Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2248 The chasm! (1 update)


Accompanied by heart-rending screams, An Yunhe's body gradually went limp and he fell heavily to the ground.

With his strength, he has already reached the fifth level of the ninth level. If he had a head-on battle with Ling Feng, he might not end up with such a miserable end.

It's a pity that he was too greedy and too self-righteous, and he actually tried to invade Ling Feng's spiritual sea and take away all his secrets.

But he happened to meet a monster like Ling Feng. He was young, but he had already condensed a golden fighting spirit.

Under Ling Feng's golden fighting spirit, his consciousness was disintegrated almost instantly, and the sea of ​​​​spirit was occupied by Ling Feng.

In this way, he didn't even have any room to resist, and perished under Ling Feng's hands.

“It really takes no effort at all!”

There was a flash of light in Ling Feng's eyes, and he had already memorized the sword moves formula of the fifth form of "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword".

In addition, An Yunhe also has many secrets and treasures on his body, which are now his trophies.

"You brat, what did you just do?"

The situation reversed in an instant, and everyone was stunned. It was clear that Ling Feng was restrained by An Yunhe just now, and An Yunhe was dead the next moment?

Only Xiao Hen knew that Ling Feng's soul was extremely powerful, and he might have used the source of his soul to forcibly suppress An Yunhe's consciousness.

"I just acted in a play with him."

After Ling Feng plundered An Yunhe's belongings, he smiled. It was obvious that he had gained a lot from this old guy.

In addition, in fact, he also pocketed the colorful jade box that had just been blown up from the ruins.

Everyone only saw the colorful jade box mysteriously disappearing, but in fact, it was Ling Feng who asked Zifeng to take the jade box into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Because the colorful jade box is full of glow, the five colors are shining, and when the Five Elements Heavenly Palace is opened, it emits some faint purple light. Covered by that light, it naturally does not look abnormal at all.

As a result, everyone just thought that the treasure box had disappeared, but they never imagined that this treasure had been hidden by Ling Feng.

That five-colored jade box will appear in the world only after all the scrolls have been comprehended. I am afraid it is also an extraordinary thing.

Although Yu Junyao and others can trust him, there is no need to tell them for the time being.

"With a wicked smile on his face, he doesn't know what he's planning to do anymore! Humph!"

Yu Junyao gave Ling Feng a hard look and couldn't help but cursed secretly when she saw his sly smile.


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a faint smile: "Let's go, let's see what opportunities lie ahead!"

The group of people immediately walked out of the ruins. As the palace collapsed, a three-way intersection appeared in front of them, but no matter which road they took, they should lead directly to Taihua Immortal Palace.

Ling Feng casually chose the middle path and moved forward.

This place originally seemed to be a garden, and some very regular bluestone floor tiles could still be seen, but now it is covered with various weeds and moss.

You can see weeds almost as tall as a person everywhere. Because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely abundant here, even ordinary weeds have extremely strong vitality.

Therefore, there are many warriors who try to collect those weeds and absorb some spiritual energy.

After walking for about half an hour, several people stopped.

I saw that the road ahead was suddenly split by a terrifying force, running across the front and spreading towards the surroundings, with an end that was almost impossible to see at a glance.

Like a natural chasm.

But just like the previous stone door that was cut off by the sword energy, the aura emanating from this crack was even more terrifying.

If he were to fly directly over, I'm afraid the ancestor's remaining power would be torn into pieces before he could pass by.

On the opposite side of this crack, there is a relatively open road, and the end of the road points directly to Taihua Immortal Palace.

In other words, if you want to enter Taihua Immortal Palace, you must first cross this "natural chasm"!

At this time, someone flew back from a distance, shook his head at the warriors, and showed a solemn expression.

"No, I have been flying along this crack for dozens of miles. Everything in front is separated by this crack. There is no way to go around it!"

A middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead and seemed a little out of breath due to the rapid back and forth.


Seeing the treasure mountain in front of you, no one is willing to return empty-handed.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they racked their brains, there was still nothing they could do.

Soon, someone started singing along, focusing everyone's attention on Ling Feng.

After all, he alone got three of the six scrolls, and he had the biggest gain before. It would be unrealistic if the people here didn't feel a little jealous.

"That's right. You two have inherited the martial arts from the Immortal Realm. Wouldn't it be unreasonable not to contribute more?"

"That's right!"

"That makes sense!"

"They should work harder!"

Everyone looked at Ling Feng, Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou.

As for An Yunhe, no one noticed his presence.

But they didn't know that An Yunhe had already died in Ling Feng's hands.

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