Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2232 Overlapping back figures! (3 updates)

"Senior, you..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, Nine Realm Star Steel was indeed precious, but armor forged from Nine Realm Star Steel was even more rare.

At the very least, it is also an immortal product!

"Put it away. It may save your life at a critical moment."

Big Iron Hammer said calmly: "I used the characteristics of the Nine Realms Star Steel to add a barrier formation to this heart mirror. As long as it does not exceed the endurance limit of the Nine Realms Star Steel, this heart mirror will be used every day. It can open an absolute barrier! Even a strong person at the seventh level of the Nine Transformation Realm can completely offset it with a full blow!"


Ling Feng took a breath of cold air, the seventh level of the Nine Transformations Realm!

This is probably the realm of the Shepherd God.

If you have this treasure with you, it is indeed equivalent to having an extra life!

After all, looking at the entire Western Sword Region, the most top beings are probably people like the Shepherd God.

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng did not refuse. Given his situation, he really needed this treasure and a trump card to save his life.

With this breast shield, I am saving an extra life every day!

"You searched for the materials yourself, why bother thanking me."

Big Iron Hammer took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "It's all thanks to you that I can untie my heart knot!"

At this point, all the villains in the Valley of the Villains have come to Ling Feng one by one. Only the guy Chu Chaonan paid attention to Xiaodie in Yu Junyao's arms.

"Hey, Brother Ling, why is there an extra girl in Miss Yu's arms?"

Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched, and he immediately exclaimed: "Oh my God, it can't be the child of you and Miss Yu!"

"Begging for a beating!"

Yu Junyao frowned and kicked Chu Chaonan.

Ling Feng also said angrily: "You think it's a sow giving birth to piglets, how can it be so fast!"

"You are the sow!"

When Yu Junyao heard this, she became even more angry and glared at Ling Feng.

The attention of the other villains was also focused. Not to mention, Ling Feng and the "young couple" standing together and taking care of this child could easily cause misunderstandings!

For a moment, all the villains started to boo, and Elizabeth even said with a smile: "This child is so cute, Xiao Yu'er, and Xiao Lingfeng, when are you going to have a child of your own?"


Ling Feng and Yu Junyao coughed dryly at the same time, almost spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

This question is a bit too sharp!

Only the ghost doctor still remembered the strange change of the Zhu Jing Bing Silkworm that day. After observing carefully for a moment, he recognized Xiaodie's origin.

"Xiao Feng, this female doll should have evolved from the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, right?" the ghost doctor asked calmly.


Ling Feng nodded, "Xiaodie is indeed evolved from the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, but for the time being, it seems to only have the intelligence of a baby."

"It is very rare for an insect to shed its insect body and transform into a human form. This vermilion-eyed ice silkworm may become a rare treasure in the future!"

The ghost doctor took a deep breath and said with envy: "As an alchemist, it is a great blessing to have this little girl to help me!"

Ling Feng glanced at Xiaodie, just shook his head and smiled.

I don’t know whether it’s destiny or not, but this Xiaodie is indeed a big eater!

In addition to Zifeng, Jianlu, the underworld dragon and Xiaoqiongqi, there are more and more monster pets around me that open their mouths...

After another round of greetings, Ling Feng bowed to the villains and said, "Seniors, it's getting late and it's time for me to leave. Please go back!"

Ling Feng sighed softly and looked back.

Unfortunately, Mr. Mu Shen was still not seen.

Perhaps, my master is indeed more free and easy-going than ordinary people.

"Seniors, farewell!"

Ling Feng bowed to the villains again, then took Yu Junyao and Xiaodie and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Senior Brother Ling, I'll come with you too!"

Chu Chaonan also put the sword in his hand on his shoulder. This guy had probably already planned to leave the valley with Ling Feng.

"Who are you going with?"

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the depths of the Valley of the Wicked.

Chu Chaonan froze and suddenly burst into tears, "Old man, why can senior brother go out, but I can't! You are too partial!"

"Hmph, Ling Feng has made more progress in two months than you have in two years! You have already lost someone to me once, do you want to lose someone a second time? If you don't change the last phase of the six phases of destiny, Once you’ve mastered it, don’t even think about leaving the Valley of the Evil Ones!”

What Mu Shenjun was referring to was naturally the fact that Chu Chaonan had participated in the Single Moon Heavenly Palace's Rookie Swordsman Ranking, but failed to get first place.


Chu Chaonan was so angry that he stamped his feet. Unfortunately, Lord Mu Shen had already spoken. No matter how reluctant he was, he probably wouldn't be able to leave today.

"You're so mad at me, you stinky old man, remember this!"

Chu Chaonan's teeth were itching with hatred. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, patted his shoulder and said: "Senior Brother Chu, don't worry, I will go to the One Moon Heavenly Palace first. If you have mastered the Six Phases of Destiny, you can go Look for me in Du Yue Tian Palace!”

"It can only be the!"

Chu Chaonan sighed softly, clenched his fists, and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Brother Ling, see you in the Single Moon Palace! I will come to you soon, very soon!"

"Then I wish you, senior brother, to master the Six Elements of Destiny as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly. In the past two months, Mu Shenjun also taught him some swordsmanship and martial arts skills, but they did not include the Six Elements of Destiny.

Although the Six Elements of Destiny are indeed very strong, the so-called teaching according to aptitude and the Six Elements of Destiny are suitable for Chu Chaonan, but they are not necessary for Ling Feng.

What Ling Feng mastered was the way to change the attributes of strength, and Lord Mu Shen had higher expectations for him.

The level he hopes Ling Feng reaches is to create his own appearance just like him.


Ling Feng once again took a deep look at the villains, and then bowed deeply in the direction of the Valley of the Villains as a farewell to Lord Shepherd. Then he took Yu Junyao and strode out of the Valley of the Villains.

"What is the relationship between this kid and that person? Is he his descendant?"

Behind the Villain's Hall, Lord Mu Shen looked at a light curtain suspended in front of him. Within the light curtain, it was Ling Feng's back, gradually moving away.

Lord Mu Shen narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself, but a figure glaring at the world appeared in his mind.

Ling Feng's back was so similar to the indelible figure in his impression that they gradually overlapped.

"Oh, it's a pity that after hundreds of years of separation, I will never have the chance to see my former benefactor again..."

Ling Feng knew the maze outside the valley by heart and no longer needed other villains to lead the way.

About half an hour later, the poison shrouded in the bamboo forest gradually dissipated, which also meant that Ling Feng and the others finally walked out of the Valley of the Wicked.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng let out a cry in his heart: After three months, I, Ling Feng, finally came out again!

(PS: Please vote at the beginning of the month~)

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