Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2229 A happy marriage? (3 updates)

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Under Ling Feng's treatment, the cold poison in the ghost doctor's body was finally reduced to around 70-80%, and the rest could be completely resolved by taking pills.

And one of Ling Feng's worries was finally settled.

"Senior Ghost Doctor, your hidden disease is no longer a big problem."

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and took back the golden needles one by one.

"Thanks to you for these two months, Xiaofeng!"

After a month or two of getting along, the relationship between the ghost doctor and Ling Feng has obviously become much closer. The villains in the Valley of the Villains no longer call Ling Feng "little guy" or "boy", but are friendly. Call him "Xiao Feng".

Of course, there are many people who call him "Little Fengzi", and over time, he also becomes "Little Madman".

It's no wonder that Ling Feng practices day and night every day, isn't he just a "Martial Madman"!

"That's my job."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at the ghost doctor, and said in a deep voice: "Senior Ghost Doctor, there is something that I have always wanted to say, but I never knew how to say it..."

"Xiao Feng, do you want to leave the Valley of the Wicked?"

The ghost doctor is so smart, he guessed Ling Feng's thoughts at a glance.


Ling Feng sighed softly. The Valley of the Evil is actually a paradise. You can study with so many martial arts masters here every day, and you can also eat a feast carefully prepared by the Shura Chef. Staying here every day, It's quite a happy life.

However, I still have too many unfinished business.

He couldn't always hide in the Valley of the Wicked and avoid getting out.

What's more, the path to becoming a strong person is never done behind closed doors.

He needs more opponents and more training.

It had been almost three months since I had been in the Valley of the Wicked. I had indeed grown a lot, and even unlocked the seal.

Because of this, he was even more eager to go to the outside world and verify his strength.

"If it weren't for my illness, you would have wanted to come here a long time ago, right?"

The ghost doctor narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, and said slowly.

"No, senior, I originally planned to cure senior's hidden illness before leaving..." Ling Feng said quickly.

"Haha, actually this is not a big deal. If you tell Brother Mu, he won't let you go."

The ghost doctor said calmly: "You are different from us old guys. You still have a lot of time and a lot of potential. It's really embarrassing for you to stay in the Valley of the Wicked!"

"It's not difficult. I actually still have a lot to learn, but..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. The news of his return may have spread throughout the entire West Sword Region.

In this way, the first thing the demon clan wants to do is to cause trouble for Du Yue Tiangong.

The disaster was caused by himself. He could not continue to hide in the Valley of Evil and watch the One Moon Palace suffer.

After all, Xuanyuan Longteng treats me well, and there are many companions and friends in the Duyue Palace.

He must not abandon them.

"No need to say much, just follow your own heart."

The ghost doctor patted Ling Feng on the shoulder and said with a faint smile: "Since you are ready to leave, I will give you a gift!"


Ling Feng waved his hand quickly, "Senior has already helped me a lot. If I accept any more gifts from you, wouldn't I be too greedy?"

"Haha, as an elder, how can it be considered greedy to give you a gift?"

The ghost doctor smiled, made a hand gesture, and directly took out a tree that was more than three people tall from the spirit ring and placed it in the yard.

The fiery red branches and leaves, the burning breath...

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. This big tree was not the same tree that the ghost doctor took down at the Yingxiao Black Market Auction House in Yueling City that day, the Glazed Fire Tree!

You know, he finally bought this glazed fire tree for a sky-high price of 1.6 billion high-grade Yuanjing!

"This... is too precious, this junior must not accept it!"

Ling Feng refused again. He knew the value of this glazed fire tree very well, and because of this, he couldn't accept it.

"This glazed fire tree was originally photographed by me, hoping to use the pure firepower of the glazed fire essence to suppress the cold poison in the body. But..."

The ghost doctor looked at Ling Feng and smiled lightly: "Xiao Feng, since you have eradicated all the cold poison from my body, this glazed fire tree doesn't mean much to me anymore, so I'll just give it to you! Don't decline!"


Ling Feng wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the ghost doctor, "Okay, even if you don't want it, Girl Jade still has a fire physique, and this glazed fire tree means a lot to her. This glazed fire tree should be mine." A gift for you to wish you a happy marriage in advance!”


Several black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. What a happy marriage?

This misunderstanding is huge!

However, it was clearly him who said Yu Junyao was his woman in the first place!


Ling Feng coughed a few times, with a hint of embarrassment on his old face, "Then I'll thank you, senior, for Yu...Yu'er."


The ghost doctor laughed casually. Since the cold poison in his body was gradually eradicated, his temperament became more and more cheerful.

Taking the "heavy" glazed fire tree with him, Ling Feng left Yao Lu.

Who would have thought that the grand treasure at that day's auction would now be completely in his pocket, and, inexplicably, it would become a wedding gift.

This is too bloody!

I don't even know what to say to that woman Yu Junyao.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng decided not to say anything to avoid being too embarrassed.

The thing that needs to be solved now is Mu Shenjun. How should I talk to him?

Speaking of which, since I became a master, I have only seen him once every half a month on average. In comparison, the other villains are more like my master.

"That's all, I have to say it sooner or later anyway, I believe Master will understand!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and went straight to the bamboo house where Mu Shenjun lived. When he found Mu Shenjun, he was taking a very leisurely nap.

"Master, I want to leave the Valley of the Evil..."

Ling Feng explained his intention and reasons for leaving in detail in one breath, and then looked at Ling Feng, wanting to hear what his answer would be.

"That's it?"

Lord Mu Shen glanced at Ling Feng and said angrily: "How could such a trivial thing come to disturb me from my nap?"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Could this thing be the legendary wake-up gas?

"Go away! You are my disciple, not my prisoner. You can leave if you want. Do you need to ask me for permission?"

Lord Mu Shen raised his leg and kicked Ling Feng. Ling Feng quickly stepped aside and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master!"

With that said, he rushed out of the bamboo building in a flash.


Looking at Ling Feng's retreating figure, Mu Shenjun's lips curled up, "Go, go and make trouble! Go and tell the world that my little villain from the Valley of the Wicked has appeared again!"

(PS: I have learned the skill of coaxing people all over the place. I, Ling Feng, am going to show off again~)

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