Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2245 A bunch of cowards! (1 update)

"Boy, you are asking for death!"

"Arrogant and ignorant!"

"You have to pay the price for speaking arrogantly!"

Everyone opened their eyes and shouted, their cold and stern gazes, like sharp sword blades, all shot towards Ling Feng.

Those who can survive the powerful impact brought by the arrival of the floating fairy island and not suffer any major injuries are undoubtedly the strongest among the strong.

Such warriors were all dominating beings, and none of them were arrogant. Ling Feng's attitude instantly angered them.

"Hmph, it looks like I don't need to do it myself this time!"

In the crowd, Lan Yan, the young master of the Azure Fire Tribe, sneered. Ling Feng had incurred the wrath of the public. Without him taking action, with so many people together, each one of them would drown that kid!

However, under the countless hostile eyes, Ling Feng laughed loudly, even raised his fingers at them, and sneered: "If you want to do something, then do it!"

Everyone's eyelids were twitching wildly. This boy is really not afraid of death!

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's mouth twitched slightly. Looking back, when Ling Feng first arrived in Yueling City, in less than a month, he caused a storm in the city and became the number one man.

As the saying goes, if you are not envied by others, you are mediocre.

This guy is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses. Wherever he goes, he will undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention!

Faced with Ling Feng's almost provocative attitude, everyone was filled with hatred. However, some people soon realized that their cultivation was completely suppressed. Here, at best, they were physically stronger than ordinary people. Just be more tenacious and fly "mortal".

As for Ling Feng, the power of Qi and blood is extremely abundant, and he looks like a strong body refiner at first glance.

These old guys who have suppressed their Yuanli are looking for a beating if they fight with brute force against a body-training master like Ling Feng!

If this large group of semi-saint and saint-level old men were beaten to a black and blue face by a junior like Ling Feng, who was only in the middle or late stages of the emperor realm, how could they have the dignity to show off to others in the future?

What's more, Ling Feng seemed to have obtained the inheritance in the scroll just now. Who knows if he obtained some mysterious power. With Yuanli suppressed, it was better not to take risks.

Ever since, in the face of Ling Feng's provocation, those saint-level experts, almost without exception, chose to swallow their anger.

Although the shouts were more fierce than the others, no one really dared to take action!

"Since you're not going to fight, then don't waste my time!"

Ling Feng shrugged, sat cross-legged again, and began to comprehend the remaining scrolls.

Everyone looked at each other, clenched their fists, and everyone sat back down.

Ling Feng understood one of the scrolls, and there were five scrolls left. If they continued to waste time, they wouldn't have a share in the remaining ones.

"Damn! They are all a bunch of cowards!"

Lan Yan was so angry that he thought that Ling Feng would be beaten by these people. Even if they were all suppressed, they were still semi-saints and saints after all. Even with brute force, they were not too weak. .

With so many people joining forces, Ling Feng wouldn't be able to die even if he had nine lives.

However, he still underestimated the selfishness of human nature. Even if they could subdue Ling Feng together, who would want to be beaten by those in front?

If it were him, he wouldn't just hide in the background and watch the show!

"Young Master, please be patient and don't be impatient."

Elder Jian said solemnly: "Instead of thinking about how to deal with that boy, it is better to calm down and understand the martial arts in those scrolls! Those are magical powers from the fairyland. If you can understand them, it will definitely be a huge battle. Opportunity!”


At this moment, another picture scroll flashed with bright golden light, and immediately burned up in the void.

And the last ray of light blended into the eyebrows of a man in black in the crowd.

Obviously, this person also received the inheritance of an immortal martial arts skill.

No one dares to waste any more time. Now, only the last four scrolls are left!

Ling Feng looked back curiously. He had the Eye of the Emperor and found it difficult to comprehend these scrolls. But besides himself, was there anyone who could comprehend these scrolls?

Sure enough, the world is so big and there are so many geniuses. It would be absolutely stupid to underestimate the heroes in the world.

The second man in black who understood the scroll looked quite young, but his aura was as condensed as a mountain. Just sitting in a posture gave him an aura as calm as an abyss!

On his forehead, some mysterious black inscriptions could be vaguely seen, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, this person is not an ordinary human race, but a divine race like Yu Junyao!

The inscription on his forehead is the divine pattern. Only when the original divine power is activated, the divine pattern will appear.

Ling Feng has seen this with Yu Junyao many times.

"Aside from that idiot from the Azure Fire Tribe, I didn't expect that there are other God Tribes here too!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and he didn't expect that the other party's talent was actually higher than Yu Junyao's!

Yu Junyao obviously also noticed the man in black. His eyes narrowed. He originally planned to give up on understanding the scrolls, but then he thought that the gods in the Western Sword Region could actually comprehend the scrolls. He was a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan. Can't compare to the gods of the Western Sword Region?

As a result, Yu Junyao seemed to be angry and began to concentrate on studying the scrolls.

In terms of talent, Yu Junyao may not be that man in black, but her temperament is too out-of-the-box, making it difficult for her to calm down and comprehend.

Feeling Ling Feng's gaze, the man in black also stared over, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

But soon. The fighting spirit subsided, and the man in black robe looked at the remaining scrolls again.

Ling Feng didn't have any more time, and there were only six scrolls in total. If others understood one more, he would have one less.

About half an hour later!

Ling Feng understood another picture scroll and obtained the second Immortal Realm martial skill.

For a time, it aroused the jealousy of countless people.

Then, another ray of light flashed, and the fourth scroll burned, and the light merged into Yu Junyao's eyebrows.

Once this woman fully concentrated her attention, her advantages as a member of the Jiuli God Clan were immediately revealed, and she finally acquired a fairyland martial skill.

Almost an hour later, a white-haired old man's eyes burst out with sparkle, which immediately resonated with a picture scroll and gained a inheritance.

At this point, there is only the last picture left in the secret room!

Everyone is extremely nervous, and those who have not received the inheritance are anxious. This is their last hope.

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

Unexpectedly, this last scroll was obviously so wonderful that no one had passed it on for three full days and it was still hanging on the wall.

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