Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2251: Losing conscience! (1 update)

Ling Feng did not hinder those guys behind him. Opportunities are not always first-come, first-served. There may not be any opportunities in that stone house, but there may be some potential dangers.

If they want to rob, let them take the lead.

At this time, a veteran saint-level strongman who rushed to the front had already landed in front of the stone house. He looked around carefully before reaching out and preparing to push the door open.

However, as soon as his palm touched the door, the door opened automatically and silently.

"The door is open!"

Everyone exclaimed for a while, and then they saw a group of warriors, their eyes flashing with light, rushing into the stone house one by one like crazy.

Also crazy was that bitch.

This guy's speed was no slower than the others, and he cursed loudly for fear of missing the opportunity.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This bitch would probably die because of the word "greed" sooner or later.

Yu Junyao, Xiao Hen and Xuanyuan Yu were doing better. Although they showed a hint of excitement, they were not as enthusiastic as the others.

The four of them were at the back of the crowd and walked into the stone house together.

The space inside the stone house was unexpectedly huge.

It looked like a grocery room, filled with rows of shelves, but they were all very empty, with almost nothing left.

Everyone's eyes widened. They didn't want to come here without any gain after spending such a huge price.

The space on the first floor was unobstructed, and everyone immediately rushed to the second floor.

The second floor seemed to be an armory, with many various weapons stacked on the shelves.

But it is a pity that none of them are complete. They have been broken into seven or eight pieces, or even more broken.

Even though this is an immortal weapon, it is really useless if it is broken into pieces like this.

Ling Feng picked up a fragment, only to find that these fragments had been severely corroded, had no toughness at all, and had completely lost the value of being recast.

There were many people around who wanted to collect these fragments, but after collecting a few pieces, they kept shaking their heads.

These fragments have no value anymore, and taking them back will only have some commemorative significance at most.

Time is indeed the most powerful force in the world. Even the once immortal and divine objects will eventually turn into a pile of junk after a long period of time.

If not, then it will take another few hundred thousand years.

"Hey, there's something!"

Yu Junyao's beautiful eyes flashed, and she suddenly found a ball of silk cloth in a corner, which seemed to be something like kraft paper. It looked like just a ball of waste paper that had been randomly discarded.

But things that have not been annihilated after such a long time, even if they are "waste paper", are probably of considerable value.

Ling Feng had quick eyesight and quick hands. When Yujunyao screamed, he picked up the ball of silk cloth and glared at Yujunyao. This woman is really brainless. There are so many people here now, and she still... I was surprised. Wasn’t this intentional to attract other people’s attention?

The so-called making a fortune in silence, the more times like this, the more you need to keep a low profile.

Unfolding the silk, the material seemed to be the fur of some kind of monster. It was very flexible, almost the size of a handkerchief, and there were some strange patterns on it, which seemed to be some monsters from ancient times.

Those with bull heads, tiger bodies, and wolf heads and horse tails are all very weird.

"Boy, hand over what you have in your hands!"

At this time, the burly man surrounded him again, bringing with him the two losers around him.

From the beginning, this guy's attention had been focused on Ling Feng. When he heard Yu Junyao's exclamation, and then Ling Feng picked up the piece of silk cloth, he immediately rushed up.

Ling Feng glanced at the burly man, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes, and said coldly: "Who do you think you are? Are you going to give it to you just because you said I would?"

The burly man was almost driven crazy by Ling Feng. He stared at Ling Feng with cold eyes and said, "Boy, I have tolerated you for a long time. I already wanted to kill you when we were outside the hall." !”

In his opinion, Ling Feng repeatedly ruined his good deeds and opposed him everywhere, but he always got huge benefits.

How could he not be jealous?

But he didn't know that he was actually thinking too much.

Ling Feng goes against him?

Humph, from the beginning, Ling Feng never paid attention to him at all.


Ling Feng shrugged and said with a nonchalant expression: "Then why am I still standing here fine?"

The burly man's eyes were filled with anger, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent. "Okay, very good! Boy, if I don't destroy you today, I won't call you Duan Tianliang!"

"Are you Duan Tianliang?"

Ling Feng looked at the burly man and couldn't help but ask.

"Hmph, have you heard of my name?"

The burly man had a look of satisfaction on his face, "If you're scared, just hand over your things!"

"No." Ling Feng shook his head, "You misunderstood. I just think that you should change your surname to Sang and Sang Tianliang is more appropriate!"


Hearing Ling Feng's words, Yu Junyao couldn't help laughing, "Haha, Sang Tianliang, that's such a good name!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Duan Liang was completely angry and said, "I will take your life today!"

With a roar, Duan Tianliang's aura surged around him, as if he transformed into a roaring tiger. He turned over with his right hands and slapped Ling Feng fiercely.

The power of the saint surged. Although Duan Tianliang was of low character, he was actually a saint-level powerhouse.

Moreover, it has at least reached the third level of the Ninth Transformation Realm!

He knew that Ling Feng was not an ordinary emperor, otherwise he would not have been able to carry the sword energy directly through him, so he used the power of the saint as soon as he took action, hoping to suppress Ling Feng in one fell swoop and make him doomed.

"That boy! He is really asking for death!"

"Hmph, although my understanding is good, it's a pity..."

The surrounding warriors who were looking for opportunities in the room all shook their heads.

Ling Feng shouldn't have completely angered Duan Tianliang.

One is at the third level of the Nine Transformations Realm, and the other is just at the Destiny Realm. The gap between them is really too big.

What's more, Ling Feng actually wants to use brute force to defeat Duan Tianliang's saint power. He is simply a frog in the well!

The power of the saint has coincided with the rules of heaven and earth. It is a power close to the rules. How can it be broken with brute force?

Unless, that kind of brute force has reached the level that can break the rules!

And Ling Feng, who is only in the imperial realm, can he have such power?

Under the gaze of everyone, Ling Feng showed no fear. Not one or two saint-level experts died in his hands.

What's more, after his trip to the Valley of the Wicked, his strength has long been different from what it used to be. In addition, when he swallowed the Forbidden Breaking Pill, he experienced the baptism of lightning and reached the point of physical sanctification.

He really doesn't look down on ordinary saints!

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