Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2240 Barrier! (2 updates)

About half a day later, almost all the surviving warriors had landed on the floating fairy island.

This fairy island is very large, probably several times larger than the size of Yueling City!

After passing through the bumpy area outside, the scene in front of me suddenly changed!

Ahead is a valley. Unexpectedly, the valley is green and full of life.

"The aura of heaven and earth is so rich that even the most common weeds will grow into fairy grass!"

Ling Feng stooped down and picked a weed on the ground. The spiritual energy contained in it was extremely abundant, and there was a hint of ancient aura.

"Look, there are a lot of people in front of us!"

Yu Junyao pointed forward, and then she realized that people were coming from all around one after another, but they were all gathered outside the valley. Their powerful aura was vague and moving, but everyone just stretched their necks and waited outside the valley. but did not enter it.

Apparently, beyond the valley, there are forbidden protections!

Ling Feng looked intently, and sure enough, outside the valley, there was a faint layer of silver-white light covering the entire valley, and inside the valley, there was a huge building.

It seems to be a tall tower!

"It's right here! That thing that feels very familiar to me is right inside!"

Zifeng's voice came again, this time, it seemed more excited and eager!

Ling Feng pursed his lips. There were restrictions around the valley, and among the warriors surrounding the valley, there were many saint-level warriors. None of them could enter. This layer of restrictions was probably not simple.

His eyes swept through the crowd, and suddenly, Ling Feng discovered an "old acquaintance"!

Xuanyuan Yu!

When he first arrived in Yueling City, in order to make a name for himself, he participated in the so-called "Rookie Swordsman List" and met a very talented warrior among them, this person was Xuanyuan Yu.

And he is also the son of Xuanyuan Longteng.

Back then, after Xuanyuan Yu was defeated in his own hands, he resolutely decided to leave Yueling City and embark on his own journey to become a strong man.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed!

Unexpectedly, when we meet again, it will be on this floating fairy island.

Judging from the aura, Xuanyuan Yu's strength should have improved a lot in the past six months, and he should be at the level of the top three among the top ten in the One Moon Palace.

It seems that his choice to leave Yueling City was indeed a very wise choice.

"Brother Ling!"

Xuanyuan Yu noticed that someone was looking at him, turned around and saw that it was Ling Feng, he was overjoyed and ran over quickly.

"Brother Xuanyuan!"

Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted him. Although they were once opponents in the ring, Xuanyuan Yu was an upright and upright person, and Ling Feng had a pretty good impression of him.

"Great, you are really back!"

Because Xuanyuan Yu had not returned to Yueling City for a long time, the news was naturally delayed a lot. I just heard that Ling Feng's whereabouts were unknown after the battle on the Bloody Ancient Road.

Naturally, he didn't know what happened next.

"Haha, I came back very early."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Where's Brother Xuanyuan, why are you here?"

"It's a coincidence. I happened to be practicing in the area a few days ago. I happened to hear the news about Taihua Immortal Palace, so I wanted to try my luck."

Xuanyuan Yu grinned, pointed to the valley ahead and said, "But it looks like we may be entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed."

Not to mention that there are so many saint-level powerful people here, even that layer of restrictions can trap them to death outside.

Moreover, every time Taihua Immortal Palace comes, the stay time will not exceed ten days at most. The time they can stay on this floating fairy island is very limited!

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Since it is a restriction, there is naturally a way to open it."

Xuanyuan Yu nodded, "That's true."

As he spoke, he looked behind Ling Feng again. When he saw Yu Junyao, he also raised his hands and saluted her.

However, when he saw Xiao Hen, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and his expression became a little unnatural, "Xiao...Brother Xiao Hen, you are here too!"

Xiao Hen just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

Ling Feng saw Xuanyuan Yu's expression, shook his head and smiled. It seemed that in addition to "discussing" with him, Xiao Hen should have also approached Xuanyuan Yu before.

It's a pity that although Xuanyuan Yu's talent is not weak, there is still a certain gap in strength compared to Xiao Hen.

Come to think of it, in Xuanyuan Yu's heart, there should still be a shadow of Xiao Hen.

Ling Feng collected his mind and stared at the valley.

From the direction of the valley entrance, you can see what seems to be a manor inside. Behind the manor, there is a tall and magnificent building.

It's a pity that this building was suddenly split in half from the middle!

Come to think of it, this palace is probably not Taihua Immortal Palace.

However, if you want to enter Taihua Immortal Palace, you must first pass through this valley.

Moreover, although this building is not the Taihua Immortal Palace, it must be a building from ancient times, and there may be some valuable things stored in it!

Not to mention anything else, if you just pick one of those spiritual flowers and herbs in the yard, your cultivation level will skyrocket.

A group of experts gathered outside the valley. Some tried to use brute force to destroy it, while others circled around the valley, searching for ways to crack it.

Others took out things like Bagua disks and continued to deduce and calculate something. In short, these people can be said to have shown their own magical powers, but unfortunately, they all seemed to be unable to do anything.

Ling Feng was also studying the valley, but his attention was on the sword mark that split the building with the blow.

The main hall was clearly divided into two by a terrifying sword energy.

It is conceivable that this space fragment from the Immortal Realm should have experienced a terrifying battle, and it was so hard that even the space plane collapsed. It broke away from the Immortal Realm plane, fell into the void, and kept drifting away. .

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng turned to look at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice: "Miss Yu, look around to see if there are any ancient writings. You may be able to find a way to decipher them."

"Tch, now you think of the importance of this girl?"

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng and folded her hands in front of her chest, "Humph, it's too late! I'm not happy to see this!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Wow, this woman's arrogance is coming back!"

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the front.

"If I read it correctly, this magic circle is already on the verge of collapse. Although the power of the barrier cannot be destroyed by us, but... as long as we wait a few more days, the barrier will naturally collapse. By then, , we can go in."

An old man with gray hair, holding a heavy book in his hand, looked like a well-educated man.

"Wait? When will we go? Taihua Immortal Palace will only stay here for ten days at most. We don't have that much time to wait!"

A burly man shouted loudly: "In my opinion, everyone uses their magical powers to continuously attack the barrier. Although the effect may not be obvious, it can definitely speed up the energy consumption of the magic circle and make it collapse faster. !”

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