Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2247 Buy one get one free! (3 updates)

"I'm An Yunhe."

At this time, the last old man who had comprehended the scroll also walked up, looked at Ling Feng carefully, and then said slowly: "It is truly a talented person from generation to generation. My talent is so high, it is really enviable." !”

"Senior, is there something wrong?"

Ling Feng glanced at An Yunhe and felt a little wary in his heart.

"It's nothing, I just have an unkind invitation."

An Yunhe said with a smile: "The "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword" is divided into six styles, and I have won three of them. In addition, this little girl is your friend, you can say that you have won the fourth, but not I know, are you interested in getting another one?"


Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. Unlike a conceited person like Jun Jiuyou, what An Yunhe considers is maximizing interests.

"Senior, do you want to trade with me?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. If the other party was sincere enough, there was no need for him to refuse.

"What I have mastered is the fifth form of the Xuantian Poyun Sword. In terms of difficulty, it should be comparable to the first and third moves that my little friend has mastered, right?"

An Yunhe looked at Ling Feng with a smile and said lightly.


Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this old guy is clearly here to take advantage!

You have one sword move, but you want to change your own two moves?

He's thinking about shit!

"Senior, if this is the way to change it, then forget it."

Ling Feng shrugged. Anyway, he had understood the most powerful killing move. The first few moves should be as incomplete as possible.

Sometimes, incompleteness is also a kind of beauty!

What's more, with his own talent and the Eye of the Emperor, it will not be difficult to complete his sword moves in the future.

"This can still be discussed, and we can discuss it again!"

When An Yunhe heard that Ling Feng didn't seem to be very interested, he quickly said: "It's okay to just change to the first style!"

"All right."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "Then let's exchange the formulas for sword moves at the same time. What do you think?"

"This is natural."

An Yunhe nodded and smiled, a hint of a treacherous smile flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"Then I'll prepare pen and paper for senior."

Ling Feng's hand flashed with light, and he took out a writing brush from the Naling Ring.

"Hey, why bother!"

An Yunhe waved his hand and said with a smile: "Since it is an exchange, I am also a senior, so I should have more or less the demeanor of an elder. Let's see, I also gained a lot of insights when I studied the scroll. If you are sincere, you can also pass your thoughts to me!"

An Yunhe said, gently stroking his long beard, with a kind look, and said with a smile: "To show my sincerity, I should come first!"

As he spoke, he gently raised his finger and placed it between Ling Feng's eyebrows.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. This method of memory transmission is indeed more convenient and more detailed than writing it out.

However, there are also risks.

When transmitting memories, one's own spiritual sea is completely open and undefended. Unless someone is close to him, he will generally not open his spiritual sea to others casually.

However, as wisps of memories about the fifth form of "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword" merged into his spiritual sea, Ling Feng gradually relaxed his vigilance.

"My little friend, do you still have doubts about my character?"

An Yunhe poured his memories and insights into Ling Feng's spiritual sea bit by bit, but found that Ling Feng always kept a trace of vigilance and set up a layer of mental barriers, so that his transmission speed was very slow.

"The boy is too worried."

Ling Feng apologized and completely lifted the spiritual fortress.

"This is right, I..."

A smile appeared on An Yunhe's lips and he continued to transmit memories to Ling Feng, but soon, the expression on his face turned ferocious.

"Hahaha, boy, you've been fooled!"

An Yunhe laughed wildly, "Now that your spiritual sea is completely under my control, all the inheritance of Xuantian Poyun Sword is at your fingertips!"

For a moment, Yu Junyao, Xiao Hen, and Xuanyuan Yu all drew out their weapons and surrounded An Yunhe.

"Old guy, let this kid go!"

Yu Junyao pointed her sword at An Yunhe's face and gritted her teeth.

Although Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen didn't speak, they each launched their spiritual consciousness domain and sword domain to seal An Yunhe tightly.

"Hmph, you guys still want to deal with me?"

An Yunhe sneered, "If you don't want this kid to die immediately, just step aside! Otherwise..."

An Yunhe's thoughts moved, and Ling Feng's mind immediately felt a sharp pain like needle pricks.


Ling Feng's expression changed drastically, and he stared at An Yunhe, trying to expel An Yunhe's spiritual thoughts, but it was already too late.

"Hahaha, do you really think I would be so kind as to give you my swordsmanship insights?"

An Yunhe looked up to the sky and laughed, "After all, you are just a newborn calf, you are still too young!"

"Okay, it's time to take away all the inheritance. Boy, you just have to be an idiot for the rest of your life, hahahaha!"

An Yunhe kept laughing ferociously, and his spiritual thoughts exploded, intending to plunder all Ling Feng's memories of "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword".

However, the next moment, the smile on An Yunhe's face froze.

Because, deep in Ling Feng's spiritual sea, an extremely dazzling golden light burst out.

"This...this...this is..."

An Yunhe trembled all over. The feeling was that of a golden fighting spirit!

A boy who is not even a saint actually has a golden fighting spirit!

"Why, old guy, continue your performance!"

There was no trace of pain on Ling Feng's face. It turned out that everything that happened just now was Ling Feng's "performance" deliberately cooperating with this old guy.

With Ling Feng's vigilance, how could he completely trust a stranger.

What's more, this An Yunhe thought he was top-notch in acting, but he couldn't hide it from Ling Feng's eyes.

Ling Feng had already figured out this guy's little calculation.


An Yunhe screamed, like an ant competing with an elephant, doomed to self-destruction.

Ling Feng's spiritual consciousness is so huge and terrifying. It has already reached the level of a golden fighting spirit. Even though An Yunhe is a saint-level expert and his spiritual consciousness is not weak, he has entered Ling Feng's "home field". .

He thought he had everything under control, but in fact, it was Ling Feng who took advantage of the situation and invited you into the trap.

Now, An Yunhe's mind has been firmly held by Ling Feng.

"Greedy is not enough for Snake Tun Xiang. Originally, you could switch to a sword move, but now..."

Ling Feng shrugged, "People like you are not qualified to trade with me, but I still prefer to rob!"

The next moment, along with An Yunhe's screams, Ling Feng had already plundered his memory, and by the way, even his Naling Ring also laughed.

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