Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2231 A gift from the wicked! (2 updates)

"What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy!"

In the room, Yu Junyao was packing her bags and preparing to leave the Valley of the Wicked tomorrow. She suddenly heard the sound of "buttering" outside and frowned.

What the hell is Ling Feng, that brat doing?

She pushed open the door suddenly, but was surprised to find that in Ling Feng's arms, she was actually holding a little girl carved in pink and jade!


Yu Junyao was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked up to Ling Feng and said with a surprised look on her face: "You brat, where did this little girl come from?"

Soon, she discovered the antennae on the little girl's forehead, her exaggeratedly large eyes, and a pair of wings folded behind her back, and she immediately reacted.

"It can't be...your red-eyed ice silkworm, right?"

"It's a good guess."

Ling Feng nodded, "I didn't expect that the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm would evolve like this."

"so cute!"

Yu Junyao reached out to take the little girl, pinched her fleshy little face gently, and had a great time playing with it.

Sure enough, it is a woman's nature to be irresistible to cute things.

After struggling for a while, Ling Feng and Yu Junyao finally remembered to give the little girl a name.

After all, from now on she will no longer be a little silkworm, but a living life.

As for how far her abilities have evolved, there is no need to rush.

After all, she evolved from the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, and the effect of swallowing toxins will only be better.

"You brat, you see she looks like a butterfly, why not just call her Xiaodie?"

Yu Junyao said with excitement.

"Xiaodie, just Xiaodie."

As a name-dropper, Ling Feng would naturally not express any constructive opinions.

"Then, from now on, your name will be Yu Xiaodie!"

Yujunyao lifted Xiaodie high, as if Xiaodie was her child.

"Why do I have your last name?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, Xiaodie should be Xiaodie, and her surname is Yu, so after all, he is Xiaodie's master, right?

"The name I gave you is naturally my last name!"

Yu Junyao ignored Ling Feng's protests and directly named Xiaodie: Yu Xiaodie!

Early the next morning.

Ling Feng took Yu Junyao with him, and Yu Junyao held Yu Xiaodie.

After packing up, he left the bamboo house where he had lived for three months.

As the saying goes, love grows with time. After living in this place for such a long time, when it was really time to leave, I was still a little bit reluctant to leave.

"You brat, will we come back in the future?"

Yujunyao hugged Xiaodie and looked at the bamboo building behind her, with a trace of tears in her beautiful eyes.

A woman is such a sensitive creature, not to mention that she has left many unforgettable memories in this bamboo building.

Perhaps it was the bits and pieces and noisy moments in this ordinary life that made her gradually understand that there was already someone in her heart that was difficult to let go of.

"I think so."

Ling Feng nodded, maybe he wouldn't come back, but he might as well leave Yu Junyao with a glimmer of hope.

Even if it's just hope.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Yu Junyao and strode towards the entrance of the Valley of Evil.

He didn't want to be too sensational about his departure.

There is always a banquet in the world, and it is not a separation between life and death, so why bother saying those disgusting farewell words.

Wouldn't it be more chic to leave like this?

However, when Ling Feng and the others walked to the entrance of the valley, they found that all the villains in the Valley of the Evil, except Lord Mu Shen, had been waiting at the entrance of the valley for a long time.

"Seniors, you..."

Ling Feng paused, not expecting that all the villains in the Valley of the Evil would actually bid him farewell.

Even the most taciturn and withdrawn Sledgehammer actually came.

"You brat, you're not honest. Why didn't you tell me that you wanted to leave?"

Blood Demon Hand was the first to step forward and patted Ling Feng's shoulder hard several times with his big hand, "Even if you leave the Valley of Evil, don't forget that you are a little villain in our Valley of Evil. You can only bully others. Don’t let others bully you, otherwise you will lose the face of the Evil Valley! Also, practice the three farmer’s punches that I teach you!”

"Haha, I will definitely remember your teachings!"

Ling Feng smiled coquettishly. He was indeed the "Blood Demon Hand" who once made people fearful. He spoke with a domineering tone!

"Boy Ling, I don't have any gifts for you. You can take this recipe book and study it carefully. But don't forget, you have also learned cooking skills from me for a while, so don't embarrass me!"

Chef Shura took out a recipe, but it was not a simple recipe. It contained the secret of his "Shura Knife".

"Xiao Lingfeng, remember to come back often!"

Elizabeth twisted her waist and walked up to Ling Feng. She gently touched Ling Feng's eyebrows with her jade hand and giggled, "I'll teach you a body skill."

Among the top ten villains, Elizabeth is undoubtedly the weaker one, but with her elusive movement, even a powerful person at the level of a great saint would find it difficult to keep her.

Then, Xiaoxiaoer, Crazy Wulang, Ghost Doctor and others also said goodbye to Lingfeng one after another, either giving them treasures or teaching them techniques, all of which were extremely precious things.

"Xiao Feng!"

Finally, the big hammer walked out from the crowd.

With his temperament, it would have been impossible for him to participate in such a thing, but Ling Feng's appearance did change him a lot.

At least, he has begun to learn to accept others.

"Senior Iron."

Ling Feng bowed to the big hammer. At the beginning, the big hammer almost killed him, but after untying his knot, he became the one who was most sympathetic to him among all the villains.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of similar experiences that they have some sympathy for each other.

"This is the heart-protecting mirror you gave me last time made of Nine Realm Star Steel."

Big Iron Hammer took a deep look at Ling Feng. In fact, when Ling Feng took out the Nine Domains Star Steel, he was really shocked.

(PS: Regarding the origin of the Nine Realm Star Steel, it was obtained by Ling Feng in the Blood Road Secret Realm. For details, please see "Chapter 2099 I am the only poor person!")

Nine Realms Star Steel is a rare stone from the sky. Needless to say, it is rare, and its texture is extremely tough. Ordinary forged stones cannot be made even if you get such a divine material.

However, the big hammer is different. His power vibration and power penetration have long been perfected and are rarely seen in the world.

Ever since Ling Feng got the piece of Nine Realm Star Steel, it has been sitting empty in the Naling Ring, wasting it in vain.

Fortunately, he met the big hammer.

More than a month ago, he handed the Nine Realms Star Steel to Big Hammer, hoping that Big Hammer could forge the Nine Realms Star Steel into weapons or armor.

His original intention was not to waste the Nine Realm Star Steel in his Naling Ring, but he did not expect that in just over a month, the big hammer could forge the Nine Realm Star Steel into a weapon.

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