Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2227 One month later! (1 update)

Waiting is undoubtedly a kind of suffering, especially waiting for a woman.

After a long wait, Yu Junyao finally walked out of the bamboo building slowly. She had obviously washed herself carefully and put on a plain white dress. She looked stunning, like a fairy under the moon. , beautiful and moving.

"I'm not your apprentice, so is it necessary to go through such trouble..."

Ling Feng completely ignored Yu Junyao's stunning appearance, just rolled his eyes and couldn't help but muttered.

Yu Junyao's hearing was so keen. When she heard Ling Feng's complaint, she snorted, her eyes furrowed, and she glared at Ling Feng, "You brat, I won't kill you if I make you wait for a while!"

"Is this also called a while?"

Ling Feng shook his head and wisely chose to shut up.

Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be able to enter the Bamboo House tonight...

The next thing was that Ling Feng knelt three times and kowtowed nine times in the Hall of Evil to formally become his disciple.

After enjoying a meal carefully prepared by the Shura Chef, the apprenticeship ceremony ended successfully.

The next day, everything was business as usual.

Every morning, Ling Feng would carry the black pot and run up the back mountain, chopping firewood and carrying water.

After having lunch at the Shura Kitchen Sage, Ling Feng would take the time to go to the ghost doctor to treat him with Taixuan acupuncture.

The ghost doctor's condition is more serious. Although Ling Feng has collected the Purple Spirit Star Flower, he cannot directly feed it to the ghost doctor.

He first needs to use Taixuan acupuncture to improve the ghost doctor's physique, and only after stabilizing his vitality map can he use the Purple Spirit Star Flower.

In other words, Taixuan acupuncture is only the first course of treatment by the ghost doctor, and this process may take a while.

In the afternoon, Ling Feng went to the blacksmith shop to forge iron and learn the vibration and penetration of force from the big hammer.

In the evening, Ling Feng would also go to the entrance of the village to hoe the ground with the Blood Demon Hand. After all, Ling Feng had passed the test of the Blood Demon Hand by playing clever tricks. Although he had been taught by the Blood Demon Hand at the critical moment, he had already understood " An explosive boxing technique like "Farmer's Three Fists" was directly obtained from the blood demon's hands after all, and it needs to be continuously consolidated and deepened before it can become completely one's own.

After nightfall, Ling Feng could return to his bamboo house to rest, but he did not waste a single second of time. Even while resting, he continued to practice.

Ling Feng did not fall behind in the training of "Nine Heavens Star Technique", the tempering of the golden fighting spirit, the training of the Great Creation Technique and the second stage of the Bahuang Body Training Technique.

It can be said that since becoming a disciple, Ling Feng has almost a full schedule every day, and his strength is also making steady progress.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng has been worshiping Lord Mu Shen as his disciple for a full month.


When Ling Feng filled up the firewood shed and filled the kitchen water tank with water, the black pot behind him finally untied itself and fell to the ground.

It’s been a month!

This scapegoat, which had restrained me for more than a month, finally came to an end!

For a moment, Ling Feng felt as if he was as light as a swallow, and if he jumped casually, he would fly into the sky.

"Good boy, you have completed such a difficult task in just one month!"

Shura Cooking Saint patted Ling Feng's shoulder heavily, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Being able to cut out so much of the extremely tough black bamboo in the back mountain and fill the water tank with water in one morning also means that Ling Feng's skills in the sharpness of force and the rotation of force are unparalleled. Mastered to the point of perfection.

And this is naturally due to Ling Feng finally being able to use the Eye of the Emperor again.

Although Ling Feng's understanding was top-notch when the Eye of the Emperor was banned, once the Eye of the Emperor is opened, Ling Feng's understanding will double.

In this month, Ling Feng's improvement is naturally obvious.

"Thanks to senior for your guidance."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted the Shura Cooking Saint, his heart full of gratitude.

"You are also talented."

Shura Cooking Saint nodded, "Okay, I'll prepare lunch for you!"

"Wait a minute..."

Ling Feng stopped the Shura Cooking Master and said with a faint smile: "Senior, why don't you let this junior do the meal for you today?"


Shura Cooking Saint suddenly became interested, "Boy, you mean, you want to cook in person?"

"Senior has cooked for me for a month. This meal is my way of repaying my favor."

Ling Feng grinned. Over the past month, Ling Feng had observed Shura's cooking skills every day, and by some strange coincidence, he had learned his recipes and cooking techniques.

Sooner or later, he would have to leave the Valley of the Evil Ones. From now on, he would not be able to eat the delicacies of the Shura Cooking Saint, and the food cooked by ordinary people would definitely be difficult for him to swallow.

In this case, it’s better to learn it yourself!

Even if you learn a little bit about it, it’s still just about being a master of cooking.


Shura Cooking Saint burst out laughing, "Then today, I'll let you show off your performance! I'll give you pointers from the side!"

"Thank you, senior."

Ling Feng washed his hands, picked up the kitchen knife made of cold iron on the chopping board, and began to show off his extraordinary knife skills.

With Ling Feng's eyesight and hand speed, which were all honed in alchemy, coupled with a month of repeated observation, this knife skill has reached 80% of the level of Shura Cooking Sage.


Shura Cooking Saint nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that this boy is very talented even in cooking!"

Seeing this, Shura Cooking Saint left with satisfaction. With Ling Feng's talent, he didn't need any guidance from him.

About half an hour later.

Ling Feng brought several plates of carefully prepared dishes to Shura Cooking Sage and said slightly nervously: "Senior, you are showing off your shame."

Speaking of which, this is Ling Feng's first time cooking in a real sense.

The few dishes Ling Feng cooked were very common side dishes. Although they were copied from the same dishes, they were naturally far inferior to the level of Shura Cooking Saint.

But Shura Kitchen Saint still did not hesitate to praise him.

After all, it’s not bad just to look at such a level.

"Boy, are you really not interested in learning how to cook from me?"

Shura Cooking Sage looked at Ling Feng with a look of regret.

"I can learn a little bit from Senior Cooking Saint, and that's enough."

After saying that, Ling Feng stood up and said goodbye to Shura Cooking Sage, "Okay, it's time for this junior to leave. Senior Ghost Doctor can also have the second course of treatment."

"That's fine."

Shura Cooking Sage nodded, "If you are interested, I can teach you more skills in the future. There are so many skills that I can't overwhelm you!"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Definitely, definitely!"

Even so, Ling Feng could not imagine that one day he would work as a cook for others.

But sometimes, things are so unpredictable...

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