Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2234 Taihua Immortal Palace! (2 updates)

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Yu Junyao was speechless. Subconsciously, she didn't believe in the so-called prediction of the future.

You must know that the future is full of many variables. Even the ancestors of their Jiuli God Clan and the powerful ones in the ancestral realm dare not predict the future.

If that god Boundless really has such a heaven-defying ability, why not just take the opportunity and let it out to attract many masters to compete together?

Isn't this too weird?

"In short, since we have encountered it, we might as well understand the situation first."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. He had just "returned from the Valley of Evil" and his skills needed a space to show off.

In the Valley of Evil, you face a group of extremely strong and perverted guys every day, and you are tortured every day.

Now, it's his turn to torture others.

"You should find out for yourself, I am not interested in accompanying you!"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and glanced to the side.

There is a screen next to the wooden bed, and there is a large bathtub next to the screen. Obviously, she is ready to take a comfortable hot bath.

Ling Feng shrugged. Originally, he had no intention of sleeping in the guest room. He probably would have to make do with it on the roof tonight.

After walking out of the room, Ling Feng walked directly to the lobby on the first floor.

A place with a lot of people is naturally the best place to get information.

Soon, Ling Feng sat down at a table in the corner, ordered some refreshments, and then began to listen to some valuable news.

"Speaking of this Master Shenwuliangshen, he is a strange person in the world! I heard that more than ten years ago, he predicted a meteorite rain and informed the city lords of several cities within the affected area in advance. Fortunately, they were evacuated in time, and finally Millions of people have been saved from suffering!”

"What does this mean? Master Shen predicts more than just this one thing, and every one of them is extremely accurate. Even the heads of the three major sword houses have to politely call him Master when they see Master Shen! "

"The three major sword houses once offered extremely high remunerations, hoping that Master Shen could join the sword family. Unfortunately, Master Shen regards money as dirt and disdains the recruitment of the three major sword houses."

"Be high-spirited and noble, this is the style of a master!"


After hearing the discussion of these people, Ling Feng became more and more interested in this "God Boundless".

"This time Master Shen predicts that there will be a great opportunity to fall in the Tianfeng County area, and this Songfeng City is the most central city of Tianfeng County City. It is no wonder that it is difficult to find a house in the city. If I hadn't come here Morning, I’m afraid we can’t even live in the stable.”


A group of rough men burst into laughter.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, turned towards the warriors who were talking loudly, bowed his hands to them, and said lightly: "Guys, I wonder what the opportunity predicted by the master of God is referring to?"


Ling Feng stepped forward to talk alone, causing the warriors to look at Ling Feng curiously.

Ling Feng looked young and reserved. With their human emperor level cultivation, they could not tell the depth of Ling Feng at all.

There are two possibilities, one is that Ling Feng has practiced auxiliary skills to hide his cultivation level, and the other is that Ling Feng's cultivation level is much higher than theirs.

But no matter which one it is, it shows that Ling Feng has an extraordinary origin.

"Haha, this little brother is also interested in that opportunity?"

The leader of them was a big man with a Chinese character face, who had seen countless people. He could tell at a glance that Ling Feng was not an ordinary person, so his attitude was quite polite.

"A person in the martial arts can defy fate and take his own life. Who wouldn't be interested in chance?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly.

"Hahaha, well said!"

The big man with the Chinese character's face smiled and said: "My name is Wu Kui, and these guys are all members of my Qian Kui hunting team!"

"Senior Wu."

Ling Feng once again cupped his fist and saluted Wu Kui, "Boy, Long Fei."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng did not use his real name, but the pseudonym he used when he sneaked into the Demon Realm.

The name Ling Feng is already well-known in the West Sword Region, and it is even more famous all over the world because he once killed the demon clan's Young Master Jin Jiao.

Looking at the West Sword Territory, I am afraid that there are very few people who do not recognize this name.

"It turns out to be Brother Long!"

The Wu Kui laughed and said: "I have some understanding of the opportunity that Master Shen mentioned. It seems to be the rumored Taihua Immortal Palace!"

"Taihua Immortal Palace?"

Ling Feng vaguely remembered where he had heard this name, but for a while, he couldn't quite remember it.

"Have you never heard of it, little brother?" Wu Kui chuckled.

"There is a vague impression."

Ling Feng replied calmly.

"Actually, how much do we casual cultivators know about Taihua Immortal Palace." Wu Kui said with a bitter smile: "I just heard that this is a broken plane floating in the outer starry sky. Every once in a while, it will appear in Xuanling Continent. A certain corner. And there are no rules.”

"For example, last time the Taihua Immortal Palace appeared in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, it may appear in the Western Sword Realm or other regions next time, but it may also continue to appear in the Eastern Spiritual Realm. Anyway, there is no pattern to be found. ”

"In that case, how did Master God calculate it?"

Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Master Shen is not an ordinary person. He naturally has his own methods."

Wu Kui had a look of admiration on his face: "I heard that Taihua Immortal Palace is a good place full of treasures. Even if we small casual cultivators can't get any good things, if we can go up and absorb a little bit of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, I'm afraid It’s worth several years of hard work.”

"Is it so powerful?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and racked his brains to think hard. He always felt that he had vaguely heard of Taihua Immortal Palace somewhere.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he suddenly remembered.

Isn't this what Tianbai Emperor Faxiang told himself when he taught him his first black iron soul skill, "Abyss Gazing", that his soul skill came from Taihua Immortal Palace! (PS: For details, please refer to "Chapter 1919: Being courteous for nothing!")

Good guy, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang just mentioned it casually, but I didn’t expect that I would actually meet him!

In retrospect, Tianbai Emperor Faxiang once advised him to give up. After all, the time and place of Taihua Immortal Palace's appearance were impossible to predict, and I was afraid that I would have no chance of encountering it.

But now it seems that Tianbai Emperor Faxiang is going to be slapped in the face!

However, it is still unknown whether it is really Taihua Immortal Palace, or whether Taihua Immortal Palace will really appear.

After all, a prophecy is just a prophecy after all, and it becomes a fact only when it happens.

"Little brother, if you are interested, you can temporarily form a team with our Qiankui hunting team, and let's try our luck together?"

Wu Kui obviously saw how extraordinary Ling Feng was and wanted to win him over to join him, maybe even get some advantages.

"Haha, my strength is low, so I'd better not hold back the big brothers."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said: "By the way, these elder brothers have been working here and are well-informed. I wonder if there is any news from Yueling City recently?"

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