Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2241 Treacherous and cunning! (3 updates)


The old man from before pondered for a moment and then nodded, "This is not unreasonable, but..."

"Nothing. Since it makes sense, what are you waiting for? Get out of your arms and take action!"

As the burly man spoke, he actually tore the robe on his upper body, revealing his extremely strong tendons.

The next moment, he took out a huge sword that was as tall as a person, and smashed the barrier with a bang.

Some warriors around were also infected. They picked up their weapons and began to attack the barrier with all their strength.

Human beings are creatures that follow the herd. As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two. When the first one and the second one start to take action, the warriors become more and more blocked, and they all start to attack the barrier crazily.

The treasures in the valley have long made them crazy.


How could you keep waiting like this!

"Brother Ling, I'm going too!"

Xuanyuan Yu clapped his hands, drew out his sword, and was about to rush forward to attack the barrier, but was held down by Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, what do you mean?"

Xuanyuan Yu was stunned, "Don't you plan to attack the barrier?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, pointed at the big man who was the first to launch everyone's attack on the barrier, and said with a smile: "Look at his actions."

"What's wrong?" Xuanyuan Yu looked at the burly man, blinked his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You are working very hard!"

"Work hard?"

Ling Feng grinned, "That guy seemed to have used 12% of his strength, but in fact, he used less than 10% of his strength at most when he shot! This guy seems to be loyal and honest, but in fact he is very cunning! He deliberately incited everyone They are all working hard to attack the barrier, but they are secretly saving their strength. Hum, the purpose is already obvious!"

If you were an ordinary person, you really wouldn't be able to spot the little moves of that burly man, but Ling Feng's eyesight is so vicious.

Not to mention, his biggest achievement in the Valley of the Wicked was to master the changes in strength attributes.

That burly man looked like a rough and savage barbarian with only brute strength, but in fact he was so scheming!

Humph, it really goes with that sentence, people should not be judged by their appearance!


Xuanyuan Yu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "No, I'm going to expose this guy!"


Ling Feng shook his head, "Brother Xuanyuan, you are too upright. If you expose his words, who will work for us?"

There was a cunning look on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, "If you see through it but don't tell it, we can just sit back and enjoy the results!"

After saying that, Ling Feng actually took out a Taishi chair from the Naling Ring and leaned on the chair very gracefully, as if he was a supervisor!


The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's mouth twitched slightly, why hadn't he noticed before that Ling Feng was so cunning!

"You are more cunning than that guy!"

Yujunyao frowned and glared at Ling Feng, but she had been with Ling Feng for such a long time, and she had already known Ling Feng thoroughly.

This guy will eat anything but not lose!

Half a day later.

Yu Junyao and the others had been standing there for a long time. Ling Feng moved out a few more chairs for Yu Junyao and the others to sit down together. A group of people lined up in a row, sitting comfortably on one side. It seemed that they were not here to look for opportunities. On the contrary, it seemed like I was on vacation.

For a time, many people were itching with hatred. They were all working hard to attack the barrier. It was a good thing for these guys that they didn't want to help and they were still "enjoying" there!

For a moment, many people showed murderous intentions. This kid was a bit too arrogant!

The big man who encouraged everyone to take action was also filled with hatred. His original intention was to consume the energy of others, but now that Ling Feng and the others were doing this, it greatly weakened the enthusiasm of others.

If you think about it carefully, there are so many people doing it anyway, so missing one of them is not a big deal!

One person thinks so, and two people think so too. If this continues, everyone will probably go on strike, and his wishful thinking will be in vain!

"Hey, those boys over there, why don't you hurry up and help, otherwise, the barrier will be opened and you won't be able to get in!"

The burly man glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and many warriors around him immediately looked directly at Ling Feng, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

"Oh, the old man just said that we can go in just by waiting, so why waste this energy."

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a smile: "You are the ones who are anxious, and I am not anxious. Why should I waste my efforts in vain? I am not a fool!"


The burly man glared at Ling Feng fiercely. The next moment, he jumped up suddenly and cursed: "Boy, who do you think is a fool!"

"Whoever takes my word for it is a fool!"

Ling Feng shrugged and looked away, as if he really came to enjoy the scenery, and he didn't even look away from the burly man!


The big man was so angry that he clenched his fist and was about to take action when he suddenly heard a roar from behind.

"Crack... it's cracked! The barrier is cracked!"

For a moment, the crowd became excited, and all the warriors flew out almost instantly and rushed towards the valley.

"Just wait for me!"

The burly man glared at Ling Feng but couldn't resist the temptation of the treasures inside. He abandoned Ling Feng and rushed directly into the valley.


Ling Feng pursed his lips, stood up, glanced at the companions around him, and said calmly: "Let's go, let's set off too!"

In order to speed up the destruction of the barrier, most of the warriors tried their best to attack the barrier, but there were also some guys with careful thoughts. Each of them acted very realistically. It looked like they had used all their strength, but in fact they still retained their strength. A lot of energy.

It's just that Ling Feng is the kind of person who doesn't bother to act, that's why he is so hated.

Soon, Ling Feng and others entered the valley, only to find that the faces of the warriors at the front were darker than the last.

Originally, they were all staring at the delicate flowers and plants in the yard, but when they rushed in, they couldn't catch a single hair!

Because, that piece of grass that originally looked green, all withered the moment they rushed over!

And all the spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses that were blooming on the grass were wiped out and turned into nothingness.

The reason is very simple. The previous layer of barrier actually prevented the internal spiritual energy from escaping to a certain extent, and those spiritual plants were all illusions. But as the barrier disintegrated, the illusions maintained by the spiritual energy naturally disappeared. Dust to ashes, dust to dust.

Therefore, all the spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses on the ground are actually like flowers in the mirror and moon in the water!

Ling Feng had the eyes of the emperor and had already understood the situation inside, so he didn't care at all about the spiritual flowers and herbs in the yard.

Otherwise, with his enthusiasm for alchemy, if he encountered these cherished "immortal grasses", he would be unable to hold back and rush to the front in a hurry.

Since the spiritual flowers and spiritual grass in the courtyard outside were all illusions, the warriors had to give up. Although they did not gain any benefits, fortunately, everyone was the same, at least they felt balanced.

In that case, let's go take a look at the dilapidated hall.

Ling Feng and his party were the last ones to enter. The main hall in front was split into two directly in the middle. The gap in the middle was wide enough for several people to walk through side by side.

And in that crack, there is also an extremely terrifying sword energy, which is heart-stopping!

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