Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2250 It’s so hateful! (3 updates)

In the eyes of everyone, Ling Feng jumped up and jumped into the fractured area where the residual sword energy was rampant.

Swish, swish, swish!

As soon as he entered, the sword energy was surging, like silver snakes, flying towards him.

Ling Feng was unmoved, and strode forward, with a layer of purple divine light flashing all over his body, as if a god, descending from the sky, unparalleled in the world.

No matter how the sword energy attacked him, he couldn't even break his clothes!

Some people have tested the strength of these residual sword energy before. Even if the protective qi of the saint-level strongman is lost, it can be easily penetrated, which shows how terrible the sword energy is.

The most terrible thing is that if there is no means of defense, once injured by the sword energy, it will bleed continuously. Even a great saint-level strongman can't stand this level of bleeding.

The reason why Jun Jiuyou was able to pass through is because the Jiuyou Divine Clan has a special method to seal its own blood.

Although he was cut with more than a dozen wounds on his body, no blood flowed out at all.

It is for this reason that Jun Jiuyou dared to test the sword himself.

But Ling Feng was different. His method was Zifeng.

He only needed to let Zifeng's power cover his body and constantly devour the power of the sword energy, and he would naturally be unscathed.

However, Zifeng's ability to withstand sword energy was also limited. All Ling Feng could do was to pass through this "natural chasm" as quickly as possible!


In a few blinks, Ling Feng also flew to the other side of the crack, looked back at everyone, sneered, and then left.

"Damn it!"

Everyone was so angry that they couldn't understand how Ling Feng did it.

"What treasure did this kid use?"

Some people were so envious that their eyes turned red. The farthest distance in the world is that the treasure is right in front of you, but the treasure is on the other side, and I am on this side!

"It must be that the scroll they comprehended before has the means to resist the sword energy!"

Someone gritted his teeth and said, "That Jun Jiuyou is like this, and this kid is also like this. The common point between them is that they have all comprehended the scroll!"

"Yes, it must be like this!"

Everyone was so angry that their teeth itched. However, in fact, Ling Feng and Jun Jiuyou have another thing in common, that is, they are both better than them.

But sometimes, it is too difficult to admit that others are better than you!

"Are we going to be trapped here to death? Damn, Taihua Fairy Palace is right in front of us!"

Everyone was indignant.

"No, the power of this sword energy seems to be weakening!"

After careful observation, someone found that although the power of the sword energy is still very terrifying, it has been weakened a lot compared to when they first arrived here.

As long as you wait patiently, you can pass it sooner or later.

But at that time, the good things will be taken by those who have passed through first.

This layer of "natural moat" is like a "sieve". Only truly outstanding geniuses can pass through and get the best opportunity inheritance inside.

"No, we can't let others get there first!"

"Especially that kid!"

Lan Yan was so angry that his teeth itched. He looked at Elder Jian and said hatefully: "Elder Jian, no matter what method you use, you must get through that natural chasm. I don't have much patience anymore!"


Elder Jian sighed and nodded.

If you take out the treasure at the bottom of the box, you may be able to force your way through.

In the scene, those old-fashioned saint-level powerhouses also clenched their fists. At this time, who is willing to fall behind?

Especially, it is intolerable to be beaten by Ling Feng!

This kid is so hateful!

At this time, everyone has to use their own trump cards. If they keep hiding it, they will miss the chance to become immortals!

No matter what, just expose your trump cards. Now don't expect others to help you. You can only use your own methods and rely on your own abilities.

For a while, it can be said that: Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers!

Those ancestors offered treasures that they would never use unless it was a critical moment, and rushed forward one after another. The sword energy immediately triggered the reaction of the treasures, stimulating colorful brilliance.

Some succeed, and some fail!

The successful ones pass through the natural chasm and seize their own opportunities, while the losers die and are doomed to be ruined.

The path of martial arts is to go against the will of heaven and take lives, and it is normal to fall in the middle of the journey.

After crossing the "natural chasm", Ling Feng walked to a corner, opened the Five Elements Palace, and released Yu Junyao and others.

The donkey came out with them.

As soon as he boarded the floating fairy island, this guy couldn't hold back his excitement and wanted to personally search for treasures.

"Hehe, kid, this is a treasure land!"

The donkey had a long drool at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes seemed to emit green light, looking at everything around him greedily.

Yu Junyao had seen the mean donkey before and had some knowledge of him, while Xiao Hen and Xuanyuan Yu were surprised that Ling Feng had a...

donkey by his side?

Moreover, this donkey looked weird, with a pair of dragon horns and dragon scales.

Forget about all that, although his cultivation had reached the level of a demon saint, he had not transformed. Overall, he looked like a donkey standing up!

At first glance, it looked mean, but a closer look showed that it was even meaner!

"Haha, this is my spirit pet, it doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, he really wanted to kick this worthless donkey away.

"I didn't expect that there would be a Demon Saint-level spiritual pet beside Brother Ling."

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath. He was probably no match for this black donkey alone.

Unexpectedly, after practicing hard outside for more than half a year, I originally thought that the gap between me and Ling Feng had narrowed a bit.

Now it seems that the gap seems to be even wider.

He is even worse than a donkey!

The greatest helplessness and sorrow in the world is nothing more than this!

"Look, look, there's a building ahead!"

Jianlu pointed ahead. It was a very ordinary-looking stone house. If you saw it in other places, you would naturally ignore it, but this is a floating fairy island.

The plane fragments from the Immortal Realm!

There might be a treasure hidden in that inconspicuous stone house!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Once this bitch enters the treasure hunting state, his eyesight and other aspects will increase a hundred times in an instant!

"Go and see!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and was about to set off when he heard the sound of "swish, swish" breaking wind coming from his ears.

"Don't try to seize the opportunity again!"

"Boy, you have obtained three scrolls. This stone house belongs to us!"

"Damn it, just stand there and don't move!"

But it turns out that the veteran saint-level powerhouses behind them finally passed through that chasm, even at the expense of huge costs and even exposing their cards at the bottom of the box.

Although there are not a lot of people, every one of them is definitely strong enough!

In just the blink of an eye, they were already catching up, and their target was still locked on that stone house!

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