Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2257 The origin of Zifeng! (1 update)

"By the way, bitch, how do you know that the treasure is called the Demon Blood Refining Chart, and how do you know how to use it?"

Ling Feng turned back and glanced at Jianlu. If this guy hadn't said it clearly, he would have never known that this seemingly inconspicuous thing could be so powerful.

Although the consumption is indeed huge, it is undoubtedly a life-saving trump card!

As long as he has enough Yuan Jing, he will not be afraid of even those veteran great saint-level experts.

"Hmph, who is this beast!"

The bitch raised his head high, with a posture of "this divine beast is the best in the world", and said arrogantly: "There is no treasure in this world that this divine beast does not know! The demon blood refining chart, in the fairyland, is also It's not a very powerful treasure, it's very common! However, the ancient gods and demons in your Demon Blood Refining Picture are of quite a high level. Unfortunately, your Yuan Jing and Divine Sense are not strong enough and can only be used to their full potential! Just use a little bit of your strength!"

"a little bit……"

A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. In the blink of an eye, he burned tens of billions of high-grade Yuan Crystals. Is this just a tiny bit of power...

If all the power in it is stimulated, plus the eight-headed demons are summoned, what power will it be!

Gee, just thinking about it, Ling Feng felt that he was about to sweep across the entire Xuanling Continent.

However, just think about this thing. Under the immortal way, I am afraid that I will not have the chance to exert the full power of this demon blood refining diagram.

Yu Junyao, Xuanyuan Yu, and Xiao Hen all had solemn expressions on their faces. Just getting this treasure made Ling Feng's trip worthwhile!

It’s the Immortal sword skill “Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword”, and it’s the Immortal treasure Demon Blood Refining Diagram. No matter how you look at it, Ling Feng has already made a fortune.

Fortunately, Yu Junyao has learned a picture, but so far, Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen have still gained nothing!

The group continued moving forward.

This floating fairy island usually does not stay in Xuanling Continent for more than ten days. Now less than half of the time has passed, but everyone has not really entered Taihua Immortal Palace.

Heading all the way towards Taihua Immortal Palace.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountain is like running to death.

Seeing Taihua Immortal Palace in front of them, the group of people moved forward at full speed, and even after half a day, they still did not arrive at Taihua Immortal Palace.

The spatial rules of this floating fairy island seem to be very special. Even with the cultivation levels of Ling Feng and the others, they cannot achieve a hundred miles in an instant, and their speed is extremely slow.

The deeper you go into Fairy Island, the more obvious this feeling becomes.

In the end, Ling Feng even found that his body had become extremely heavy, as if suppressed by the power of space, making him unable to fly at all.

We can only move forward step by step.

After all, this is a broken plane from the Immortal Realm. To a certain extent, it still retains the rules of heaven and earth of the Immortal Realm. It is not surprising to feel this way.

In the Immortal Realm plane, the space rules must be extremely stable, otherwise, the strong men in the lower realm, not to mention the ancestral realm, even the holy-level strong men can cause the heaven and earth to collapse with a single move.

After the Immortal Dao, the power is unimaginably powerful. If it were still as fragile as the rules of heaven and earth in the Xuanling Continent, the Immortal Realm plane would probably collapse tens of thousands of times every day.

"Master, over there!"

Just when Ling Feng and his party were rushing at full speed to Taihua Immortal Palace, suddenly, Zifeng's voice sounded in his mind.

Ling Feng already knew that the Taihua Immortal Palace perished because the ancestors of the Tiandao clan were affected by the aftermath of the power during the battle with the powerful men of the Immortal Realm, which resulted in the fall of the entire Taihua Immortal Palace.

In other words, the terrifying sword energy that can be seen everywhere on this floating fairy island should actually come from his ancestors.

Zifeng was able to absorb the power of this sword energy.

Perhaps it can be guessed that Zifeng himself has some kind of connection with the Tiandao clan.

If you think about it carefully, Zifeng, as an elemental life form, can change various attributes at will, occupy the bodies of other elemental life forms, and undergo shedding and evolution.

This in itself is a very incredible thing.

He seemed to be born with various attribute changes, and as far as Ling Feng knew, there was only one power that could be like this and all-encompassing.

That is, the power of chaos!

Perhaps, Zifeng also has the same power of chaos as himself!

However, every time he sheds his shell and evolves, he can only master one attribute power, so Ling Feng has never thought about it.

But now it seems that Zifeng and the Tiandao clan are definitely inextricably linked!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's face hardened, he paused, pointed in the direction Zifeng said, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let's go there first!"


A trace of curiosity arose in Xuanyuan Yu's heart, "Taihua Immortal Palace is right in front of us. Why do we need to take a detour at this time?"

Yu Junyao also frowned and said, "I told you, you brat, what are you trying to do?"

"You don't have to come with me!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. No matter what he said, this woman had to argue with him.

This problem cannot be tolerated!

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and a sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart. He quickly grabbed Yu Junyao's shoulders and threw her aside.

Yu Junyao's eyes wrinkled when Ling Feng slapped her like this. She was about to curse, but she found that something was wrong with Ling Feng's expression. Then she heard a "clang" sound, and the place where she was standing was actually struck by a A cold light flashed across her body, and if Ling Feng hadn't thrown her away, she would have been directly pierced by the sword!

Thinking of this, a chill ran down Yujunyao's spine. She quickly activated the original divine fire and gritted her teeth and cursed: "Who dares to hurt someone with a secret arrow!"

Xiao Hen and Xuanyuan Yu also became alert, and their eyes swept around.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Although he had just thrown Yu Junyao away, in fact, the sword energy was aimed at him, but it was aimed at Yu Junyao first, which was what he needed to save the enemy.

If Ling Feng avoided it, Yu Junyao would definitely suffer, so Ling Feng chose to push Yu Junyao away and blocked the sword forcefully.

The power of this sword directly caused the energy and blood in Ling Feng's body to surge, and half of his body was slightly numb.

It has to be said that the other party is not only powerful, but also scheming.

Such an opponent is difficult to deal with!

"What a quick response!"

A cold voice came from the void, from far to near, and the next moment, several powerful men with powerful momentum were seen falling more than ten feet away from the crowd.

Only then did Ling Feng see clearly that the person coming was not a human race, but a demon race!

The leader was a demonic man with snake hair, sharp eyes, pale face, and a long letter spitting out of his mouth. He was obviously a member of the demonic snake clan.

Did the demon clan actually come after hearing the news?

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