Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2233 The Boundless God! (1 update)

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The distance between the Valley of the Wicked and Yueling City is long. When Ling Feng was taken to the Valley of the Wicked by Xiaoxiao'er and the others, even if they traveled at full speed, it still took three days.

You know, for a saint-level powerhouse, traveling for three consecutive days is already a long journey.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings, Ling Feng took Yu Xiaodie into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and gave it to Jian Lu and Zifeng to take care of her.

After all, a combination like Ling Feng and Yu Junyao, plus a pretty little girl, could easily be mistaken for a family of three.

Although Yu Xiaodie still retains some Zerg characteristics, when her wings are folded and her eyes are closed, she is almost indistinguishable from humans.

Inexplicably, Ling Feng didn't want to just become a father.

Wouldn’t that make it a success, happy to be a father?

The night is getting darker.

Ling Feng was walking in front, but he heard Yu Junyao's voice complaining from behind, "You brat, I don't want to sleep in the wild tonight! No, I want to find an inn and take a nice hot bath. That’s it!”

"You are really troublesome!"

Ling Feng felt helpless for a while, sighed softly, looked forward, and said slowly: "Forget it, there is a town dozens of miles ahead, let's go there to stay tonight."

"That's pretty much it!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng, how could she be the eldest lady of the Jiuli God Clan and be the same as Ling Feng, a "rough man"!

The reason why Ling Feng decided to go to the city was firstly because of Yu Junyao's complaints, and secondly, he also wanted to find out some information in the city.

It had been three months since he was taken to the Valley of the Wicked. During these three months, he had no idea what was going on outside.

After finally arriving at a relatively prosperous and lively city, someone should know the situation over there in Yueling City.

With the footsteps of Ling Feng and the two of them, they soon arrived at the city in front called "Songfeng City". This is also an ancient city with quite a history. The walls of the city are engraved with the vicissitudes of time.

However, what makes Ling Feng a little strange is that this seemingly small city seems to be a little "overcrowded"!

Ling Feng and Yu Junyao wandered around the city for a long time, but could not find any inn with free rooms. Finally, they found a very remote and poor inn with only one room left.

In desperation, Ling Feng had to pay the deposit and move in with Yu Junyao.

After all, the two of them had been living together for a long time when they were in the Valley of the Wicked, so it wasn't too embarrassing.

"Haha, young master, this is your guest room No. 9."

The waiter led Ling Feng and the two into the guest room. The conditions inside...

Yu Junyao almost had a seizure when she saw it. Apart from a simple wooden bed, an old table and a screen, there were almost no extra furnishings. Even the roof was still leaking. !

With such conditions, do you have the nerve to call it a guest room?

But for a guest room with this kind of condition, they actually charge 500 yuan per day!

For five hundred yuan, you could live in a luxurious villa in other towns of similar size.

"I'm sorry, you two. Recently, a large number of martial arts practitioners have suddenly arrived in the city. The supply of guest rooms is insufficient, so... please bear with me."

The waiter noticed that the two of them looked unhappy, so he explained with a smile, "As for this room, someone has temporarily vacated it, otherwise it may not be available!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't have many requirements for accommodation conditions. Having a roof to cover his head was better than sleeping in the open air.

"By the way, little brother, why have so many people suddenly come to this small town recently?"

Ling Feng was a little curious in his heart. It stands to reason that in such a small city, the powerful people who can see the personal emperor would be overwhelmed.

But the current situation is that there are as many human emperors as dogs, and the emperors are everywhere!

There is also the aura of some saint-level experts. Although it is very obscure and deliberately hidden, it cannot be hidden from Ling Feng's perception.

"Master Shen Buliang made a divination and said that in the Tianfeng County area, a great opportunity will appear in the near future!"

When Shen Buliang was mentioned, the waiter's eyes showed a hint of admiration, as if he worshiped this person as a god.

"A great opportunity?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he was about to speak when he heard Yu Junyao start to complain, "What about the master of gods and masters of ghosts? I think he's just a magic stick! He's doing fortune-telling, it's so funny!"

"Girl, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense!"

The waiter said quickly: "Master Shen is really a strange person in this world. Everything he predicted has happened without exception! If you have met Master Shen, you will definitely be deeply impressed by his ability."


Yu Junyao looked disdainful and was about to make a few sarcastic remarks, but was interrupted by Ling Feng.

"There's something wrong with this friend of mine. Don't get along with her."

Ling Feng pointed to his head and lowered his voice and said, "Second brother, you go and do your work first!"

"Okay, sir, if you need anything, just say hello!"

The waiter glanced at Yu Junyao and muttered a few words in a low voice: "She is quite beautiful, but it's a pity that she has a bad mind!"


Yu Junyao's hearing was so keen that she was about to explode when she heard it, but she was stopped by Ling Feng. The waiter in the shop had a bad intention and ran away as if he was running away.

"You brat, why are you holding me back? I have to teach this blind waiter a lesson!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, looking like she would never give up.

"Why bother getting angry with a common man!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, strode into the guest room, moved a stool and sat down, poured a cup of tea leisurely, smiled and said to Yu Junyao: "Here, let's drink a cup of hot tea to calm down!"

"Hmph, and you brat, don't think I didn't hear it, how dare you say that I have a bad mind? You are the one with a bad mind!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng coldly and sat down opposite Ling Feng, obviously still sulking.

"Okay, okay, my brain is out of control!"

Ling Feng felt helpless for a while, "Compared to this, haven't you noticed anything unusual in this city?"

"You are such a fool to think of me as a girl!"

Yu Junyao frowned and bit her silver teeth: "A small city has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It even has the aura of a saint-level powerhouse. It's really weird!"

"Now that you've discovered it, why do you still say that Shen Buliang is a magic stick?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "If it's an ordinary magic stick, I'm afraid it won't be able to affect the decision-making of a saint-level expert, right?"

The so-called saint-level powerhouses have already experienced the catastrophe of nine revolutions, coincidentally with the power of heaven, they also have a certain ability to predict the future.

Of course, this ability is not specific, it is more like a "whim".

For example, a premonition of crisis, a premonition of opportunity, and so on.

And the news released by Shen Buliang was able to attract so many saint-level experts. Thinking about it, they are definitely not ordinary people.

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