Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2228 Hong! (2 updates)

"Ghost Doctor Senior!"

After leaving Shura Chef Saint's residence, Ling Feng went straight to Ghost Doctor's medicine room. After a month of "Taixuan Acupuncture" treatment, Ghost Doctor's current condition can finally withstand the powerful medicinal power of Purple Spirit Xuanxing Flower.

So, it's time to give Ghost Doctor further treatment.

And the ultimate goal is naturally to completely eradicate his cold poison disease.

"Little friend Ling Feng, you are here!"

Every noon, Ling Feng would come to give him acupuncture, so Ghost Doctor would go out to greet Ling Feng at this time.

As a doctor, he could naturally feel that his condition has been gradually improving over the past month.

He couldn't believe that such a young man, who was only in his early twenties, could have such amazing medical skills.

But the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.


The two walked into the medicine house. Ling Feng helped the ghost doctor sit down and smiled faintly: "Senior, I also said yesterday that your current physical condition can already use the medicinal power of the purple spirit Xuanxing flower to force out the cold poison in your body."

"This cold poison has been accumulating in my body for so many years. It is not easy to force it out completely."

The ghost doctor sighed lightly, "The purple spirit Xuanxing flower is so precious. It is a waste to waste it on an old man who is about to die. It's better for you to keep it, maybe it will come in handy in the future. My current situation is much better."

"No matter how good the spiritual flowers and herbs are, their value can only be reflected when they are used to save people."

Ling Feng's face was solemn, and he said seriously: "Okay, senior, don't refuse anymore. This purple spirit Xuanxing flower was taken out by Senior Blood Demon Hand at the risk of his life. You can't let him down."


The ghost doctor sighed lightly and nodded in agreement.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out the Purple Spirit Xuanxing Flower from the flower and grass ring, gently plucked off one of the petals, and slowly said: "The Purple Spirit Xuanxing Flower has a total of five petals. Senior, take one petal every five days. I will also use acupuncture to help you relieve the cold poison in your body."

"Thank you for everything."

The ghost doctor nodded, took the petals in his mouth, and chewed them gently.

"I haven't thanked you for the forbidden pill yet. Senior, you have unlocked the seal for me, and I will do my best to cure you."

Ling Feng immediately took out a row of gold needles and sat cross-legged behind the ghost doctor. He had already mastered the original "Taixuan Acupuncture". It must be said that his grandfather was a genius in medicine, so he could create such a miraculous medical skill.

However, since they parted at the border of the Western Wilderness of the Tianbai Empire that day, he has never seen him again.

Although he planned and arranged some things he didn't want to do, and indirectly made him kill his grandfather (Ling Kun) who raised him since childhood, at the beginning, Ling Feng couldn't help but hate this grandfather who was related by blood.

But as time went by, Ling Feng gradually understood him a little.

Maybe the method he used made him extremely painful, but wasn't he also suffering?

Now, in the vast sea of ​​people, he has disappeared without a trace.

Maybe he is very powerful, but like himself, he needs to face the entire Xuntian clan!


Ling Feng clenched his fists. Perhaps his previous indifferent attitude towards him had also caused some harm to him invisibly.

"Young friend Ling Feng?"

The ghost doctor turned around and looked at Ling Feng, "You seem to be a little absent-minded?"

"No... nothing..."

Ling Feng shook his head and threw all distracting thoughts behind him, "Senior, please pay attention. Next, I'm afraid it will be a little painful!"

"Hehe, I experience the backlash of the cold poison every day, and all kinds of pain have long been... ah!"

Before the ghost doctor finished speaking, a piercing pain came, and even his soul trembled. It was unbearable for a while, and he actually let out a heart-wrenching scream.


The ghost doctor's old face turned red, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart: You also call it a little painful?


The cold wind was biting, and the ice was frozen for thousands of miles.

On a glacier, two figures, one in front and one behind, were slowly moving forward.

The one walking in front was wearing a hideous ghost mask and a loose black robe. Although his appearance and age could not be seen clearly, from his gray hair, he was obviously an old man.

Behind the old man, there was a young man in green shirt, expressionless, following the old man with an indifferent look.

Around him, there was a faint condensation of ice, forming a layer of ice-blue barrier.

Let the ice and snow drift, but they could not get close to him.

The old man and the young man kept a certain distance, slowly moving forward on this glacier that had not melted for thousands of years, leaving a pair of shallow footprints, which gradually disappeared when the wind and snow blew.

Finally, the old man in front stopped and looked back at the young man. The eyes under the ghost mask seemed like a chaotic starry sky, all-encompassing, and seemed to penetrate the world, everything was under control.

The young man also stopped, and the old man and the young man looked at each other for a moment, and no one spoke.

Finally, the old man took a deep breath and said slowly: "Since you have seen through the seven emotions, reincarnated from the six desires, and regained your freedom, why do you have to follow me?" The young man's face remained calm, and he muttered to himself like a dream: "I only follow the strong." "Strong?"

The old man raised his head and looked up at the sky, and immediately let out a deafening roar of laughter, and murderous aura erupted around him.

"Who under the Nine Heavens dares to call himself a strong person? If I am a strong person, why should I..."

There was a hint of tears in the old man's eyes, but they disappeared immediately. He flicked his sleeves and said coldly: "This is a narrow escape. If you don't want to be cannon fodder, you can leave."

"Life and death for me no longer have any meaning."

The young man held the sword in his hand, "I just want to become stronger, strong enough to surpass that person!"

"You want to surpass him?"

The old man smiled and said, "It's really surprising that you can break the shackles of reincarnation, but you have to surpass him! Haha..."

After a long while, the old man slowly said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

Taking a deep breath, the old man turned around and walked forward again, "Hong, if you are lucky enough to survive, I will accept you as my disciple!"

A boy named "Hong". The expression on his face remained unchanged, he just looked at the slightly thin back and took steps forward.

The wind and frost are getting tighter and a blizzard is coming.

The figures of the old man and the young man gradually became hazy in the wind and snow, and finally disappeared at the end of the ice field, as if they had never appeared before.

But in this icy cold wind, there is a trace of chilling atmosphere that lingers for a long time...

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