Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2244 If you don’t accept it, come and grab it! (3 updates)

Looking at the picture scroll, Ling Feng's mind quickly became immersed in it.

Ling Feng only felt that the scroll contained infinite mysteries, but it was too complicated. He was surrounded by chaotic thoughts, but he could not grasp anything.

"As expected of the swordsmanship of the Immortal Realm, it is indeed extraordinary!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and in the next moment, in his eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, the divine patterns of humanity condensed, and his understanding was raised to the extreme.

For a moment, things that were originally difficult to understand seemed to suddenly come to light, and something was vaguely grasped.

The Eye of the Emperor is indeed his strongest trump card!

At this time, there was silence in the side hall.

Everyone knows that the six scrolls in this palace hide extremely exquisite magical sword skills. If you can master them, you will be able to sweep across all directions and be invincible at the same level.

But similarly, the more they comprehend, the more they find themselves feeling powerless.

In front of this set of swordsmanship in the Immortal Realm, their vision and level are too low to master the secrets.

This made them scratch their heads and feel itchy and uncomfortable.

Give up, don't give up!

Don’t give up, you’ll never get started!

That feeling was extremely painful.

Soon, the first batch of warriors chose to give up and left angrily.

There are still plenty of opportunities on this floating fairy island, so there is no need to fight here.

If you still can't comprehend it after struggling to the end, then it will be like trying to draw water from a bamboo basket, and everything will be in vain.

Xiao Hen took a deep breath, and after pondering for half an hour, he directly chose to give up.

What he came here to look for was soul skills. Although swordsmanship was good, it was not what he needed.

Moreover, with his understanding, he has not been able to learn it for a long time. Come to think of it, this swordsmanship has no chance for him.

After looking at Ling Feng, Xiao Hen took a deep breath and decided to wait here now.

He believes that as long as he follows Ling Feng, he can get his own opportunity!

Then, Yu Junyao and Xuanyuan Yu also chose to give up.

The swordsmanship in the Immortal Realm is indeed mysterious, but unfortunately, they don't have the skills to understand it.

But at this time, Ling Feng was already getting better.

His spiritual thoughts seemed to enter directly into the scroll, starting from the first painting, then the second, and the third...

There was a young man dancing a sword inside each one. He seemed to be practicing an ordinary swordsmanship, but it gave Ling Feng an indescribable feeling.

Ling Feng's level of swordsmanship has reached the realm of domain, he has condensed his own sword domain, and has initially touched his own path.

He was even able to pass on his own Tao, that mysterious and profound understanding, to others, so that they could also understand his own feelings.

At this time, Ling Feng seemed to have reversed roles. He was the one preaching at the beginning, but now, it was the fictitious figure in the scroll who was preaching to him.

It was a Tao that I had never been exposed to before.

The supreme way!

One move after another, no longer limited to the sword, but a kind of intention!

Under the vast sky and earth, only the sword-wielding young man was left, standing with his sword in hand.

I don’t know how long it took, but the young man stopped, and countless divine thoughts, like enlightenment, merged into Ling Feng’s spiritual sea.

Ling Feng's body was as motionless as a wooden sculpture, but in the sea of ​​​​spirit, he suddenly transformed into a little golden man, holding a long sword in his hand, and actually began to automatically practice the swordsmanship performed by the young man just now.

One sword brings life and all things are destroyed!

In heaven and earth, only the sword is immortal!

In an instant, as if receiving some kind of induction, in the side hall, the first scroll emitted an extremely dazzling light, making everyone open their eyes in shock.

Immediately afterwards, the scroll was seen to dissipate directly with the strong light, turning into specks of light and disappearing into the void.

And the last ray of light flew over everyone's heads, directly from the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, and entered Ling Feng's body.

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

A thought suddenly flashed through Ling Feng's mind, and at the same time, another swordsmanship formula came to mind.

This set of swordsmanship is called "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword"!

At this time, when everyone went to look at the first scroll, they suddenly discovered that the entire scroll had disappeared, leaving only the bare stone wall!

Obviously, this set of swordsmanship can only be passed down to one person!

The first person to understand it!

Teng Teng Teng!

For a moment, one figure after another suddenly stood up, all eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, their eyes full of evil aura.

Although they didn't know what happened just now, they clearly saw that the moment the first scroll disappeared, there was a ray of light integrated into Ling Feng's body!

No matter how you look at it, the disappearance of this scroll must be inextricably related to Ling Feng!

"Boy, have you learned the swordsmanship in that scroll?"

Someone immediately asked Ling Feng, the voice was extremely cold and stern.

Ling Feng opened his eyes and saw the murderous looks of the warriors around him. He pursed his lips and said lightly: "What does it have to do with you?"


The man shouted loudly, "You damaged the scroll and prevented us from understanding it. It's your fault!"

The burly man who was fooling others outside to attack the barrier saw that Ling Feng had benefited again, and even instigated everyone: "I think this kid has bad intentions at all. He deliberately wants to destroy this scroll and harm it." None of us get the inheritance!”

"This kid is selfish. We must capture him, force him to learn the sword skills in the scroll, and then kill him!"

"That's right! For everyone's sake, we must force him to find out!"

These people act like "I am thinking about everyone" and all of them speak righteously, which is simply disgusting.

Ling Feng sneered, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I've seen too many shameless guys, but it's really spectacular to see so many shameless guys appear together in groups!"

"Boy, you are really impatient with life!"

"You brat, I'll give you one last chance. Please reveal the swordsmanship formula. Otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

"Little friend, as the saying goes, you can't gain weight by eating alone, these scrolls are here for everyone to understand. You can't be too selfish!"

Some people even put on red faces and said kindly: "Tell me the formula, and I will keep you safe!"

However, no matter whether it was bad words or good words, Ling Feng dismissed them all. He just raised his fingers at these people and said word by word: "You idiots, you can't understand it yourself, why do you blame me?" If you don’t agree, come and grab it yourself!”

That's it for other places, but here, everyone's Yuanli has been sealed. Without Yuanli, these old guys can't display the power of saints.

As for Ling Feng, he has become a saint in the flesh. Here, he is the king!

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