere became extremely awkward.

Ling Feng reached out and patted his forehead. Rather than facing this embarrassing situation, he would rather bear another disaster.

"Okay, okay, why are you making fools of yourself!"

At this time, the savior finally appeared.

But Lord Shepherd came over, glanced at Ling Feng, nodded, and said calmly: "Little guy, now that your seal has been broken, you have no excuse to continue to shirk the matter of becoming a disciple, right?"


Ling Feng glanced at Mu Shenjun and saw that Mu Shenjun was indeed strong enough to be his master. Moreover, after he was sealed, he was able to find ways to lift the seal for himself.

This alone is enough to prove that he is indeed very good to himself.

At least, in comparison, several people in the Duyue Palace, except Xuanyuan Longteng and Zhuge Qingtian, had already chosen to give up on themselves.

"Disciple Ling Feng, pay your respects to Master!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng knelt down respectfully in front of Lord Mu Shen, kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times to him as a disciple.

"Okay! Hahaha!"

Only then did Master Mu Shen laugh loudly, support Ling Feng with both hands, and laughed loudly: "You brat, you can be regarded as worshiping me as your teacher!"

Ling Feng glanced at Mu Shenjun and saw that this guy's face changed in a second. He didn't have the majestic look before. He looked like an old sly man who had succeeded in his evil schemes!

However, now that he has become a disciple, Ling Feng will never regret it.

From today on, Lord Mu Shen will be his second master! (PS: Yan Cangtian is a teacher.)

"Hey, junior brother!"

Chu Chaonan also came up and punched Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Come on, call Senior Brother to come and listen!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and could only salute Chu Chaonan with cupped fists, "Senior Brother Chu!"

"Wait a minute, how can our lineage in the Valley of Evil be like the secular world? Whoever is stronger under my sect is the senior brother!"

Lord Mu Shen grinned and said: "Come on, you two have a showdown, and the one who wins is senior brother!"

Chu Chaonan's face froze, and he couldn't help but cursed, "Smelly old man, you don't want to play like this! You are deliberately targeting me!"

"What's the point? You've been practicing with me for so many years and you still can't beat the newcomer. How dare you be a senior brother?"

Mu Shenjun looked like it was natural.


Chu Chaonan's face darkened, he turned to look at Ling Feng, and immediately lost interest in fighting with him.

Before Ling Feng was sealed, he had the strength to challenge Young Master Jin Jiao in a duel. Now that he has broken through the seal, his strength has reached a higher level.

Fight him?

Isn't this looking for abuse?

"Senior Brother Chu, let's talk about our own affairs. According to Master's rules, you call me Senior Brother. According to our rules, I will also call you Senior Brother. No one will suffer. Is that okay?"

Ling Feng patted Chu Chaonan on the shoulder to prevent this guy from being too disappointed.

"Okay! Let's do it!"

When Chu Chaonan heard this, he immediately nodded his head and saluted Ling Feng with a smile, "Senior Brother Ling!"

"Senior Brother Chu!"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and saluted Chu Chaonan in return.

As the boss of the Valley of Evil, Lord Mu Shen has accepted a new disciple, so naturally he cannot be so hasty.

Lord Mu Shen ordered a formal apprenticeship ceremony to be held tomorrow, and asked Shura Cooking Saint to prepare a rich banquet. The ghost doctor Chang Baicao also brought out the fine wines in his collection to celebrate Lord Mu Shen's new disciple.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark and all the villains left, Ling Feng also took Yu Junyao back to the bamboo house where he lived.

Because of Elizabeth's words before, the atmosphere between the two became somewhat awkward.

Ling Feng was okay. Anyway, he was stubborn and wouldn't think too much about it. However, Yu Junyao kept muttering in her heart why Ling Feng actually glanced at her when Elizabeth asked Ling Feng to kiss her.

Could it be that he really wanted to kiss him?

If he really kisses me, should I refuse?

Oh my God!

What on earth was I thinking?

Yu Junyao shook her head quickly, her pretty face was extremely red, and even her ears were a little hot.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, Ling Feng stopped and looked back at Yu Junyao. He saw Yu Junyao's face was red and her ears were red. He couldn't help but stepped forward and touched her forehead, and asked curiously: "Are you the one?" Are you sick?"

"You're the one who's sick!"

Like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, Yu Junyao quickly took a few steps back, glared at Ling Feng, and said angrily: "I treat you as a friend in vain, you actually want to kiss me !”

"There is absolutely no conscience in heaven and earth! I swear!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, and cursed in his heart. What was this woman thinking in her head?


Seeing Ling Feng's righteous words, Yu Junyao was furious again, stomped Ling Feng hard, and said angrily: "How can this be unreasonable? This girl is so bad! There is no need for such a curse. I swear!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the bamboo building without looking back.

After a while, a cushion was thrown out from inside, and Yu Junyao shouted angrily, "Don't even think about entering the house tonight!"


Ling Feng conveniently caught the cushion he used to meditate on, and was confused for a while: Damn it, who did I offend?

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

The night is as cold as water.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged in the small courtyard outside the bamboo building, feeling the changes in his body.

After the seal was lifted, the long-lost Yuan Li finally recovered, and all kinds of martial arts and martial arts were already somewhat unfamiliar to him.

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique!

Feng Ling Sword Technique!

Enjoy a relaxing trip in the wind!

Etc., etc……

Of course, there are also long-lost soul skills!

Before being sealed, his fighting spirit had already reached a bottleneck, and almost 80% of it had been transformed into a golden fighting spirit.

After experiencing this seal, he could only rely on a ray of divine consciousness to practice the Great Creation Technique in Miluo Continent.

It was during those few months that he continued to hone the power of his spiritual consciousness. After the two phases merged, Ling Feng felt that his fighting spirit had finally undergone an incredible transformation.

His own spiritual sea was shrouded in a layer of bright golden light.

Originally, only 80% of the fighting spirit was transformed into gold, but now it is like a statue made of a whole piece of gold, resplendent and dazzling.

And this is the sign that the silver fighting spirit will transform into a golden fighting spirit.

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